This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1431 Football Kid Lin Cheng

Chapter 1431 Football Kid Lin Cheng
After getting ready for breakfast, Little Peanut also woke up all the guys upstairs who were still sleeping late.

Originally, the idiots of KT did not have any hope for the breakfast prepared by Lin Cheng, but Chi Shengxi's craftsmanship is really good, and the laver rice that he led Lin Cheng to make was well received.

After all, Chi Shengxi was in charge of the processing steps. All Lin Cheng had to do was cut the ingredients and open the canned tuna. Except for the few pieces of kimbap that he chopped up, Lin Cheng was quite useful in general.

"How does the seaweed soup taste?"

"It's delicious! It's even more delicious than what I got on my birthday."

"This is a technique I learned from Lin Cheng today. It will taste better after frying the dried anchovies before making the soup base. I will remember it when I make soup in the future."

While talking, Chi Shengxi blinked at Lin Cheng.

Sister Sheng Xi's boastful offensive is really unbearable.

Lin Cheng grinned, his tail was up to the sky.

Teammates expressed shock.

One dares to teach and the other dares to learn.

Lin Cheng once almost blew up the base kitchen in the middle of the night, and only dared to hide from the auntie in the cafeteria the next day.

After breakfast, the whole KT team went to the sports field in the resort to change into professional equipment in the morning, and played football after warming up.

Koreans basically watch football per capita. Even Mr. Dai, who is usually introverted, is also a football fan, and Peanut is a Nan Da Wang fan.

Of course, watching the game is watching the game, and it is two different things to really let these guys play off the field.

They are not fake fans, but they don't have many sports opportunities. The best is to play FIFA and live games.

But Lin Cheng is different. Two years ago, he was the core midfielder of the Seoul National University Football Club. Lin Cheng's skills are still good.

More importantly, Lin Cheng's physical fitness is simply a blow to dimensionality reduction compared to other people.

Ji Shengxi is the referee, and the team holds a 4v4 football match.

Lin Cheng, Mr. Dai and the two handsome guys from the working group are in the blue side, and Peanut, Evert, Chaowei and another fat guy are in the very red side.

beep! ! !
After the opening whistle sounded, Mr. Dai handed the ball to Lin Cheng and started walking. Chaowei approached aggressively from behind.

Although Chaowei is 1.9 meters tall, but his body is too thin. Lin Cheng is a Henry-style back guarding the ball.

Pulling the ball and turning around, Lin Cheng glanced at the positions of the remaining opponents.

Except for Fatty who was guarding the goal, Little Peanut and Evert were standing a few meters away from Lin Cheng, one on the left and one on the right, and they were all trying to get up.

Lin Cheng resolutely threw the ball between the two, took a step forward and started sprinting.

Lin Cheng's start burst was very strong, and he jumped over the peanut butter that was grabbing in two steps.

Xiao Huasheng subconsciously stretched out his hand to pull him, but he just touched the corner of Lin Cheng's clothes and was thrown away instantly.

The little assistant on the other side who was lagging behind immediately wanted to turn around and chase the ball. Lin Cheng, who started first, stepped forward with his long legs and quickly overtook him. Easily run over the small assistant and run forward.

From Chi Shengxi's referee's point of view, the speed comparison between the two sides was too obvious, and Lin Cheng pulled away from the position of the assistant like lightning.

The playing field was small, and Lin Cheng waded the ball nearly six meters away from the midfield. When he caught up with the ball again, he was already in front of the penalty area.

The fat brother who was guarding the goal chose to abandon the goal and attack.

Realizing that he was too slow, Fat Brother subconsciously lowered his body and threw it along the turf, heading straight for the ball.

Lin Cheng caught up with the ball ahead of time and tiptoed.

The football lightly passed over the head of the goalkeeper who fell to the ground.

At the same time, Lin Cheng also jumped up, dodging the opponent's defense in a chic way.

The football landed and rolled forward, and Lin Cheng hurried over.

Facing the empty door, he gently pushed the arch of his foot.

The football hits the ground.

beep! ! !
Chi Shengxi pointed to the center circle, indicating that the goal was valid.

Before the whistle was blown, Chi Shengxi had already dropped the whistle and jumped up excitedly.

"Wow!! Lin Cheng! Lin Cheng is so good! So amazing! Are you Superman?"

Lin Cheng trotted over to give Chi Shengxi a high-five to celebrate. The smile on his face was as bright as if he had led the Chinese men's football team to the World Cup.

The rest of the field is already stupid.

What did they see?

Lin Cheng started with the ball in the midfield, and with only two touches, he used an explosive sprint to pass the red side, and then picked the ball past the goalkeeper to hit an empty goal.

What kind of e-sports are you playing with such technical moves?Shouldn't you be playing professional football?

"Mo? Is this guy so good at football?"

"It's outrageous! I didn't even realize it."

"How many seconds has it been since the game started? I didn't even touch the ball."

"Pato! Pato!"

The teammates all ran over to celebrate the goal. Mr. Dai obviously thought of the lightning goal that Milan forward Pato faced Barcelona in the Champions League.

Although the size of the field is very different, and the defensive strength is even more different, Lin Cheng's explosive power is really a shadow of Pato's ball.

A group of people gathered around and discussed Lin Cheng's goal frantically, even the opponent was very excited.

After waiting for a while, everyone calmed down and kicked off again.

Finding Lin Cheng's strength, the opponent strengthened their defense against Lin Cheng, but unfortunately their technical level is really poor, Lin Cheng's sneaking around this group of fools is like playing games.

Then the other side started to get started.

Despite Chi Shengxi's stern warning that no major defensive moves are allowed, the idiots should still get started.

Anyway, they don't let go of the shovel, at most they do some small movements.

Can Chi Shengxi still send them off with a red card?
There were only 8 people on the field, so Chi Shengxi can go up and kick by himself if he gets a red card?

However, despite the opponent's constant small moves, Lin Cheng still completed a crushing performance.

There was even such a scene on the field.

The little assistant was hanging on Lin Cheng's shoulder, and Peanut Butter was dragging and pulling behind him. The two of them deformed Lin Cheng's jersey.

But Lin Cheng was still hanging on like a bulldozer, and the two unreasonably hit the ball into the goal, making Chaowei call Africa Andy Lau directly.

After half an hour of the game, Lin Cheng and Hong Fang were already drenched in sweat.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng's three teammates' hairstyles were not messed up.

Except for catching the ball occasionally, they all watched Lin Cheng fight hand-to-hand with the four people on the opposite side, and even the goalkeeper buddy squatted by the door and played with his mobile phone.

The final score was 9:0, and Lin Cheng won nine yuan alone.

It can only be said that there is a gap between amateur players.

After the football match ended, everyone took a short break before the live-action shootout began.

Fully armed, a group of people arranged tactics to shoot each other in the jungle, and the scene was thrilling.

In the afternoon, it was mountain racing. The KT Red Bull Racing Team was established. All members drove four-wheel motorcycles around the foot of the mountain, enjoying the speed and passion.

There are a lot of activities in the resort, and the next two days, everyone had a great time.

On September 9th, the entire KT team returned to Seoul after finishing team building, preparing for tomorrow's departure.

(End of this chapter)

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