Chapter 1441 Special Food
Raising his glass to the audience with a sense of ceremony, Lin Cheng took a sip of Red Bull as if tasting red wine, and then put down the glass.

"I don't like dipping my steak in egg yolks, eat the omelette first."

Without chopsticks, Lin Cheng struggled to pick up the half-cooked fried egg from the middle with a fork.

Taking a bite carefully, the fried egg fell down.

Lin Cheng continued to use the fork, tried repeatedly and found that it was difficult to pick up the fried egg after taking a bite, and he got a little angry.

"Hey West~~~~"

He simply grabbed the fried egg and stuffed it into his mouth.

Chi Shengxi reminded: "Be more elegant."

"Hmm... How can I be elegant without chopsticks?"

Lin Cheng puffed out his cheeks and chewed non-stop, and muttered loudly, "Chopsticks are really the greatest invention. I have never understood why Westerners use forks to eat half-cooked fried eggs and noodles."

Lin Cheng's complaints won the sympathy of the water friends, and the Koreans and Chinese in the live broadcast room reached an agreement on this aspect.

Of course, it is inevitable that the handsome boy who came on the fence began to worry that the Koreans would also steal this great invention of chopsticks.

"This guy is really bad at eating."

Seeing Lin Cheng's rough eating in the live broadcast room, Ju Li couldn't help but complain.

Since the fried eggs were runny, Lin Cheng had a little bit of egg yolk on his fingers, and that scene was really hard to watch.

Anyway, if Ju Li was killed, she wouldn't eat so inelegantly in front of the audience.

Seeing that Jiyan was about to refute herself when she tilted her head, Ju Li reached out to cover her mouth first.

"You are not allowed to speak, I know you are going to speak to Lin Cheng again."


Zhiyan pulled her sister's hand away unconvinced, "I didn't talk to Lin Cheng...but he is really handsome, even if he eats like this, he looks good."

Ju Li threatened, "If you keep facing him like this, my sister will ignore you."

Zhiyan curled her lips, "Just ignore me... Anyway, I don't like to hear what you can say."

Juli: "???"


Xiaomin and Enjing finally couldn't hold back their laughter, and they hugged each other and laughed together.

On the other hand, Chi Shengxi didn't bother to care about Lin Cheng's eating, anyway, even if Lin Cheng was eating upside down, the group of licking dogs in the live broadcast room would probably only applaud.

"Share with you how you have adapted to life in Iceland these days?"


Lin Cheng swallowed the fried egg, grabbed French fries and dipped them in ketchup, and shared his experience in Iceland with the audience in the live broadcast room while eating.

There were very few French fries on the plate, and after Lin Cheng finished eating, he started to deal with the steak again.

Chi Shengxi looked at his mobile phone, "You just hit the top ten in the European server, can you tell me the secret of getting so fast?"

"The secret is to try to play every game well, don't choose bastards and rely on your teammates for your own Carry game."

"Then what do you think are the differences between the European server and the Korean server?"


Lin Cheng frowned, "Perhaps the European server players are more enthusiastic? Some enthusiasm is too much."

During this period of time, Lin Cheng didn't feel much about his RANK scoring speed, but the big brothers in the European server in the game were too capable.

All kinds of large-scale teasing from inside news made Lin Cheng gnash his teeth in the game.

"Oh~~~Yes! Come on! F**K me"

"Cheng!!! I Love U!"

"I want FK U!"

It's not the opponent scolding him, it's the teammates playing mentality.

They even sent the news to the public screen to engage in Lin Cheng's mentality with the opposite party.

This is the king of European clothes?
If Lin Cheng hadn't been in a good mood, he might have been about to show off right away.

This is probably due to cultural differences. Some guys in Europe and the United States like to express their emotions in such a nonsensical and even vulgar way. They feel that they are just calling 666 to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng could only grit his teeth and pretend he didn't see it.

Hearing Lin Cheng's narration, the audience in the live broadcast room were all happy.

This guy always speaks out to disturb the mentality of other players, so it turns out that he himself has been disturbed sometimes?

"Have you ever encountered unfriendly players in RANK?"

