This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1511 I can think about the next round of BP

Chapter 1511 You can think about the next round of BP

Ze Yuan: "Oh! The male gun was flashed before it was online, how can CNNna come and go like this? This is too careless! You deliberately let Brother Cheng flash?"

Remember: "Actually, the biggest problem is that he flashes late. Either he flashes his health immediately after meeting, or he doesn't flash. Find a chance to go back and then T back. I think it's the worst choice to flash after being half-blooded." .”

Wan Wan: "Actually, there is a worse choice, that is to be disabled and flash again. This is something that many players have done... Including brother Cheng Zi, it's not that he has suffered a lot. In the summer split, he played against AFS Cheng Zi Brother only dodges because of the residual blood, which makes it very uncomfortable to face the lane later."

Seeing that she clearly remembered all the hardships Lin Cheng had endured, the bullet screens had already been filled with countless treasures.

After defeating the opponent's flash, Lin Cheng stood still and lowered the blood volume of the soldiers after returning to the line.

The male gun took drugs and waited for a few seconds, and came up to think about A's quick footwork.

Lin Cheng wasn't used to it either, and when the opponent's gun was raised, Riwen pressed forward and directly Q-handed, hitting the damage from the limit distance of Dance of Broken Wings.

The male gunner is very short. When A reaches Riven, basically Riven can touch the male gun with a Q shift.

Finding that the opponent was close, the male gun decisively handed it back to E.

Lin Cheng is very careful. Before the male gun E left, his Q skill displacement could actually be connected to level A, but he chose the speed of light QQQ.

The three-stage Q smashed the male gun, but Riven didn't make up for the A, and turned around to leave.

The Q skill will not attract the hatred of the minions, and the male gun has no chance to fight back because he is knocked into the air by the third stage of Q. What Lin Cheng does is to try to ensure that he does not let the male gun feel comfortable in his state.

If he doesn't harass him, the male gun will be full of blood soon after drinking the medicine and quick footwork.

Try to suppress the opponent's blood line as much as possible, so that Lin Cheng can find a chance to kill him.

And found that Riven has no Q, and the male gun can come up and eat two pawns comfortably.

The main reason is that Canna was forced to dodge just now, and Riven is a super-explosive hero, otherwise the quick footwork male gun would not have played so cautiously.

but it does not matter!My people will be here soon.

Canna glanced at the map.

When the second wave of troops arrived, just when Lin Cheng was about to be promoted to the second level, a burly figure came out from the direction of the river grass with a spear on his shoulder.

The second level of the prince is caught!

This operation was a bit beyond Lin Cheng's expectation.

Knowing that the opponent's prince is popular, before returning to the line, Lin Cheng deliberately put his eyes on the triangular grass to prevent the prince from being caught by the second class.

Obviously, Oner predicted Lin Cheng's eye position.

The prince came around after getting off the dragon pit with EQ.

Lin Cheng made a gesture to abandon the line of troops and retreat.

The male gun pressed forward, forming an encirclement with the flanking prince.

Because the first-level Canna lost the eye position experience, it just happened to backhand A's dead soldier and Riven rose to the second level in one step.

Just when the two were about to form a siege, Lin Cheng suddenly turned his head and leaned towards the little soldier with blood
Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the prince to come over directly after hitting red, and it is impossible to delay the chance for the top laner to be promoted to second. However, due to the delay in the CD of Oner's skills such as going around the dragon pit, it has been over 2 minutes since he reached the line.

Originally, they just came here to force Lin Cheng to dodge and reduce Riven's online threat to the male gun, but now that Riven wants to grab soldiers Oner, she can't sit still.

Riven is very flexible in the second queen, and may not even be able to force a flash.

Can't wait to get close, the prince made a mid-range EQ shot.

Oner's goal was achieved, the path of the prince's EQ happened to be between Riven and the bloody soldier, and Lin Cheng handed over the flash.

But he didn't want to run away.

Riven flashed onto the male gun's face, and Ping A raised his hand and instantly activated the Dance of Broken Wings.

The blade of the sword cuts across an elegant arc, hurting the male spear while killing the bloody soldier next to him.

Riven moved up to level two.

The male gun fired, and threw the Q skill close to the face to the wall next to it, and then lowered the E to lean on the prince.

Lin Cheng reacted quickly.

At the same time that Riven activated the sliding male gun in the A direction, she slanted to the second stage Q to avoid the gunpowder roll that bounced back on the wall instantly.

The displacement of the male gun is not long, Canna handed E down and passed Riven, but he couldn't move away much, and was directly approached by the second dance of broken wings.

The prince took a step, and the rhythm of war smashed down.

