This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1462 Lin Cheng's Team Battle Handling

Miller: "Brother Chengzi above is very profitable to exchange blood, and the line of male guns is very eager to eat... Wow! Jess suddenly flashed to the tower, solo kill! Can this give him a solo kill?"

Wawa: "Brother Chengzi's operation is a bit outrageous! How dare you flash into the tower directly in the smoke bomb? This person is too daring!"

Aya Hirano: "I'm really confident! He just bypassed the minion in the blind field of vision Q flash E in the smoke bomb. To be honest, this kind of operation may not be tried by any professional player."

"It just so happened that the little soldiers came, and the smoke bombs couldn't be seen. This kind of flash jumping into the tower is too risky. Normal people dare to play like this 99% of them are giving them away. I'm afraid he himself can't believe that the male gun can die."

The bullet screen is already full of question marks.

"Fuck!What is this Jess? ? ? "

"The formula of the smoke screen of the male gun has been changed by Brother Orange, right?Blinding failure? "

"opened!Strict investigation is recommended! "

"As we all know, Xiaotou is not a fake"

"I didn't even see what he did, it was too fast"

Soon, the director gave Lin Cheng's first-person view playback.

Lin Cheng's Jess frantically shook the mouse when he was in the hammer form, and moved forward and backward to trick the opponent into letting go of his guard and went up to fill the cannon, but when he hammered up and cut the form, the screen was indeed covered by smoke bombs.

If you are an ordinary player, if you are covered by smoke bombs, you may subconsciously walk back and try to pull out of the range of the smoke bombs.

But Lin Cheng confidently flashed his Q and flashed E, and the mouse had already found the target in the instant the male gun was in the face, and the flat A point of the extreme attack speed killed the male gun on the way back with the E skill.

Aya Hirano: "This operation is really cool! He should have judged the approximate location of the male gun in advance, very confident Q flash E operation, this wave is not so much a prediction as a calculation."

Miller: "The most outrageous thing is that when he flashed out of the smoke bomb, his operation didn't stop at all. It might be difficult for normal people to accurately move the mouse to the target at the first time because they don't have outside vision. Immediately connected to Ping A, if this is not for the game, I really doubt that he will open."

"Depend on!This is a person?The first time I saw it, I was still dizzy after being bombarded by the smoke screen. He had already flashed out and killed someone"

"I can't see anything from the first perspective, this operation is so fast"

"To be honest, the few shakes of Brother Chengzi's head in front of him are not something ordinary people can play."

"If it wasn't for the first-person perspective, I would have reported him for cheating just for a few shakes"

"It is recommended to pause and check Brother Chengzi's computer immediately (funny)"

"You guys are so double-standard!Brother Chengzi's shaking is amazing, if the anchor shakes twice, you will report it (crying)"

"One thing to say, brother Cheng's piercing Q flash E face is the strongest operation of S11 at present, right? "

"Q flash E is really too difficult in actual combat, I don't even have the courage to try, he dares to play like this in smoke bombs, and there are so many little soldiers"

"No one noticed that the most coquettish thing is that his Q flash E can also put vertical doors?Hanbok king collection I have never seen Q flash E can put vertical door"

"really!It’s not that the vertical door accelerates Jess and should be replaced by the defensive tower”

"Who Said Jess Is Not Difficult To Operate?Jess can't fight this move in a thousand games, right? "

"You are too high on Jess in thousands of games, you can't understand Jess in ten thousand games"

The director also understood very well, and immediately gave the victim's perspective after the first perspective.

Odoamne's operation is actually very fast, and there is almost no stagnation in the retreat of the big move and the smoke screen bullet pastes the E skill to continue to retreat.

But that Jess completed the flash attack in an instant like a ghost.

In the contestants' shots, the way Odoamne held his head in his hands and chattered non-stop made the audience feel uncomfortable.

"I feel sorry for the player, Brother Cheng is going to break an opponent's mentality again? "

"European veterans will not be retired this year, right? "

"Laugh!Someone who understands lip language can translate it"

"Male Gun: I Surrender My Brothers"

"The Straw Man: I Initiated"

There is a huge advantage on the road, and the scarecrow does not have level 8, so Peanut ran to activate the vanguard in [-] minutes.

The opponent didn't pretend either, and Pioneer was easily acquired by the blind monk.

After being a grandson for a long time, Inspired finally found a chance to show his face.

Little Peanut had just returned after taking the vanguard, and the scarecrow, who had been promoted to level six, made a big jump in the middle and caught Ryze.

