This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1480 Brother Cheng is here to kill them all!

Chapter 1480 Brother Cheng is here to kill them all!

FPX's experience of being out of the group this year is bizarre.

In the second round, they lost all and had playoffs to play. The situation where it was hard to die made them do it.

Originally, there were four chances to advance, but FPX didn't grasp it once.

WE saw it and called it an expert!

I gave away tickets to the World Championship in LPL, and you guys came to Iceland to give away tickets to the knockout round, right?

Watching FPX's eliminated playoff match in the waiting room, Lin Cheng was still complaining about Doinb's build to his teammates, but after the game, the camera saw the expressions of the FPX players, and it was hard to say anything.

After the game, Niu Bao looked at the output panel a little self-contained.

He may not quite understand.

I am obviously a tool man barrel, and I was targeted very hard in the early stage. Their lineup of sword girls is the only core, and Coin brother's equipment has always been leading the audience.

But in the end, why did my wine barrel hit twice the output of Daomei?

Not to mention Niu Bao, as a bystander, Lin Cheng didn't quite understand what Brother Coin was trying to get the most food, the most money and the worst beating.

When the camera turned, Brother Coin had tears in his eyes, unwilling and helpless.

Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief with a dark face, but felt a faint sense of relief.

The faces of all the team members were ugly, and they got up and left the stage blankly.

Lin Cheng would not believe that there was nothing wrong with their team.

The performance of FPX players in the first few rounds of the camera can explain the situation very well. Although Lin Cheng does not like the noisy communication like the vegetable market of other teams, it is a big problem for five people to play games with their mouths closed.

You guys are playing games, not RANK.

broken!It really can't be my sword sister who broke their mentality, right?
Brother Cheng has become a villain?
Of course, Lin Cheng prefers that there is a big problem within the FPX team.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for all members to be autistic after losing a game... But it is hard to say.

It seems that the mentality of the FPX team is not very good.

The stressed kid, the autistic kid, and the bad guy are all working together. If there is a little bit of external pressure and cannot be resolved in time, it is actually normal for the team to explode.

After watching the FPX playoffs, the KT team had no interest in staying to watch the last game, and went back to the hotel to have dinner together.

While eating, Lin Cheng browsed domestic forums with his mobile phone.

Not surprisingly, FPX has become the center of public opinion.

The following FPX official blog is full of cynicism.

"Day you!money back! "

"You guys can really do it!It turns out that BO5 can really be scored 0-4"

"Currently the LPL has lost six games in total, and you have lost five games alone, which is really good! "


"Laughing!Is this the number one favorite to win the LPL before the game? "

"It's a pity that Brother Cheng also helped you play a playoff game and come back"

"The whole world is helping you, but you don't want to play"

"A Chance Is Given!"You are useless"

"The two resurrection armors that LPL owes you are back in the World Championship!"Don't contact me anymore"

"It's still clear to the senior colonel, Fenghuang is the first to go home, and the rest is random"

"After losing the first game to KT, I knew that I was hopeless. In order to avoid a civil war with the other No. [-] LPL brothers, I sacrificed myself, bearing all the pressure and infamy, and left the field brazenly.Brother cute!Let's applaud Little Phoenix, they are the heroes of our LPL"

Someone sorted out the RNG World Championship experience of FPX and S9 this year, and found that the overlap is very high.

At this moment, just as at that moment.

same second seed
The same life and death battle against the European team

same coach
same manager
same bastard mid laner
same top 16

Time seems to be reincarnating.

Someone also sorted out the classic remarks of FPX fans and players.

"We're not so afraid of KT"

"The World's First Galio"

"Never lose after this one"

"It's the same to hit everyone, mainly depends on the ID"

"Hupu World's No. [-] Mid Laner"

"Double-elimination system owes FPX two championships"

"Sorry C9, you are on vacation"

"Fight around my sword girl, the advantage is in me"

"C9 and Pigeon are not as weak as expected"

"No one in Group A can get out of the line"

Netizens' angry remarks made Lin Cheng relish, but isn't the pressure kid of this rhythm FPX depressed?

Halfway through the meal, Lin Cheng received a message from Wan Wan asking him to watch his live broadcast later.

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment.

At this time, BJ's time is already two o'clock in the morning, why are you doing live broadcasts if you don't sleep every night?
After finishing the meal, Lin Cheng bid farewell to his teammates and went back to the room alone.

Open Wanwan's Huya live broadcast room with a tablet, and found that Wanwan is making a fuss while replaying the FPX game.

"Ha! I just said that Brother Chengzi and Doinb are not at the same level at all. Some people scolded me for turning my elbows before. Brother Chengzi is not one of us?"

"Before the game, someone came to the live broadcast room to pace me and said they were going to hit me in the face. Look at what this knife girl did?"

"With such a big advantage in the early stage, when the wave of team battles enters the field, the Q will be cut off and the scraping will be done."

"Brother Chengzi is here to kill them all!"

The fluffy panda pajamas worn by Wan Wan in the live broadcast room are very cute, but Lin Cheng was a little embarrassed by that proud face.

The main reason was that during the opening game, Wanwan's commentary was biased towards Lin Cheng. After the game, she was blasted by FPX and some LPL fans so much that the official did not arrange for her to commentate the group match.

Wanwan also complained to Lin Cheng about his hardships. It was clear that FPX was not up to date, but fans came to explain.

Is this reasonable?

Even before today's game, FPX fans came to the live broadcast room to set the rhythm, but FPX played poorly by themselves, and couldn't help but take the opportunity to say something in the name of a replay every night.

Who hasn't lost their temper yet?

Lin Cheng opened the voice software and applied for Lianmai.

Wanwan was still talking about her face, but she suddenly stopped when she saw Lin Cheng's voice request.

Sitting upright, she suddenly behaved well.

"Hello! Can you hear me?"

"I can hear you, I'm watching your live broadcast."

"Lin Cheng, have you finished your meal?"

"After eating, when I came in, I saw someone saying that Brother Chengzi came to kill them all! No wonder I felt terrified after eating just now."

Wanwan chuckled, "But what I said is fine, I think that wave of Changing Brother Chengzi really killed off... Even if it's a meat outfit."

"You're being conservative! It's less than 10 minutes if I come to the other side."

Wanwan laughed out loud.

As if realizing that it was not good to smile like this in the live broadcast room, she pulled up the hood of her pajamas to cover half of her face, revealing only her smiling eyes.

The barrage exploded.

"Both of them have their own tricks, haha! "

"This interaction is a bit sweet, what's going on? "

"Wanwan's pajamas are so cute!Is there a link? "

"Late night!my night

"Woooo! !She smiles so happily"

"Brother Orange, you don't care!If you have a girlfriend, don’t come to flirt late.”

"Love her, please don't hurt her (cry)"

Wan Wan pretended not to see the strange barrage in her live broadcast room, "You can comment on Doinb's sword girl outfit."

Lin Cheng thought for a while and considered his words.

"Hmm~~~ This outfit is very creative, with high upper and lower limits."


Wan Wan was stunned for a while, "That's not what you said before, the upper limit of the tank sword girl is definitely not as good as the output sword girl."

"That's different. The upper limit of both productions is actually very high."

Lin Cheng paused, "It's just a production limit that depends on yourself, and a production limit that depends on your teammates."

(End of this chapter)

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