"That's not true. Players on the European server seldom swear least I haven't encountered it much."

In fact, the overall quality of European server players is still good, even if they are a little rude, they are not all malicious.

Relatively speaking, the national server is much more powerful in terms of offensive interaction, and some people even go in and start cursing for no reason. This situation is especially exaggerated in low-end games.

Lin Cheng remembered that when he was still in high school, he had a classmate who liked to interact with people because he was good at playing games, but he often couldn't get scolded, so he finally chose to turn on the accelerator and go to the European server to play.

Lin Cheng was lucky enough to watch the battle a few times, and found that his classmate was still very angry after running to the European server, and often asked for interaction.

But most of the time, no one paid attention to him, and it was normal communication.

Until one day, I finally encountered a troll.

The two became friends and spat on each other. Lin Cheng's classmate's lack of English vocabulary typed out F**K, B****H and the like, and he also tried to search for vocabulary from Lin Cheng.

Unexpectedly, the English level on the other side was even worse, and he couldn't even type an asterisk.

But even then, both sides could feel the other's anger across the screen.

at last.

It appears.

"cao ni ma."

After working for a long time, the opposite side was still my own.

Lin Cheng didn't hold back, he almost went crazy laughing at that time.

I don't know how many trolls in the foreign server are from the national server to open up overseas markets.

In this case, it cannot be said how high the quality of the foreign server is, but it is true that relatively speaking, there are more trolls on the national server.

This is mainly related to the large number of domestic players.

The more people, of course the more trolls.

It cannot be said that the quality of our people is worse. (Desire to Survive·Jpg)

Of course, when Lin Cheng was in middle school, he only played low-end games in China, and he was generally high-ranked on foreign servers. Maybe the low-end games on foreign servers also smell as bad as the national server.

"The play-in competition starts tomorrow, will you watch the competition?"

"Look, I made a bet with my brother, if they can defeat LNG in the opening game tomorrow, I will treat him to the most unique food in Iceland."

The audience in the live broadcast room joked one after another, wanting to know whether Lin Cheng really wanted to see GEN·G win or lose.

Chi Shengxi sensed that something was wrong, "The Icelandic specialty food you mentioned, shouldn't it be shark meat?"

Lin Cheng smiled shyly, "Sister Sheng Xi, do you want to eat together?"

"No! Thank you!"

Chi Shengxi refused, and explained to the audience in the live broadcast room by the way: "Shark meat is indeed a special food in Iceland...but it is definitely not delicious, and it is even very, very, very bad...More The kind worse than canned herring."

Suddenly, the live broadcast room became lively.

"Depend on!Lin Cheng is so insidious! "

"If Rascal wins tomorrow, I don't know what his expression will be if he comes to the banquet happily?" "

"It's just a young lady's description, I already feel unpalatable, KKKKK"

"Brother is so gentle and kind, Lin Cheng, why do you treat him like this (crying)"

After finishing the steak, Lin Cheng glanced at the pizza box next to him with some insatiable interest.

That was Ji Shengxi's lunch.

Seeing Lin Cheng's eyes, Chi Shengxi pushed the pizza to Lin Cheng.

"Let's eat, I'll order lunch again later."

Lin Cheng was immediately happy, and unceremoniously opened the pizza box, "Sister Sheng Xi, you are a good person."

"Miss Sister is so warm!woo woo woo~~~》

"Brother Cheng sent a good person card to Mr. Chi without knowing it (funny)"

"Steak + Pizza, This Heat Explosion"

"Is this the developmental ability of the world's number one top laner? "

Seeing Lin Cheng's hearty smile in the live broadcast room, Zhiyan got a little apprehensive, "Since when did Lin Cheng like pizza? Come back, sister, please eat your fill."

The three sisters sniggered beside them.

En Jing said casually: "You even eat Sheng Xi's jealousy? Sheng Xi is such a good girl."


Ji Yeon immediately denied, "It's her real girlfriend's job to be jealous, why should I be jealous? Really..."

Before the words fell, I saw the half-smiles of the sisters.

Zhiyan refused to obey, and rushed over at once.

"Stop laughing! You should be facing me at this time."

(End of this chapter)

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