This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1443 The opening match of the group stage

Chapter 1443 The opening match of the group stage
Except for LNG and GEN·G in the first day of the play-in competition, there was some confrontational strength, and the rest of the wild card teams obviously have not completely separated from their own leagues.

In terms of hero selection, they are basically the ones they use the most in the league. Wild card teams such as jungler Qiyana who currently have a high rank strength but rely on player proficiency have no choice.

Including Lucian + Nami, the combination that all bot lanes are currently practicing is also mostly banned. Many wild card teams, regardless of blue or red, are in their own bans. They seem to prefer female guns, which are simple to operate and have a high minimum limit. AD.

In addition to hero selection, the wild card team also has some obvious flaws in terms of basic skills and tactical literacy. When playing in a team, the players feel a little flustered on the court.

On the first day alone, several anti-sky operations were born.

The prince flashed and hit the wall, and then the four of them EQed empty on their faces.

The female gun has a perfect big move position, but R flashes to interrupt the big move by herself.

There is even an operation of in-situ DF Erlian flashing face-to-face transmission when the sideband is caught.

It's not that LCK and LPL players won't make these low-level mistakes, but such dense and frequent operational mistakes by wild card teams seem to be a problem.

Although GEN·G lost the competition on the first day, Lin Cheng still invited his brother to eat Icelandic specialties in the evening.

Of course, not shark meat.

If GEN G wins, Lin Cheng doesn't mind tricking Rascal, but since he loses, Lin Cheng doesn't add fuel to the fire.

In addition to dark dishes, Icelandic specialties include salmon and lobster. I ate with a smile on my face, and I couldn’t see the haze of just losing to LNG.

The photo of the two of them having dinner was also uploaded to SNS by the elder brother, which caused the LPL audience to shout that it was not good.

broken!Lin Cheng is teaching Rascal the tricks of sword girls.

The next time an LPL team meets, I have to give my brother Daomei a hand of respect.

The play-in competition this time was not as lively as last year. There was no fourth seed in Europe, and the fourth seed of LPL and LCK did not dry up with the fish in the fish pond.

Three days passed, and two through places for the finalists were born.

Little Kirin LNG is also considered to be competitive, winning 4-0 in Group A and directly advancing to the group stage.

The direct promotion places in Group B were won by DFM.

Although C9 led by Ah P defeated DFM head-on on the first day, they lost backhand to BYG and the two teams ended up with the same points. Through the BO1 playoff, DFM successfully avenged C9 and entered the main match.

This is also the first time for DFM to enter the group stage of the global finals. The entire LJL division is boiling, and Evi finally has the opportunity to give a symbolic praise in front of the audience all over the world in the main match.

Although they lost the chance to advance directly, GEN·G and C9 are teams in the competition area after all, and their strength is still much stronger than the wild cards.

The two teams did not make any mistakes, and they easily advanced to the main match with two 3:0 in the knockout stage of the finalists.

So far, due to the principle of avoidance in the same competition area, the fact that the teams in the three major competition areas did not overturn in the qualifying round means that the group stage is automatically divided into groups.

Group A: KT, FPX, RGE, C9
Group B: EDG, 100T, T1, DFM
Group D: MAD, DK, TL, LNG
Just one day after the finalists, the whole KT team participated in the shooting of the promotional video for the first day of the group stage.

The shooting of the promotional video for the group stage is relatively simple. Just put on two poses and say a few lines. If it is too troublesome, it will be difficult for Riot to make a promotional video every game day after the players are playing.

On October 10, the group stage officially started.

The opening game has always been the highlight, and this time Riot specially arranged a direct dialogue between KT and FPX.

In order to take care of the Asian audience, the opening game will start at eleven o'clock in the morning local time in Iceland.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the whole KT team got on the bus early and headed to the competition venue.

The venue for this S game is still the Laugardalur Sports Center, but it is different from MSI, the competition venue has been changed from the original B hall to the larger A hall.

When filming the promotional video, Lin Cheng and his teammates had already stepped on the venue in advance. In fact, the venue layout this time is not much different from that at MSI. I don’t know what is the significance of the organizer changing to Hall A.

The atmosphere in the KT lounge is very relaxed. Everyone plays with their mobile phones and chats with each other.

On the other side, the camera in the FPX lounge recorded their pre-war mobilization.

Doinb is brainwashing his teammates in front of the camera.

"Come on guys! Although we lost a lot against KT in the scrims, the games are different from the scrims."

"Actually, the opponent's top laner is not that strong, so we don't have to be afraid of him."

"Play our true strength, and then don't be afraid of losing."

"3, 2, 1, come on!"

The Chinese streaming broadcaster has already released the first-day promotional video.

Although Lin Cheng felt very perfunctory during the filming yesterday, but the post-production of the fist is still very powerful.

DFM mid laner Ari was the first to appear on the screen. He walked out of the hazy light gate, which symbolized the history of the LJL division and broke out of the play-in competition.

Stepping into a dark blue space, Ari looked left and right, and found the summoner trophy on the high platform in the middle,
He hesitated, but looked at the trophy eagerly.

This scene seems to indicate that the summoner trophy is a bit far away for the teams in the wild card division, but they still desire it.

Finally, Ari couldn't help but stepped forward and slowly stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the trophy.

A soft hum sounded.

Ari turns her head.

A tall and slender figure slowly emerged from the blue mist, and his face could not be seen clearly.

"Hands off."

A calm and unquestionable voice sounded.

"do not move!"

Another voice sounded.

On the other side came out a figure wearing an FPX jacket. It was the FPX mid laner Doinb.

His Chinese is fairly standard.

"The trophy is mine."

Doinb stepped forward and stood next to the summoner's trophy.

The camera shows the figure in the fog.

"Not anymore."

A calm voice sounded, and the figure slowly raised its head.

Following this movement, the mist around him gradually disappeared, revealing his true face.

It was Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng's upper body was straight, and he stepped forward slowly.

The clear footsteps seemed to create great pressure in this space, and Doinb looked solemn.

Ari glanced at Lin Cheng, and silently took a step back.

Lin Cheng's appearance was calm and oppressive, and the reactions of the other two players alone made Lin Cheng look like the devil of the abyss.

"Fuck!Brother Orange is so handsome! "

"Nima is not fair!Coin brother appeared like a monkey, why does he have fog effects? "

"Just because he was the last champion, and MSI is also the champion, the trophy belongs to him"

"Does anyone remember that the trophy from the year before last was still Brother Coin's?" "

"It's not long ago! "

"I can't hold back anymore!There were two Koreans and one Chinese on the field, but there was not a word of Korean.”

"Guess who is the chosen Huazi? (funny)"

"I vote for a coin brother"

(End of this chapter)

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