Chapter 1492 Game Over
After a simple chat, the contestants from both sides finally appeared on the stage.

As the No. [-] seed, KT has the priority to choose a side in the first game. In the first game, KT will be the first to ban on the blue side.

BP goes fast.

In the first three moves of the blue side, KT pressed Yuumi + prince + cards in a targeted manner.

Humaniod is not Larson, his style of play is more team, and getting cards to his teammates will help a lot.

And Elyoya's prince is much more normal than this year's Xiaotian's prince. This hero is still strong, but some players have a strange smell when playing.

MAD respects Lin Cheng very much. Except for the most powerful blind monk in the version, the other two BAN positions on the red side are given to Daomei + Qinggangying.

The blue square locks Lucian on the first floor in seconds.

To revive the glory of Luna, KT is obliged!

Zeyuan: "Oh! I'm going to take Luna! In the knockout round, everyone seems to think that Luna has become a version trap. In the first three days of the game, only EDG selected Luna once and lost. Other teams never selected this one again. combination."

Remember: "It's still due to the fault tolerance rate. After all, Lucian's hands are too short. If this hero's strong period can't end the game, he will still be much weaker than Aphelios in the later stage."

Wanwan: "But KT is still very confident! They have never been a team that caters to the meta. When others think that Luna is strong, they may only play Luna, and when others give up Luna, they will pick up Luna again."

Seeing that KT robbed Lucian, MAD started to work.

They backhanded Nami on the red side and demolished Luna.

The narrator couldn't hold back.

Isn't MAD hurting the enemy [-] and hurting himself [-]?

Lucian can barely use it alone, but what can Nami do with this version?
So, after a period of BP game, KT shook Lucian to hit the road and play male guns.

The day before yesterday, Xiaohu actually also took a male gun that top laner Lucian used to fight Brother Holy Gun.

Although that game was lost, Xiaohu still had an advantage in the early stage, and Lucian was indeed good at playing male guns in the early stage.

However, if the game cannot be ended as soon as possible, it will be very difficult for Lucian to face the male gun in the later stage. It is not a joke that this thing can kill the crispy skin with two shots.

In this round, KT chose an extremely aggressive combination.

In the first half, Lucian + Zhao Xin + Syndra, and the duo is female gun + Luo.

On the other hand, MAD has the three stable cores of male gun + clockwork + Aphelios, and with a Nosuke of Olaf and Nami, it is difficult for KT to fight team battles in the late stage.

It's time to test KT's offensive capabilities.

After entering the game, KT's players are also unambiguous.

The main reason why this version of Male Spear is very smooth on the road is that the line is cleared too quickly. If the pawn line is slightly inferior, no one dares to fight against the minions to exchange blood with him.

But Lucian doesn't have this problem.

Lucian's burst is very high in the early stage, and the push line is not in vain. Even his hands are longer than the male spear. Except for the sixth-level burst, the male spear actually does not pose much threat to Lucian in the early stage.

With the advantage of being a hero and taking the lead in handling details, Lin Cheng firmly suppressed Armut when he came up.

In this round, Chaowei invited God to his upper body, and the use of Kuro's champion skin also put Humaniod under tremendous pressure.

The first-level Syndra hit five Qs in a row, connected to a flat A, and knocked out two bottles of corruption potions.

KT in the bottom lane also made a head start.

Mr. Dai and Evert stood in the grass and shaded Nami for a while, then backhanded the female gun to level the A+E skill bullet rain, triggering the comet and knocking out a quarter of Aphelios' HP.

KT in the bottom lane also successfully grabbed the line.

KT has an advantage in the opening three lines.

In this case, Little Peanut can swim in the wild.

Seeing that Lin Cheng had an obvious top lane advantage, he automatically triggered his muscle memory.

In 3 minutes, the top soldiers lined up and entered the tower.

Xin Zhao showed up on the road right on time.

The small auxiliary pushed the second level to go to the wild area to do the field of vision and found Olaf's position, and KT was very resolute in jumping the tower.

The opponent has smoke bombs, E and flash, and the super powerful Syndra directly TPs the soldiers.

Three Guarantees, a must-kill game.

Although the male gun cross E cross flash tried to operate hard, but was still easily scored by Lin Cheng.

Zeyuan: "KT's pace is too fast! I saw Olaf's position in the field of vision and Syndra directly T-mounted to cooperate with his teammates to jump the tower. There is no way to do this wave."

Remember: "It's still the first-level Superpower who played too well. Humaniod didn't grab the line when he came up, so Syndra had the opportunity to push the line and jump the tower."

Wan Wan: "MAD didn't understand. Although Olaf + male gun didn't have any linkage in the early stage, but when facing KT, you should consider the danger of being jumped by the tower in the early stage when you go down to the jungle. Brother Chengzi's advantage, Little Peanut, will definitely come. "

"You can't say that you beat others like this, but you can still handle it like this against KT! The specific situation depends on who you beat, just like this Chaowei comes up and hits five Q in a row. Humaniod is very good, right?"

Wan Wan paused for a moment, then smiled, "Humaniod didn't look like a good player when he hit the icon in the group stage, it's all about splitting up the opponent."

The barrage exploded.

"Ha ha!Wanwan is so brave! "

"I can't hold back anymore, I still whip the corpse icon, right? "

"Just finished being overwhelmed by fans of Brother Coin, Wanwan started to let himself go again (tears run)"

"Young Master Leng was killed by this middle school alone? "

"We still don't know how talented Leng Shao is in the second round of the group stage"

Lin Cheng, who took the first blood, didn't go home either, with a bottle of medicine still on his body, and he continued to line up with the male gun returned by TP.

The pawn line under the tower began to push back, and the pawn line male gun slowly began to gain the upper hand.

But Lin Cheng was not afraid, instead, he kept looking for opportunities to take the initiative to spend his troops.

The male gun is also in a hurry, relying on a little more soldiers, he will exchange blood with Lucian.

Lin Cheng was a thief, he hid in the pawn pile and used the little soldiers to block two bullets from the male gun, and he backhanded the damage.

After pulling and exchanging blood, the male gun is no longer easy to eat.

In the early stage of storming Lucian, the explosion is too high, and the killing line is difficult to estimate.

Just when the opponent was tangling whether to return, Xin Zhao from Peanut came again.

In 4 minutes, the male gun was killed again.

MAD in the bottom lane was suppressed, and the blood line of the duo was not very good.

In the middle, Chaowei TP wandered back and still suppressed the clockwork to make up the knife.

In the early stage of MAD, it can be said that all three lines are inferior.

Lin Cheng didn't let his teammates take care of him, and at five and a half minutes later he was stuck with the opportunity to be promoted to the sixth grade.

The line of soldiers was under the red square tower, and the half-blooded male gun was not particularly vigilant.

Lucian W outside the tower started.

E skill punches the tower, connects the two guns.

The male gun's first reaction was to give smoke bombs, and then E.

But also because the smoke bomb was thrown first, Lucian's E little bit + Q little bit burst has been played.

The blood volume of the male gun E was already very low when he left, and Lucian swept out the holy gun baptism with a backhand.

The opponent didn't have too many angles of movement under the tower, so Lin Cheng swiped a blind shot of bullets in the smoke bomb to kill the male gun, and then Lucian, who was carrying the tower, flashed away.

Hit the road to complete a solo kill.

"Brothers! Game over!"

(End of this chapter)

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