But at the moment the prince swung before attacking, Riven immediately let out a roar when she dealt passive damage.

W's soul-suppressing roar is instantaneous, interrupting the prince's level A.

The Conqueror was full, the broadsword slashed at the spear, and Riven jumped high.

The three-stage Q smashed the two of them into the air.

The flat A that the prince was about to make a move was interrupted again.

Without a chance to operate, the male gun was hacked to death by Riven who fell to the ground.

Lin Cheng's damage calculation was too precise, and nearly three-quarters of the male gun's HP was killed by him with a flash.

The prince finally showed his passiveness.

Even though he suffered the dying injury of the male gun, after all, Lin Cheng just avoided the prince's EQ, and after triumphantly recovering Riven, he still has more than one-third of his health.

And the red medicine on his body has just been taken.

Riven tugged down.

The prince wants to use the red BUFF to pursue him.

Lin Cheng fought while withdrawing, continuing to conquer the Conqueror while waiting for the skill CD.

Because the pursuit crossed the line, it was still painful for the little soldier to hit the prince, but seeing Riven's blood volume, Oner didn't want to give up.

Keep chasing!
What am I afraid of if there are red buffs and flashes?The opponent didn't have flash skills and turned slower than me.

How does he operate?

How can he operate?

Oner even gave Lin Cheng a little bee expression.

You are dead!

Lin Cheng made a poro grimace, and silently counted the opponent's skill CD.

In the professional arena, no one should be better at mental arithmetic than Brother Cheng, right?
Just when Riven was fighting and retreating, the German flag fell from the sky and landed just below Riven's model.

At the same time, Riven suddenly moved sideways and vertically.

The prince had already made a close-range dragon strike, and was led to the position of the German flag by the spear.

The face EQ is empty!

Seeing that his EQ was dodged, Oner resolutely dodged and turned around to pick Riven before the end of the EQ, and smashed it down with one shot.

But the prince's EQ flash only has a knock-up effect and no damage.

Riven still has one bar of health.

Just as the prince made up for the damage, Lin Cheng also waited for the skill CD.

Ping A raised his hand, dancing with broken wings.

There was no way out, the prince shot down and beat Riwen to pieces.

But with the next shot, the prince did not land for a long time.

After two rounds of QA at the speed of light, Lin Cheng suddenly W interrupted the prince's next shot to tie A.

Riven leaped high and smashed down with three Qs.

The prince's seemingly sure-to-kill general attack was interrupted again.

Riven rolled over and landed, sealing her throat with a sword.

"Double Kill!"

The prince's red BUFF is still burning, and Triumph takes effect in time.

Zeyuan: "Come on! Prince Oner needs to hit something to catch this wave, at least force a dodge so that the male gun doesn't have so much pressure on the line."

Wanwan: "Does Chaowei want a T? Put a line in the middle and save it, save it!"

Remember: "That's wrong! Brother Cheng flashed to change... the male gun was second-handed! What kind of damage is this?"

"Take two counters and kill one, Brother Cheng still wants to pull the trigger! But the prince is popular and the EQ should be faster CD, can it work?"

Wanwan's voice suddenly became louder: "Wow!!! So handsome! This wave is so handsome! He interrupted the prince's flat A in succession to complete the counter-kill! This is Brother Cheng's Riven!"

Zeyuan: "It's outrageous! The second-level half-blooded male gun and the full-blooded prince came over and were double-killed! Oner was caught at the second level and sent directly to Boda."

Remember: "The two Ueno brothers in T1 exploded together! It really echoed what I said before the game, whoever helps the road will be unlucky, what about the prince's wild area?"

Wanwan chuckled: "It's been sent! T1 can start thinking about the next game's BP."

"Difficult to stretch!Wanwan's ugly face, hahahaha! "

"She really, really loves Brother Chengzi (crying)"

"This Riven is outrageous, is she such a supermodel?" "

"Supermodels are people, not heroes"

"Isn't the Riven dog barking every day too weak?"It's not true

"Rui Mengmeng didn't reply online, if you lose blood, you will always be suppressed, but will Brother Chengzi lose money if you change blood?" "

"Brother Cheng is strong because of Wu Jianxian's long black silk legs. The designer cut off the stockings and Brother Orange is not so strong (funny)"

"How to cut stockings?Turn it into a war-damaged version of Syria? "

"I'm afraid Brother Cheng, the old pervert, is even more excited"

 I can not make it!Feel like I'm going to die.

  My whole body feels comfortable, and my head is about to explode.

  I don’t eat dinner anymore, I’ll go to bed first, and I’ll do a nucleic acid test tomorrow
  good luck everyone

(End of this chapter)

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