Chapter 1487

Originally, the Chinese barrage audience was moaning and sighing, but seeing the performance of the three on stage suddenly became lively.

"Bengbu live!Brother Cheng, this is too much! "

"A lot of people laughed at the lottery, the Chengzi brother who laughed out on stage was the first"

"Is it okay to watch the excitement at the scene without being tense? "

"Brother Orange: Xiaohu heard that you are going to fight a civil war?Ha ha ha ha"

"Little Tiger: You are laughing at your mother, gloating, right? "

"Little Tiger forced a smile on his face, never thought that God would have a day to laugh with him after he retired (funny)"

"EDG should be the strongest second seed, right?Xiaohu's reaction is very real"

"Sister Kou is also smiling, EDG's control points are a real hammer!" "

"EDG Civil War has a hand"

"RNG can also play against EDG, it is not certain who will win"

"EDG is disgusting!If you eliminate RNG and send DK to the finals, I will be black all my life"

"It doesn't matter, at least one of the semi-finals in the civil war is better than annihilation"

"If EDG finally wins the championship, please come back and apologize"

At this time, the KT members in the training room of the hotel also expressed their embarrassment.

Before the draw, the teammates were teasing that Lin Cheng might laugh out loud on stage, but he didn't expect him to actually laugh.

And it wasn't because the opponents they drew were so easy to handle, it was purely because of watching the fun on stage and laughing.

"Let him draw lots, why did he laugh out loud while watching the fun?"

"Brother! Restrain yourself!"

Little Peanut put his face in front of the Vlog camera and pointed at the TV screen, "My friends, please remember that if something really happened to us this year, it must be caused by that person."

Not only Lin Cheng was laughing, but also the Korean commentators watching the lottery were cheering.

Among the four opponents, the two LPL teams seem to be the most threatening. As a result, the nuclear bomb duck drew lots to directly help kill one. Can you not be happy?

It is a pity that among the four teams in the LCK, only GEN·G is the second seed to qualify, and there is no way for the LCK to win the top four in the event of a civil war.

Otherwise, the LCK audience would be willing to send two high-ranking horses to meet EDG and RNG directly in the quarterfinals.

As long as the first-class horses can handle EDG and RNG, the other European and American players can just go to two bulls and horses to solve it.

As for which two are the bulls and horses, let's not mention least it is really not a dream to win the top four!It's just a pity that GEN·G didn't live up to expectations in the playoffs, which prevented this scene from happening.

But it doesn't matter, they are still the first division at present!

This is the current mentality of LCK fans.

The second round of the group stage broke the mentality of the LPL audience, and also swelled the LCK audience.

Of course, there are only a small number of pure fans in the competition area. The fans of the various teams in the LCK are afraid that everyone except their home team will leave early.

Especially the two heroes of the news agency, it is not bad to curse each other without drawing circles.

The first match of the quarter-finals was confirmed. Xiaohu and Meikou walked to the stage and bowed to each other, then turned and left the stage together.

Next, Nukeduck continues to draw from the second seed pool.

GEN·G was drawn out.

Because they have to avoid RNG in the first half, they will face T1 in the second half.

In the camera, Chidi let out a sigh of relief.

It's fine if it's not KT!

In the case of doomed civil war, although DK and T1 are also very difficult for them, at least they don't have to be so desperate.

There is still hope of reaching the semi-finals.

If you really want to draw KT, you can consider booking a flight ticket as soon as the lottery is over.

What's funny is that after the director's shot was given to Chidi, he didn't immediately show Faker who was facing the other side, but first swept Humaniod next to Ruler.

This shot is very meaningful.

The tall Mr. Humaniod looked sideways at Chidi with a look of excitement.

He didn't realize what happened, and there was even a little smile on his face.

Ah P next to him poked his arm.

"Hey! Brother! You have won the lottery!"

Humaniod froze.

Then he finally reacted.

The king of Europe put his head in his hands.

The expression on the face changed to shock, disbelief and then to pain written all over it.

According to the principle of group avoidance, C9 will naturally not face KT.

Then the only thing left is for MAD to fight KT.

Really hit the lottery!

Although no sound was collected from the scene, Humaniod's reaction has already driven the audience crazy.

"LOL!This brother's face-changing is so fun! "

"Just now I was watching the excitement, and suddenly understood the seriousness of the matter"

"Nuclear duck, you wait!"If you can't beat Chaowei, watch me go back to LEC to deal with you! "

"Ruler's expression of relief just now is also very real"

"After all, no one wants to meet KT! "

"At this time, Guan Zeyuan slipped and knelt in the living room! "

"No, GEN·G probably won't be able to beat T1, but it might die a little more decently"

Chi Di and Li Ge came to the stage to greet each other, and then left.

In fact, according to the principle of avoidance in the same group, the subsequent confrontation has been completely determined, but the process still needs to continue.

Nukeduck went on to draw the next No. [-] seed.

C9, they will go to the upper half against DK.

Ah P waved his hands towards the camera with an optimistic face. Those who didn't know thought he had already advanced.

Xu Xiu and Ah P stood in front of the stage, bowed face to face and prepared to leave.

What's funny is that as soon as the two turned around, Ah P invited Xu Xiu out to eat beef noodles.

"Brother, I know that there is a beef noodle restaurant that is delicious! I'm treating you, so you should be gentle when the time comes."

The voice was so loud that both Lin Cheng and the host were amused.

Only Mr. Humaniod looked unhappy on stage.

He hasn't recovered from the surprise of winning the lottery, so he can't laugh at the moment!
Although the audience didn't know what happened on stage, Lin Cheng and the host, including the lottery guests, all had smiles on their faces. Compared with Humaniod's loveless expression, the contrast was too strong.

"World Famous Paintings, Save It! "

"The Sorrows and Joys of People Are Not Connected"

Humanoid: You are laughing at your mother!Don't Smile (Black Face)"

"This lottery is too funny, the camera effect is full"

There is only one ball left in the No. [-] seed pool, and Nukeduck still has to continue to draw.

He even pretended to reach out and pound in the glass jar.

The process still needs to be followed.

As everyone knows, his action just made Mr. Humaniod suffer for a few more seconds on stage.

Nukeduck opens the last small ball.

Unsurprisingly MAD.

Of course, if the last one drawn is not MAD, then something big will happen.

The director's camera is also very good. After the last lottery is drawn, the camera directly confronts Humaniod.

Mr. Humaniod looked at the camera and tried to stay calm, as if he was trying to force a smile to show that he was relieved.

The corners of his mouth twitched for a long time, and the forced smile was full of bitterness.

Quite a bit of the charm of when S7 withered and got Dragon Ball.

Lin Cheng had no expression at first.

Although he laughed happily when he saw the LPL civil war, but it was purely watching the fun, and it didn’t matter who the opponent was to him.
No matter who he draws, he doesn't think it will give him a headache.

But seeing Humaniod's crying and laughing expression was so fucking awkward, Lin Cheng didn't hold back and showed a smile.

"He's Laughing!He is laughing maniacally! "

"Brother Chengzi: I am a professional, unless I can't help it"

"Two people are laughing, this is more fun"

"Don't laugh at Humaniod, the last one who laughed like this won the S7 championship"

"Wait for Brother Orange to Smile to S12"

"If MAD can really kill KT, I am willing to set up a plaque for them"

"Wait for the big European brothers to kill through the lower half and help us clear the obstacles"

Enough of Letts! MAD! "

"EDG: See you in the finals!" "

"Get out of your mother!RNG is eliminated by default, right?Only the all-Chinese class can represent LPL"

"Huangza, kill me!"Dianbao army quickly assembled! "

(End of this chapter)

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