This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 142 On that day, he tried his best to save you

Chapter 142 That day, he tried his best to save you

After all, it was only 9 minutes, and DWG's two-person tower demolition speed was not very fast. When the defense tower was almost to the last level of taper, there were only a few long-range minions left.

The blue duo had come out of the house. Tusin first went to the wild area to confirm that the red BUFF had been stolen by the opponent, and then carefully leaned towards the first tower, ready to explore the stone man grass.

The opponent ran out of soldiers, and Tusin felt that his blood tower still had a chance to save it.

Aiming stood behind the autistic grass and signaled, "Here is the hole that the female gun just inserted."

This is a classic military training eye position. Aiming didn't move forward just now because he was afraid that Rek'Sai would still be ambushing beside him.

Tusin: "Don't be afraid, I'll go ahead and look at the stone man grass to see if there is any danger."

As a result, as soon as Sett leaned over, Rexai dug out from the ground and propped Sett up, Pan Sen took over the control, and the female gun fired with all her might.

Tusin left the keyboard with both hands, "It's really dangerous, don't come here."

Sett didn't dodge, and Kalista didn't use her ultimate move. Aiming watched helplessly as his assistant was beaten to death.

In fact, there is no reason for this wave of Tusin to rely on the first tower. He admits that he is gambling.

However, Tusin itself is an aggressive support, with high risks and high returns.

If Rek'Sai is really not nearby, the KT duo can drive away and save the first blood tower. Bono has already won the canyon vanguard, and he can cooperate with Lin Cheng who is on the road to grab the first blood tower.

Come and go, one positive and one negative, the difference is the economy of thousands of teams.

Of course, if I lose this bet, I will admit it, and you will take away all the blood tower and my head money.

When Seti was killed below, Bono had already touched the exploding cone next to the red Fanghong BUFF, and was about to wait for Lucian to come over and cooperate with Lin Cheng to attack Ao En.

Although Kuro's Lucian was a bit outrageous, and Galio countered a few hits for the last hit, but during this period of time, the lane control is still in his hands, and he is not afraid of his opponent Galio's support when he runs first.

Nuguri was much more vigilant than last season. Although the prince was not seen in the triangle grass, Nuguri still felt something was wrong when his opponent pushed the line, and immediately turned around and retreated.

But it was too late, and the KT Nakano duo blocked Ornn under the first tower in time.

Lin Cheng entered the tower with a line of soldiers, and a section of E sneaked and shot.

Lin Cheng: "His ult should be a few seconds away, so hurry up."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Bono's [-]nd paragraph didn't say that he rushed over and covered Aoun with an earth shattering, and he shot down to deal the damage of the rhythm of war.

Silas made a precise hit in the second stage of E, and stole Ornn's ultimate move while shooting the chain.

Lu Xi'an slid up, making successive moves in a chic manner.

Bono's prince pulled his EQ out after two hits of damage, and was ready to go to the back to resist the damage of the defensive tower and let the opponent complete the harvest.

However, it was a coincidence that Ornn reacted just in time to launch a blazing charge.


The terrain created by the prince's ult just gave Nuguri a perfect use of his E skill. While hitting Silas, it also broke the prince's EQ.

After Aoun threw out his Q skill, he immediately started to call the sheep, and Silas also started to call the sheep.

Two flaming lava goats are coming side by side from the right screen.

Kuro started the baptism of the holy gun and fired wildly.

Nuguri didn't hand in even if he flashed. Galio hadn't reached the distance where he could support him. He knew he was going to die. Although flashing could avoid the angle of the holy gun baptism, it was also the angle from which he came with his ultimate move.

Seeing Ornn yelling at the sheep, Bono had already crossed ahead and ran out.

But the flash at this distance cannot directly exit the tower, and the defensive tower chased and attacked again.

He took the lead in resisting the defensive tower just now, but the prince was knocked into the air by Ornn, so the EQ could not be pulled away directly.

Bono: "Oh Mo! Oh Mo! I'm going to die! Who of you interrupted Ornn's big move, Lin Cheng, didn't you say that he didn't have a big move? You hurt me!"

Lin Cheng: "Maybe I misremembered, don't panic, just move around, I'll figure out a solution."

Seeing the two giant lava sheep coming in parallel, Lin Cheng had an idea.

He remembered the scene he had appeared in.

If he deliberately ran into the wrong sheep, would Niu Bao also get sick?

Aoun mistook the sheep, wouldn't the prince be safe?

But after looking at the situation on the field, Lin Cheng suddenly felt unreliable.

This shit is not a situation of a big melee, Niu Bao's grandma will not admit it wrong.

Although he thought a lot, it actually happened very quickly. Lin Cheng made a decision at the moment when the two sheep heads were about to approach.

Lin Cheng dodged directly to the right, took two steps across the terrain where the prince's ult hadn't disappeared, and just overlapped with his sheep's head, turned around and hit the left with a second R.

The giant lava sheep with Lin Cheng's mark accelerated and rushed towards Aoun.

No one could have expected Lin Cheng's operation of hitting the sheep's head in a flash.

At this time, Nuguri just pressed the second-stage R, and found that the opponent's sheep suddenly accelerated to overtake and passed his beloved lamb.


The two sheep collided, and Ornn was sent flying.

At this time, Nuguri's sheep whizzed past the head of the sheep that hurt Aoun.

Without the threat of Aoun's ultimate move, the prince pulled away from the tower in time, avoiding the next fatal attack from being chased by the defense tower.

And Lin Cheng put down the Q skill at Aoun's feet after hitting the second-stage R, and waved the chain frantically.

Lucian had been baptized with the holy gun for a while, and Aoun was beaten to death by the second chain chain that exploded under his feet when he landed, and Silas was passively beaten to death.

Lin Cheng quickly removed the hatred from the defensive tower, and then turned around to eat tapi with his teammates.

Eleven: "The prince's big move to fight against the tower, Niu Bao~~~ E skill broke the prince's EQ, and he directly asked the sheep to change, there is a chance! The prince is very dangerous!!!"

Corgi: "Wow~~~ Aoun failed to hit the sheep, Silas flashed the sheep and hit the sheep so coquettishly, this is too dare to think, Niu Bao is probably stunned, can you still play like this? This scene is interesting, Never seen it before."

Eleven: "It can be seen that the relationship between the KT players is very good. Cheng flashed up to rescue Bono like this. This proficiency must be a subconscious reaction. I can only say that the players trust each other. I will never hesitate when it comes to you."

Corgi: "Bono, you have to remember! That day, he tried his best to save you. Don't hesitate to block the knife in the future, you must remember."

"I'll knock! I'll break your sheep by flashing the sheep, it's so beautiful!"

"6666, how did he think of it? I thought the prince could only ask for blessings."

"This is unscientific. They are all sheep's heads. Why can't Ornn knock the sheep's heads back? 23333."

"Brother Cheng: I flashed and broke your waist, and you still want to hit my teammate?"

"It's no wonder that Bono was on the road before death. Brother Chengzi, a good brother, didn't pull the brakes at critical moments."

"Brother Chengzi is in the atmosphere, he wasted flashing to save his brother today, and his good brother should stand up when he takes the blame in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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