This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1499 What are you crazy about?

Chapter 1499 What are you crazy about?

The training room was a mess.

Originally, Lin Cheng was planning to play tricks on Mr. Dai, but in the end it turned into a melee.

Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai were turned into white impermanence, and the others were not much better, all of them were the same as those from the demolition site.

Kang Dong-hoon was not spared either.

This guy Lin Cheng found a bag to put on the coach's head, and a group of idiots took advantage of Kang Dongxun's blindness to crazily attack him.

And the assistant coach Acron is the most ruthless one. It seems that he is not less angry with Mr. Kang Dongxun.

Chi Shengxi was fine, the fools saw that she was in charge of filming the Vlog, and they didn't have the nerve to tease her at the beginning, only Lin Cheng ran over and smeared a piece of cream on Chi Shengxi's face.

But Lin Cheng is easy to coax, Chi Shengxi's honey offensive bombards Lin Cheng immediately and becomes her loyal guardian.

"Come on! You bastards! Whoever dares to touch Sister Sheng Xi is my enemy, Lin Xiaocheng."

"Come on! I'll kill you."

As a result, the clamoring Lin Cheng was besieged again.

"Okay, stop making trouble! Go back and pack up and prepare for dinner."

After the slapstick ended, Chi Shengxi asked everyone to take turns to take a solo shot before going out.

Lin Cheng grinned his big white teeth and stood in front of the camera very frightened.

Mr. Dai is shy and refuses to be on camera.

Xiao Hua straightens her cream-stained bangs, trying her best to restore her image.

Lin Cheng knew Peanut's stinking beauty.

There are multiple stylists applying makeup to the contestants at the same time in this World Championship. Lin Cheng put on some powder before the match today to show that he is ready to go on stage. The young lady next to him who put on makeup for Little Peanut thought that the peanut butter would be easy to pass.

"OK! This looks great, okay?"

Little Peanut tugged at his bangs, "Can I fix my hair? A hair straightener or styling water."

Lin Cheng laughed at Peanut Butter's idol burden.

And Evert went even further.

He even made the stylist laugh when he asked if he could dye his hair before the game.

Little Peanut immediately stated that he would take his younger brother to dye his hair when he won the championship.

The two discussed dyeing a cool color together.

"Lin Cheng, do you want to dye your hair together? How about white?"

"Are you kidding? Don't go!"

Lin Cheng refused.

It's fine for Peanut to dye his hair white. He doesn't know why Evert wants to dye his hair white.

Maybe the Two-dimensional poisoning is too deep?

After all, Evert even dared to dye green hair, and white seems to be fine.

Speaking of which, Lin Cheng suddenly thought that Zhiyan and her sisters seemed to have dyed their hair white?
Hmm~~~ Except for Enjing who is so handsome with short hair, they all have their own beauty.

But now that they are all older, they probably won't dye their hair so gaudy anymore, right?
Lin Cheng thought secretly.

Of course, he didn't dare to say this in front of his sisters.

The last time I played a game, I mentioned Ju Li's age, and she has held a grudge for a long time, and she couldn't imagine offending four Lin Cheng at the same time.

Everyone went back to their rooms to tidy up.

Lin Cheng took a shower, changed his clothes and gathered with his teammates.

Dinner was at a nearby local restaurant, and Chi Shengxi had already reserved a place in advance.

The restaurant has a medieval decoration style, and the long wooden table is full of candlesticks, which has a sense of atmosphere when dining at the Harry Potter School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Although Iceland is short of supplies, it is famous for lamb, purebred cattle and poultry, and there is also a lot of seafood.

Everyone ate very happily.

Drinks are indispensable for Korean birthday parties. Evert, the youngest, is responsible for pouring wine for his brothers, and the rest take turns to clink glasses with Mr. Dai.

Of course, there is no soju in Iceland, everyone drinks beer.

But even Lin Cheng couldn't drink much beer, and soon became dizzy.

Seeing Lin Cheng's cheeks flushed, Chi Shengxi forked a piece of meat onto Lin Cheng's plate.

"Hey! Eat more, you're too weak to be on the top with just a few beers."

"It's not my fault, I'm allergic to alcohol."

Lin Cheng muttered and stuffed the meat into his mouth.

He didn't feel right until he swallowed it.

"Hmm~~~ Why is there a fishy smell?"

Lin Cheng thought about it with a bitter face, stretched his neck and shouted: "Boss! Your meat has gone bad! Hurry up and apologize to me."

While talking, he slapped the table loudly.

Everyone looked at Lin Cheng strangely.

Chi Shengxi quickly covered his mouth, "What nonsense are you talking about?"


Lin Cheng's eyes widened, and he broke away from Chi Shengxi's hand with a look of anger, "If their meat spoils, they have to complain. We can't let such unscrupulous merchants..."

"This is whale meat, and that's what it tastes like."

"What? Whale meat? Let me eat it again."

Lin Cheng forked another piece of whale meat into his mouth, and tasted it for a while with a bitter face.

"Bah! It's not good."

Everyone laughed.

They all knew that Lin Cheng must have passed out from drinking, and this guy Lin Cheng was like this when he was about to get drunk.

Little Peanut rolled his eyes, and secretly took a piece of whale meat with a fork, "Lin Cheng, come and eat a piece of steak!"

"Han Wanghao, you are a good person."

Lin Cheng forked the whale meat and put it into his mouth.

Chewing and chewing, his face changed.

"This smell... you poisoned the steak?"

"Ha ha!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Later, Chi Shengxi stopped letting Lin Cheng drink. He buried his head in picking the plates for a long time, and watched the steak for a long time like a child.

After dinner, everyone returned to the hotel.

The fools all got into the training room and lay down on the sofa like an arhat.

Everyone was a little drunk, and Mr. Dai drank the most, but he didn't go crazy when he was drunk, but his behavior was a little muddled.

"Hey! Get up, do you want to have a big fight?"

"No, I'll go back to sleep after a while."

"I'm going to call my mother, I miss my mother."

All the fools were muttering things that didn't make sense, and Chi Shengxi walked in with a bowl of kelp soup.

"Okay! The birthday star should drink seaweed soup."

Koreans have the habit of drinking seaweed soup on their birthdays to thank their mothers for their hard work in conceiving them.

Everyone stood up consciously, Mr. Dai seemed a little embarrassed by everyone's eyes, blushing and burying his head, he was drinking quickly.

Lin Cheng sneaked up to Chi Shengxi's side, "Hey! Sister Shengxi."


"Is there any more kelp soup? It looks delicious."

Lin Cheng's cheeks were flushed, and Chi Shengxi couldn't help laughing because of his eager eyes.

"Do you want to drink? I'll get you a bowl later."

"Okay, okay, I heard that seaweed soup can relieve hangover."

Chi Shengxi took the bowl that Mr. Dai had finished drinking and left. Those who were sober were in the training room preparing to play Smash Bros., and those who were not sober went back to the room.

Lin Cheng naturally belonged to the category of not clear-headed.

When he returned to the room, Duang threw himself on the bed, buried his head in a daze for a while.

Check the time, it's past seven o'clock.

What time is it in Korea now?

Guessing that the night owl Zhiyan might not be asleep, Lin Cheng casually sent a message.

Sister, look at Hei Si!
Soon the other party returned a voice message.

Click to play.

Julie's voice sounded.

"Ah! What are you insane about?"

(End of this chapter)

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