Chaowei went up to help Lin Cheng take the first blood and handed over the flash. The scarecrow made a big flash to fear, and the clockwork rolled out a big move to make Ryze hate the middle.

But catching Ryze like this can't alleviate the huge disadvantage of RGE on the road.

The scarecrow is a waste when it is not big or flashing. Lin Cheng is already level 9 and 6 on the road, and the scarecrow will never dare to go up to help at this time.

Evert came up to make a wave of vision, and Lin Cheng's Jess was under infinite pressure.

The male gun lived in fear under the tower.

In 10 minutes, Jess demolished the first tower on the road.

The male gun shrinks to the second tower for development, Lin Cheng's Jess turns to the middle lane and steals a clockwork shot, and Little Peanut comes over and releases the vanguard to smash the middle tower.

When the top pawn line was pushed out, Lin Cheng went back to clean up a wave of pawn lines, and continued to put pressure on the clockwork from the center.

Larson started to line up with two people.

One of them was Jess, who only had one and a half pieces of equipment in 11 minutes, and the gods couldn't bear the pressure.

Scarecrow tries to hide in F6 and jumps a big Yin wave.

But this is different from the situation where they attacked Ryze just now.

Lin Cheng didn't even know why a level 7 scarecrow who wears shoes and a Hex generator dared to jump in the face of his star eclipse Hammer Jess.

The scarecrow jumped out for a moment of fear, and Jess backhanded QE to cut the hammer and go up.

The scarecrow died instantly.

The clockwork at the back originally wanted to lean over to give him a hand, but when he saw the scene, he showed a weeping expression and retreated decisively.

Miller: "What kind of harm is this! Inspired people are stupid, this is called instant death!"

Aya Hirano: "This is asking how the scarecrow dared to jump so big. He didn't have a stopwatch, and there was only a clockwork at the back, so jumping on the faces of Jess and Ryze would be a gift."

The blue square central tower was pulled out smoothly.

It was the familiar line of suppressing and switching, pushing away Zhongta Lincheng and Chaowei and immediately switching.

Although Rouge's duo was aware of the danger, the presence of Ryze made it difficult to predict the speed of the line transfer.

Ryze drove in the wild and took Jess to block Luna in front of the second tower.

Together, Jess and Ryze lead the opposing duo by five levels. Even though the distance between Lulu and Verus is still a bit far away, there is no suspense in this 2V2 fight.

Lin Cheng scored a double kill.

RGE descends the tower and falls.

KT's situation on the field is infinitely ahead.

However, the KT players are not robots, and there will inevitably be some small mistakes.

Before the 16-minute dragon team, Mr. Dai was killed by Lucian Gale when Lulu was away. It seemed that KT didn't want to release the dragon and would have a 4v5 team battle.

Lin Cheng's Jess played a key role in this wave.

He first went to the top of the dragon pit on the side to find the scarecrow's position, played out the scarecrow's flash, and then flashed down the dragon pit to open the position when the opponent's personnel wanted to turn around and focus on him.

The scarecrow didn't flash, and the meat pigeon still had to pick up this wave of little dragons.

But when the scarecrow forcibly jumped down from the dragon pit, Lin Cheng's Jess blocked the river above the mouth of the dragon pit by himself, QE knocked out the half blood of the clockwork and Lucian at the same time, and then Lin Cheng blocked the river and pulled wildly.

He didn't punch up and change lives with his opponent, but just stuck in the position and pulled wildly, making it impossible for the opponent's three C positions to follow up and output his own back row.

Although the scarecrow that didn't flash jumped down, but because the teammate was stuck on it by Jess, no one followed the output at the first time, only Nami gave a big move from a long distance.

The teammates quickly dealt with the scarecrow, and then came to cover the weak Jace.

RGE had already issued a retreat order at the moment the scarecrow was killed, allowing KT to successfully take down the dragon without a C position, and also killed the scarecrow.

Lin Cheng's performance in this round of team battles also aroused high praise from the commentator Aya Hirano.

Many Jayce players pay too much attention to laning, and playing in a team always feels almost meaningless.

Ordinary people may think that Jess's team Poke twice is almost enough, but Lin Cheng not only found the scarecrow position first to remove the biggest threat, but also blocked the enemy's key C position from entering the field.

It can be said that this wave of team battles of Lin Cheng has done all the hard support and front row tasks, but he didn't play like Jess.

But there is no way, who let him crush the equipment level?
The form of Qiecheng hammer is really a bit meaty.

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