This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1513 Canna: What ultimate hell mode?

Chapter 1513 Canna: What ultimate hell mode?
We decided to disconnect on the road, and KT had already communicated in advance.

Chaowei was already guarding against the opponent's TP when Ryze retreated. Ryze had just stood under the tower to read the TP, and Galio decisively pressed the E skill to rush to the tower.

Accumulated W interrupted TP Chaowei and hurried out of the tower, without giving Ruiz a chance to imprison himself under the tower.

On the road, Riven's three-stage Q smashed the male gun and decisively AW stunned the opponent.

Little Peanut Tian Yinbo bypasses the soldier and hangs it to the male gun, and W touches Riwen to output close.

With two bang bang punches, the blind monk's second-stage Q disabled the male gun.

"Cheng Bao! Quick! Human head!"

Needless to say, Lin Cheng's skills of making up the knife, just when the blind monk's second-stage Q followed the male gun into the tower to attract hatred, Riven, who had already held the position, slashed the male gun again.

After receiving 220 gold coins, Lin Cheng gave a thumbs up.

The male gun was resurrected and a soldier died again without eating.

"Axi! Let people play games?"

Canna's mentality is a bit broken.

Zeyuan: "This is really broken! Without TP, he died twice in a row in a minute, and the head of the male gun is only worth 1 yuan. It seems that Canna's entire game may be difficult to have sound."

Remember: "Riwen has four heads, brother Chengzi is about to beat Peanut's 7-minute record!"

Wanwan: "It might be a bit difficult. After all, Little Peanut is a jungler and can catch in three lanes. It is still too difficult for the top laner to be a master in 7 minutes. The main reason is that the male gun has no TP and the resurrection is not so fast."

After a pause, she added: "If Chaowei hadn't interrupted Ryze TP just now, the chances would have been better. If Faker came down, Chengzi would already have five heads."

"Bengbu live!Wan Wan's face, 233333"

"Too much!What if Ryze comes down to double kill (funny)"

"Slow delivery without TP is okay? "

"One thing to say, it's hard for RANK to be super god in 7 minutes on the road, after all, it takes time to run back from the resurrection"

"Brother Chengzi hits hard every time he meets Canna, it's too cruel"

"Who said Canna has a big Nana girlfriend (dog head)"

After the replay, the director showed the player's camera.

This wave of killing Lin Cheng was just an understatement and shouted "Nice", which can be regarded as a compliment to Little Peanut and Chaowei who have contributed so much.

In comparison, Canna almost lost her brilliance, and the way she tilted her head and sighed made the audience laugh.

The director gave a comparison of the experience of all the players on the field.

Canna's third-level male gun has the lowest experience in the game, even lower than the support of both sides.

The counterpoint Lin Cheng led the audience in experience.

Zeyuan: "It's the ultimate prison! The experience of the male gun is lower than that of the support. I'm afraid it will still be very uncomfortable to push the line when I come back."

Remember: "Now it seems that the first level of the male gun is squatting on grass and flashing it has become the most critical foreshadowing. It is not right to drop the male gun early and shake the person to be double-killed."

Wan Wan: "Actually, the bottom line is the laning strength. The success rate of the two teams' Oner gank is very low every time. On the contrary, Xiao Huasheng can basically gain as long as he catches it. It is because the top laner and laning ability of both sides is too poor. too much."

"Brother Chengzi is second-best, which created a lot of opportunities for the jungler to do things. On the contrary, Canna was forced to shake the jungler when he was at a disadvantage. He either called the jungler to come over and was manipulated by Brother Chengzi, or the opponent squatted back."

This wave of disconnection killed the male gun, and Peanut immediately went into the wild to fight the opponent's stone man. After clearing the backline of the tower, Riven A hit the tower and stood directly under the opponent's tower to return.

Canna gave a thumbs up at the spring.

Before Riven finished reading on her return trip, Xiaobing helped remove a layer of tape.

Synthesizing the two long swords on his body into a warhammer, Lin Cheng bought another pickaxe.

For more than 4 minutes, this equipment was very exaggerated. The male gun on the opposite side only had a Dolan sword and a small long sword.

Lin Cheng just went home from the tower and let himself go out just a little later than the resurrected male gun, so that he would not give Canna a chance to develop.

When Riwen came back, the pawn line had already been pushed back, and Lin Cheng stood a little bit forward, so Canna didn't dare to lean over to make up the knife.

It would be dangerous to be touched by Riven with this equipment.

Lin Cheng chose to only make up the tail knife, so that the pawn line still advances towards the blue side.

As the line of soldiers moves, the male gun will become more and more dangerous.

After a while, the line of soldiers moved to the outside of the blue square tower.

Now the male gun doesn't smell good in the back experience.

The position is too deep, and it is difficult to run even if Riven chases him.

But even if the prince is in the upper half at this time, it's not easy to come to help untie the line.

The position of the pawn line is destined to be difficult to understand.

Even if he hadn't been squatted by the blind monk, it's really not that difficult to beat Riven with the equipment advantage of level five. The prince's forcible unlocking of the line may be another double kill.

"Brother Changdong, be careful yourself. If you really can't do it, don't eat experience, wait for the next lane and change lanes."

"I try not to send it away."

Canna looked at his experience bar.

At this time, the male gun is still a little bit up to level four, and Riven on the opposite side may be almost level six.

What kind of ultimate hell mode is this?

In 5 minutes, a battle broke out between the two sides.

Peanut had just finished beating the second wave of his own stone men, and Mr. Dai slid up to find Aphelios to exchange blood, hoping to create a GANK opportunity for the blind monk.

But at the moment when Lucian slid out of his face, Lulu's transformation came.

Aphelios blue knife AQ immediately cuts the output of the purple knife.

After surviving the sheep-changing period, Lucian was put on weakness again.

Mr. Dai relieved his weakness in seconds, and when he shot Aphelios twice, he became weak for the second time.

In this round, the summoner skills of the T1 duo all chose Flash + Weakness.

This kind of skill belt will make Lucian have no ability to resist online.

Lucian's hands are short, and it's uncomfortable to develop in front of Aphelios in a stable laning, but after all, Luna has a good burst, and she can beat Aphelios if she finds an opportunity.

But it's different if the opponent has two weaknesses.

Lulu has become a sheep, and there are two weak people waiting for Lucian, even if Mr. Dai has a purification, it is useless.

The operation of the T1 duo is really good, the double weakness is seamlessly connected, and the little K gave the shield in time to let Aphelios eat Lucian's damage without losing too much blood.

On the contrary, Lucian's blood volume drops very quickly.

Different from the general combination, the combination of Luna is Lucian who hits the damage, and the one who goes up to take the damage is basically Lucian. The damage of Aphelios + Lulu directly hits Lucian's flash.

Fortunately, Little Peanut leaned over to prevent the opponent from chasing, otherwise KT might be killed by the line in the bottom lane if this wave of falling light is withstood.

Zeyuan: "T1's bot lane weak pair is too targeted. Lucian E can't deal damage at all and gets flashed directly. If the blind monk is not there, he will be killed by the line."

Remember: "In fact, Aphelios + Lulu's weakness is enough to restrain Luna. T1 is really not given a chance. At least it is almost impossible for Luna to turn around in 2v2. Double mythology will also change. Not this result."

Wanwan: "This dual-weakness belt method is very imaginative. Erlu can suppress Luna wirelessly during the laning phase, and it can also restrict Riven from entering the field in team battles."

"But to be honest, the top lane disadvantage is too great now, and it is difficult for T1 bottom lane to make up for this hole."

(End of this chapter)

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