This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1477 My Baisi Daomei skin is half credited to you

Chapter 1477 My Baisi Daomei skin is half of your credit

Miller: "In this way, KT will have a wave after Daomei gets four kills again, and the resurrection time is too late."

Wawa: "The pressure from Brother Orange is too much! FPX's Malzaha against Daomei didn't have a very good effect, and you can't talk about how to deal with it when you are defeated online."

Shinichi: "FPX's lineup is well thought out. The bottom laner Tanabo and the others have indeed successfully separated the sword girls and teammates who entered the field, but unfortunately that opportunity came too late, and KT's teammates are also very protective of the sword girls. Resolute."

Miller: "In any case, this game is over. I hope that the FPX players will adjust well. The first place in the group is already very slim. Let's play the next game well to ensure that we can qualify."

In the broadcast screen, Lin Cheng took off his earphones with a calm face.

It seemed that the knife girl who caused the massacre had nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, the teammates all ran to give Lin Cheng a high five, congratulating him on getting the right to choose this year's sword girl skin.

Lin Cheng finally couldn't hold back and smiled.

Baisi Daomei!I'm a little excited.

Although there is already a legend of the jade sword, it seems good to have a white silk skin branded by yourself?
I just don't know if Riot's technique can make a good meat knife girl, otherwise it seems to be a problem.

As soon as the screen changed, compared to the relaxed atmosphere of the KT players' seats, the FPX players' seats seemed a bit depressing.

Niu Bao buried his head and silently cleaned up the keyboard and mouse.

Xiao Tian looked at the data panel with a dark face.

Brother Xiangzi shrank his neck and blinked his eyes quickly, there was a trace of confusion and innocence in his eyes.

Is this the status quo in AD?
His Lucian didn't do anything wrong, but his teammate raised a warrior father who treated him extremely cruelly.

Liu Qingsong next to him also looked bad.

Like Xiaotian, his hair covered his eyes and ears. Although it was well groomed and not so greasy and sloppy, it also looked very depressed.

The shot was given to Brother Coin.

His expression is the most complicated.

His eyes were determined, he gritted his teeth and suddenly showed a helpless smile while feeling a little lost.

Glancing secretly at his teammates next to him, Brother Coin lowered his head, took off his earphones and started packing up his equipment.

"Look how happy he is smiling!"Go back and start a live broadcast to apologize and you can collect the plane again."

"Don't be embarrassing!This is a helpless wry smile"

"Raff: Wait for me to brew a few tears"

"Just talk sarcastic!Let's see how my coin brother takes out his anger with Ah P (huh)》

"Why don't you grab the knife girl?What is the use of Luna's selection?Is Brother Coin's knife girl bad? "

"Xiao Tian is looking for war criminals by looking at injuries? "

"Keep the change, please!He is also a war criminal

"The EQ of the audience only hit twice, what's the use of this prince?" "

"Teammates really can't help it, the hole in the road is too big, the bull is committing a crime!" "

"Waiting the Cow to Save the Monkey, Right?"Surround the cow to save the day? "

"Although Niu Bao has never beaten Cheng Zige, at least the previous rounds he won were in C. What kind of bulls are these two in the wild? "

Back in the waiting room, Kang Dongxun patted the players on the shoulders one by one again to show encouragement.

After winning this round, KT has become the first team to secure a place in the knockout round, and all the idiots began to discuss with great interest what heroes they want to play in the next two rounds.

It's almost like choosing a skin.

Although he is a loser, KT has already won all the championships this year. What's wrong with choosing a skin in advance?
If you advance to the group stage in advance and don't choose a skin, can you wait for the knockout stage to choose again?

In fact, this has nothing to do with bad character. Almost every year's world champion players have considered skin problems in advance.

It's just that some players didn't have this idea until they reached the finals, while some players started thinking about it before they entered the World Championship.

Some people just worry about it blindly, such as the former Wei Shen.

Some people take it easy, such as Lin Cheng last year.

After a short break, Lin Cheng accepted an interview with the Chinese stream.

After greeting Xiran in front of the camera, the interview officially started.

Xiran: "So far KT still maintains a record of unbeaten victories. After this game, you have confirmed that you have advanced to the knockout round. How do you feel now?"

"Actually, I don't feel anything at all."

Lin Cheng said in a surprised tone, "Does anyone think we can't make it to the knockout round?"

Xiran: "Um~~~ It is true that KT's promotion is within our expectations. In this game, FPX released the sword girl to you. Did you think that the opponent would release the sword girl?"

"To be honest, I really didn't think of this, and I don't know what kind of psychology the other party thinks they can deal with my sword girl. Is it because they think Malzaha can restrict the sword girl from entering the arena?

When the topic changed, Lin Cheng looked at the camera and said sincerely: "Anyway...thanks Brother Coin for sending me the Daomei experience card, let's have a meal together when I have time."

Xi Ran didn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

"coming!Classic murder, right? "

"This guy is too fucked up, 23333"

"If Brother Coin didn't think that Malzaha could be a Conte knife girl, I feel that Brother Cheng really wouldn't be able to choose one this year"

"Fast Forward to Hot Searches on Weibo: Why Put Daomei on?" "

"No need to fast forward, the game is already on the hot search before the end"

"Poor FPX is played in the palm of your hand"

"Steak has to produce some classic BP every time, and then meets Doinb, a tactical wizard, is it normal for the two of them to do some BP programs? "

Xiran: "After confirming the promotion, there is no pressure to compete. Will KT face it with a more relaxed attitude in the next two games?"


Lin Cheng thought for a while: "After all, our goal is to win the championship, and the issue of the champion's skin must also be considered...I don't know what the teammates may choose later."

Xiran was a little surprised: "Wow~~~ Have you already started thinking about skin?"

Lin Cheng said solemnly: "Of course! Friends of FPX don't have to worry about us putting water on other teams. No matter what lineup we choose in the next games, we will go all out."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "After all, half of your skin is due to my Baisidao sister's skin."

The barrage exploded.

"Too fucked up!This face hahahaha

"As expected of you!Choose a skin after the group stage! "

"Not bad!Last year, Brother Chengzi clamored for the Black Silk Sword Girl skin before the World Championship even started. This year, the flag has not been set up until now"

"Brother Cheng, will you still choose Daomei this year?No fists, right? "

"Dare you not let Brother Cheng choose Daomei?Riot designers don't want to mess around anymore? "

"It's also a signboard, Qing Gangying is so unrecognizable, right? "

"After all, the green steel shadow legs have been transformed into machines, which is no match for Daomei"

"In this battle for the posthumous position, Concubine Dao enjoys exclusive favor in all kinds of stockings suits. Concubine Qing decides to use Hex technology to reshape her beautiful legs, and vows to regain Brother Cheng's favor with her long legs in stockings! ! ! "

"Bengbu live! "

"Black Si, Bai Si, Cheng Zige, the name of this old pervert will never be taken off, 233333"

"Others will be sprayed for choosing a skin, why is Brother Chengzi so good in public opinion?" "

"Because everything he said has come true (dog head)"

(End of this chapter)

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