This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1453 I want to watch the coach dance pole dance

Chapter 1453 I want to watch the coach dance pole dance

After winning the first game, Lin Cheng gave Little Peanut a high-five according to the old habit.

Taking off the earphones and seeing the camera pointing at himself, he smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Immediately afterwards, the camera was given to the other side.

Brother Coin sat on the chair with a livid face, with a hint of dissatisfaction on his face.

Taking off the earphone with one hand, Doinb even turned his head to look at his right hand side.

I don't know if he is looking at the KT player over there, or Xiaotian next to him.

"Brother Coin has this expression, can we crush them when we meet again next time?" "

"I'm afraid it's not that he's going to go down and beat Xiaotian violently (eat melon)"

"This round is really outrageous!Every wave blows up the rhythm, is this what people do? "

"This prince's top war criminal!The kind that has been rare throughout the ages"

"Depression has committed!Is such that"

"The nightmare on the face of the last wave of EQ can be empty, and then the backhand big move puts Galio and Olaf together, labor and management are laughing"

"One thing to say, none of the two Nakano brothers is innocent. Is there Galio in this one? "

"I think the mid laner is more criminal, every line is blown up and it makes no sense to blame the jungler"

"Tell a joke, the world's number one Galio"

"Steak: Brother Coin is the absolute core here"

"Little Heizi can't take it anymore? In 19, FPX didn't start well, so why not win the championship? "

"Believe in FPX!We will fight better and better"

Due to the epidemic, players from both sides do not need to shake hands after the game.

The loser left sadly, and the five FPX players left silently with their keyboards and mice.

All members of KT stood in front of the stage and lined up, bowing to the audience in front of the screen as winners.

The cameraman indicated that everyone could interact with the audience.

Lin Cheng stretched out his right hand, overlapping his thumb and index finger, ready to compare his heart.

In the end, Little Peanut grabbed Lin Cheng by the waist.

"Come on! Let's pick him up."

"Why? Crazy? Let me go!"

Regardless of Lin Cheng's objection, the teammates stretched out their hands together.

Evert hugged Lin Cheng's leg, Chaowei lifted Lin Cheng's butt with both arms, Little Peanut put his arms around his waist, Mr. Dai put his hands on Lin Cheng's back, and the four of them hugged Lin Cheng vigorously together.

The four of them also swung their arms like a cradle, treating Lin Cheng as a baby.

"Steady yourself up."

"Lin Cheng, you are so heavy, I want to let go."

Although the four of them were lifting, Lin Cheng had been exercising a lot all year round, and Mr. Dai's old waist couldn't bear it.

"you dare!"

Lin Cheng hugged Mr. Dai, fearing that he would be thrown on the ground.

"Fuck! Don't trick me, you guys."

The audience in front of the screen was stunned, and Lin Cheng's straight-sounding 'fuck' made the Chinese-speaking audience even more uncomfortable.

"What are you doing? 233333》

"Such Beautiful Chinese (Cover Your Face)"

"Brother Chengzi looks so shy, he died laughing"

"Wanwan not only wants to compete with Mrs. Cheng, but is Brother Chengzi's teammates also competitors? "

"Weeping and fainting at the commentary booth late at night"

"One thing to say, these forced expressions seem to be really difficult"

"It would be fun if Brother Chengzi was hit on the ground"

"Wait for the KT club to make an announcement. Due to improper celebration by the players, Cheng broke his arm and he will be absent from the next World Championship tour"

"It turned out that FPX wanted to use their own sacrifices in exchange for KT's explosion, I cried to death!" "

"Then the manager is warming up, right? "

After experiencing the thrilling celebration, Lin Cheng followed his teammates back to the waiting room intact.

"Everyone did a great job, let's keep going."

"come on!"

Kang Dongxun patted the shoulders of his lovers one by one at the door.

Lin Cheng teased, "Coach, can you change your moves? I've been patting the shoulders for praise since last year, and I'm tired of watching them."

Little Peanut interjected, "It's not just last year. When I was in KZ in S8, the coach liked to pat us on the shoulders one by one at the gate after winning the game."

"Really? Isn't it boring? What did the coach say? Change the way of encouragement."

