This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1436 Brother Holy Gun: Sin!

Chapter 1436 Brother Holy Gun: Sin!

He is thinking of me.

I don't know if it's because the fan filter is too heavy, Wanwan always thinks of Lin Cheng as warm and caring.

After confirming that Lin Cheng would not continue to rank, Wanwan waved to the camera with a happy face.

"It's too late, everyone go to rest, Brother Chengzi won't rank again today, see you tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, the water friend will not be given time to react, and the broadcast will be broadcast at the speed of light.

The live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

"Fuck!what's the situation? "

"Is it news from Brother Chengzi just now?"Laughing so sweet every night? "

"You don't have to be in such a hurry to download it?What are you busy doing? "

"The master's task is nothing more (face fever)"

"Woo~~~ Wanwan went to play a private game with Brother Cheng Zi, I can't imagine how much fun they played"

"Come back soon, late!Brother Orange is not as comfortable as me licking"

"unbelievable! "

Just after six o'clock, Lin Cheng and his teammates went to have dinner together after the game.

In the evening, instead of continuing to rank, Lin Cheng studied the hero selection of other players to see if he could steal some understanding from others.

After all, brainstorming, maybe others will find a better version of the answer.

On the other hand, four LPL teams also arrived in Iceland today.

As soon as Brother Holy Gun landed in Iceland, he knew that Lin Cheng's European server had pre-registered his ID.

Originally, the two didn't have much interaction, but Brother Saint Gun is still a little happy now.

After all, Lin Cheng is recognized as the number one top laner in the world, being recognized by Lin Cheng also shows his strength.

Then, after getting the super number, Saint Gun changed his ID backhand: KT Cheng,

He also deliberately added a dot at the end to ensure that there were no duplicate names.

There is back and forth, the interaction between two people should be like this.

However, Brother Holy Gun soon regretted his reckless move.

He didn't know how much sin Lin Cheng committed in the European server half a year ago.

During the MSI period, Lin Cheng climbed to the top of the European server and slaughtered all the way. Even after the European server players rushed to snipe, they still couldn't resist his pace.

Before the S match, there were already many European server players gearing up to show Lin Cheng a good look.

Moreover, the European server also has actors.

Wan Wan had just exposed Lin Cheng's ID for a day, and most players in the European server didn't know what Lin Cheng's ID was. Now when they met KT Cheng, they all thought it was Lin Cheng himself.

Then still not ruthless?

As a result, Holy Gun was hit by unprecedented attacks as soon as he entered the European server.

First-level five-person package, third-level support swim, and the opposite Nakano live...

Pretty cruel.

Brother Saint Gun feels that he has never been targeted like this in LPL.

What's even more exaggerated is that the actors are rampant. Brother Holy Gun has to beware not only of his opponents but also of his own people.

In the end, Holy Gun finished 3 wins and 7 losses in the qualifying match, and was ranked Platinum [-].

The moment the grading was completed, Holy Gun was a little dazed looking at the rank mark on the screen.

He just arrived in Iceland yesterday, why did he get up at seven o'clock in the morning and work hard to rank?

It happened that my sister passed by from behind, "Oh! Li Xuanjun, why are you so miserable? Are you set for platinum?"

Brother Holy Gun scratched his head dejectedly, his eyes glazed over.

"Someone play me!"

The younger sister patted him on the shoulder and left.

He could tell that Li Xuanjun had been rendered delirious.

Sitting blankly for a while, Brother Saint Gun finally figured out the key to the matter.

no!He couldn't blame Lin Cheng.

Brother Holy Gun quickly changed his ID to avoid further high-intensity targeting in the future.

At the same time, Brother Holy Gun posted his qualifying match record on Weibo, with a sad expression.

commit a sin! (cover face)

Seeing this Weibo post, domestic players have gone crazy with laughter.

Lin Cheng's ID is so easy to use?

What's more, it was only half a year ago that Lin Cheng set off a bloodbath on the European server. Every player on the European server still hates him. Why do you think you chose this name?

