This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1424 Lin Cheng's Defying Fans

Chapter 1424 Lin Cheng's Defying Fans

After the interview for the departure ceremony, the next step is the fan meeting.

The players of the four teams sat in their respective arranged areas under the leadership of the staff, and the fans began to line up in an orderly manner to wait for the opportunity to take photos with the players.

The sponsors of this expedition ceremony were still those familiar brands. Lin Cheng got a headache when he sat in the shed and saw the table full of Red Bulls.

Mahler bastard!Can't Centennial Mountain sponsor it?

Brother Cheng wanted to drink mineral water when he was thirsty.

Red Bull drank too much urine.

After asking Chi Shengxi to buy water, Lin Cheng looked at the endless queue in front of the shed and sighed silently, lying on the table with a look of lovelessness.

Little Peanut also followed Lin Cheng's example and lay down on the table.

The audience who saw this scene in the live broadcast room have already laughed.

This scene seems familiar.

It's not the first time for Lin Cheng to liven up when he's making flirtatious remarks, and pretend to be dead at the fan meeting.

"Cheng! Look at me, look at me!"

"Look this way! Smile!"

"I love you! Lin Chengxi~~~"

The KT fans in the front row waved and greeted Lin Cheng enthusiastically across the two-meter separation line. He could only brace himself up and smile politely.

Before the autograph session started, Lin Cheng couldn't help complaining to the anxious male fans at the front of the queue:
"What kind of fan meeting are you guys running out to attend? Isn't it good to stay at home with your wife?"

"I don't have a wife, I'm still single."

"Single? Why don't you find your wife and come to see me?"

"There is no rush to find a wife, it is more important to see Cheng."

Lin Cheng made the buddy laugh, and waved his hand: "The autograph session should start soon, come up, I'll sign for you first... Where do you want to sign?"

"Can I sign my panties?"

Lin Cheng: "???"

After two seconds of silence, Lin Cheng turned his head and shouted, "Security! Security! There is a pervert!"

"Don't, don't! Just kidding!"

The fan hurriedly stopped Lin Cheng with a smile, and handed over his mobile phone, "Please sign on the back of the phone for me."

The fans around were laughing like crazy. It was rare to see a warrior molesting Lin Cheng. KT teammates took the initiative to take photos with this male fan.

There are many talents among fans, and this male fan is not the most tricky.

After taking a photo with Lin Cheng, a very beautiful young lady took the initiative to lift the hem of her T-shirt and showed Lin Cheng the Lin Cheng ID tattooed on her lower abdomen.

Lin Cheng never thought that someone would tattoo his ID in such a private place.

There is the word Che on her left groin, and the back half is covered by the denim shorts below.

The young lady also tried to pull down the waistband a little to show Lin Cheng the full tattoo, but Lin Cheng quickly stopped her.

The thong is exposed, and if you pull it down a little bit, it will be a 19-ban screen.

"Thank you very much for your support, but it's better for you to show such a private tattoo to your boyfriend... Forget it! Your boyfriend probably wants to hack me to death when he sees it."

"Ha ha!"

The young lady laughed at Lin Cheng's words, and stretched out her arms generously for Lin Cheng to sign on it.

At the same time, she also pointed to her right groin, "I will ask the tattoo artist to re-tattoo here according to your autograph, and the world competition must also work hard."


This young lady was so fierce that Lin Cheng couldn't stand it.

Fortunately, the fans behind were pretty normal, and Lin Cheng didn't encounter too embarrassing scenes again.

It was a rare opportunity to meet and communicate with the players directly, and fans also took the opportunity to send gifts prepared by themselves, and soon the table in front of Lin Cheng was piled up into a hill.

A lot of fans came to the scene today, and it took nearly an hour for the team members to rest.

When Chi Shengxi came over, he saw five people lying on the table in unison, just like the scene of lunch break in the school classroom when he was in school.

"Everyone has worked hard! After a short rest, I'm going to call it a day and go home."

Lin Cheng raised his head, casually opened a bag of chocolates given by fans, and started to eat.

"Sister Shengxi, would you like some chocolate?"

Chi Shengxi smiled, "I'm afraid you will be very sad if you know that other girls have eaten the chocolates that fans gave you."

"A man gave it to me."

Chi Shengxi: "..."

What kind of monsters are your fans?

How can a man give chocolate?
Seeing Lin Cheng eating the snacks given by the fans on the spot, the other teammates were not polite and turned into hands-on parties.

The chocolate was divided up in an instant.

The gifts and snacks sent by fans accounted for nearly half, because Lin Cheng and his teammates often complain about the lack of snacks in LOL PARK, and KT fans always send them snacks from all over the world.

Mostly tasty, and a few odd ones too.

Lin Cheng casually opened a transparent gift bag.

The bag is filled with colorful fudge.

"Hey! This kind of handmade gift bag looks like it's not ready-made, it's a candy made by fans!"

Lin Cheng threw a red fudge into his mouth.

Following the sticky feeling between his teeth, Lin Cheng slowly frowned.

"Why does this sugar smell like lard? It's disgusting."

"I bought lard candy in a Chinese store, it tastes pretty good, can you give me a taste?"

Little Peanut grabbed a white soft candy and threw it into his mouth.

After chewing twice, his expression suddenly changed.

"Ouch!!! Where is this lard? This is the smell of fried mummy!"

Everyone was confused by this description.

What the hell is a fried mummy?

The little assistant couldn't help being curious, and tasted a green fudge.

"I think it smells like essential oil."

The three tasted three flavors, and it seems that different colors have different tastes.

Lin Cheng picked up the bag suspiciously and looked at it again and again, "Who would send such unpalatable candies? Why don't you do it yourself if the craftsmanship is so poor... I suspect it's an undercover agent sent by T1 fans."

"Have you ever thought about a question?"

Mr. Dai looked serious, "The bag didn't say it was sugar, could it be that it's not for food at all?"

Chaowei: "It looks a bit like an embolism, the kind of medicine stuffed in the buttocks."


The three brothers who had just tested the drug looked at me and you, and their faces were not very good-looking.

Chi Shengxi waved his hand, "Don't scare yourself, have you seen the umbrella logo on the bag? This is a creative weird fudge. There is a DIY candy store in Myeongdong that can make it. Anyway, all kinds of weird flavors can be made. do it."

Little Peanut took a sip of Red Bull, "But I still don't think this thing is real candy. What's the point of making this kind of candy?"

"It's meaningless, the bad taste can trick friends, but there are also delicious ones."

Lin Cheng didn't believe it, "Sister Sheng Xi didn't intend to comfort us, did she? In fact, this is the medicine stuffed in the butt, right?"

Chi Shengxi: "Why do fans give you embolism? It's impossible to think about it."

Lin Cheng: "How do you know it's not a T1 fan pretending to be?"

Chi Shengxi choked, she really didn't know.

"Oh! Just trust me anyway! Don't argue with me!"

"Then try eating one."

Chi Shengxi glared at Lin Cheng unhappily.

"I lied to you with good intentions, why did you kill me?"

Lin Cheng: "..."

So, it's really not sugar?

The faces of the three of them became even worse.

Chi Shengxi finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Look! This is the disadvantage of being suspicious, are you all scared?"

"Lin Cheng, do you still dare to argue casually?"

"You just listen to me from now on! Don't mess with Lin Cheng."

 Staying up late watching games hurts your body.

  Blocking messages every day tortures the soul even more, making it uncomfortable
(End of this chapter)

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