Kang Dongxun thought for a while, "Then how do you want me to change?"

Lin Cheng said loudly, "Pole dancing!"

Kang Dongxun launched his death stare.

"Are you kidding... What dance do you know? We can discuss it."

Kang Dongxun silently took out his own small book for BP, and began to write and draw on it.

It seems that he is holding a grudge.

The crowd laughed.

The Chinese stream commentary seat is still replaying the game screen in real time. There is nothing to say about the situation being too bad. In addition to the problem of laning, the commentary additionally mentioned the problem of FPX's lack of sensitivity to the version.

When I came to Iceland, even LNG came up with new things in the play-in competition, and FPX is still the same as its own league.

There are almost no teams playing heroes like Galio Titans in the finals. It can be seen that FPX has not explored their own things in the new version, or they have new things that have not yet been brought out.

Zeyuan: "Although the result of the opening match was not too bad, I still believe in Little Phoenix! It may not be a bad thing to lose a game first, and there will be opportunities to adjust later."

Remember: "That's right! It's a gradual evolution process for the World Championships to become champions. Exposing all the problems in BO1 actually helps the team to correct them in time. It's better than discovering problems at the beginning of BO5."

Before the voice finished, the replay of the game ended, and the post-match data panel came out.

Seeing that Xiaotian's prince had dealt 4397 damage, Zeyuan was the first to lose his grip.

Zeyuan: "Good guy! 4397! First clam today!"

I remember laughing out loud: "It's a pass, okay? This injury has already passed the pass line, Xiao Tian really tried her best."

Although Wan Wan didn't speak, the camera cut back and the audience clearly saw the corners of her mouth crazily raised.

The barrage exploded.

"Good guy!Remember this sentence, try your best, it's too difficult to stretch"

"A little more than the factory director 4396, it is true that this wave of Xiaotian won"

"Xiaotian: I'm better than the factory manager"

"Please call him Hirocho!A little more than the factory manager (dog head)"

"Open the factory again, you little blackies, wait, EDG will come to liquidation after winning the championship"

"Laugh if you want to laugh every night, don't hold back"

"I don't know if she is laughing because Brother Chengzi won, or because she saw Xiaotian's output, but she is really cute"

"The commentary also said that the BO1 exposure problem can evolve, but it has never considered that FPX may not be able to play BO5 (funny)"

"Don't be embarrassing!Can't beat KT, isn't it easy to handle Europe and the United States? "

"Let's put it here, FPX must be impossible to be the top 16"

After waiting in the lounge for a while, Lin Cheng accepted the interview invitation of the Chinese stream, and followed the staff to the interview area.

The interview area of ​​the venue is not large. Compared with the MSI World Championship, there are more interview teams from each competition area. After each game, each language stream will apply for interviewing players, and the invited players can only be done in batches. interview.

Xiran was the host of the Chinese Stream interview. Last time in Iceland, she joked about lending Lin Cheng her scarf.

The two greeted each other, and the interview soon began.

Xiran: "Congratulations to KT for winning this game. We invited Cheng to interview after the game. Let's say hello to everyone."

Lin Cheng greeted the audience very politely.

Xiran: "I won the opening game with a perfect performance. Let me share with the audience how I feel now."

Lin Cheng: "Of course I am very happy to win the game. I thought that the first game in Iceland would be very difficult, because FPX is also the favorite to win the championship before the game...but they played surprisingly well."

After speaking, Lin Cheng's tone became lighter, and the barrage exploded in the Chinese live broadcast room.

"Brother Cheng Zi's Face, 233333"

"FPX: Are you polite? "

"Brother Orange is too bad!Bullying 3 Chinese with [-] Koreans (crying)"

"Don't be embarrassing!The coin brother chooses Huazi, there are only five Koreans on the field"

"One thing to say, FPX is really good, and KT is really strong"

"Fuck You!It’s just that BP has been tricked, and you will definitely have a chance to win if you play FPX normally.”

"Peak Witnesses Hypocritical Advocacy, Twilight Witnesses True Toughness"

"Starting today, I want to be a fan of KT, champion fans will never go against the wind"

"Come here especially when you are at your peak, and sell out when you are at your lowest point"

(End of this chapter)

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