Brother Chengzi, you have done all kinds of bad things!
Let's see what happened to Gunbao.

Lin Cheng didn't know about these things, and was still working hard on RANK.

At six o'clock in the evening, Lin Cheng's second day's rank also came to an end.

Eleven wins in a row.

Lin Cheng never lost a game today. Although not all matches were smooth sailing, he filled in the holes no matter how big his teammates were.

In addition to yesterday's six wins, Lin Cheng's [-]-game winning streak has successfully reached the rank of master.

"Wow!! 100% winning rate is a master! Brother Chengzi's scoring speed is too scary."

It's already [-] o'clock in the morning on BJ time, and Wanwan was beaming in the live broadcast room, full of energy, "No one doubts Brother Chengzi's RANK now, right? You're still talking about his Hanbok every day."

Her expression was a bit proud, "Brother Chengzi did not have a very high score in Hanbok this season, but that is because he has few ranks and often engages in scientific research. When Brother Chengzi starts to rank seriously, you will know the gap between him and other players. "

After a pause, Wan Wan suddenly smiled like a cunning little fox.

"Most of the teams have already arrived in Iceland. Brother Cheng has already reached masters with [-] ranks, and some of them are still Platinum Boys."

"I can't hold back anymore!Wan Wan's face, 233333"

"Cold Knowledge, Two Hours ago, Brother Saint Gun was successfully graded Platinum [-]"

"Holy Gun: Are You Polite"

"The main reason is that Gun Bao's brain is wattless, and he is wearing an orange vest in the European server. I really don't want to understand"

"Happy News: The big anchor and brother Guozi just got platinum one"

"Even European servers can't fry fish? LPL sent it! "

"Looking at Chengzi's abuse of food, do you really treat European server players as human beings?"There are not many professional players with a negative winning percentage.”

"It can only be said that Brother Orange is too fierce"

"During the MSI, I remember that Brother Cheng got into the master class after 16 rounds. Why did he only get into the master class after 17 rounds this time?"Hidden points changed? "

"Is Brother Orange going to massacre the European server again?"I seem to see that everyone is out of breath.”

"The main reason is that Cuzz didn't know why he went there. When Cuzz takes the RANK, it won't be Brother Chengzi who dominates"

"Where's Brother Cuzz?I just want to see Brother Cuzz digging through European clothes"

RANK still ended at six o'clock, Lin Cheng coaxed the little girl to rest, and started browsing the forum after having dinner with his teammates.

Because Lin Cheng directly reported his teammate ID to Wan Wan, the KT team's wonderful ID made the domestic audience shout outrageous.

The taste is too strong.

Especially the bot lane duo, the composition of these KT guys once aroused heated discussions.

KT's untitled combination stole our LPL bottom lane champion limited ID, right?

Brothers, charge 'em.

Weibo guide: Xiangxiang QAQ
And Lin Cheng only found out about the news that Brother Saint Gun was rendered delirious by European server players because he used his vest.

After reading what happened, Lin Cheng felt a little guilty.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a Weibo, so he didn't go to Brother Holy Gun's Weibo to say sorry.

After thinking about it, Lin Cheng simply logged into the game and changed his ID.

Return the vest to you, Brother Holy Gun, I don't owe you anything.

If Brother Holy Gun still refused to forgive himself, Lin Cheng thought that he could also ask for an autograph from Tian Xiaojuan and her teammates.

Regarding the new ID, Lin Cheng finally finalized it after careful consideration.

Tara Go
This can also be regarded as an expression of support for the upcoming new album of Ji Yeon and sister-in-law.

 Longcha really won! ! !

  Mr. Dai's dream came true.

  Kingen is amazing today, Qinggang Shadow + Sword Demon are his signatures, so this is his version?
  Zeus was also miserable. Last year, when he was just old enough to play, he was beaten by Kingen Jess and went off the bench.

  As a result, this year was going to be the top of the world, and the final was beaten by Kingen again.

  In the end, uncle is the biggest loser, right?

(End of this chapter)

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