This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 152 Victory 4 Sea Brothers

Chapter 152 Victory is Brotherhood of the World
Lian Casting Machine: "It was really a very exciting game. The two consecutive games were reversed under the disadvantaged situation. We are all amazed at KT's toughness. How do you feel now after winning such a victory?"

Lin Cheng: "Of course I am more happy to win the game, but there are also some dissatisfaction. The game process is actually very difficult. DWG really put a lot of pressure on us."

Lian Casting Machine: "Oh? Is there any dissatisfaction in winning the game in this way? In our opinion, this is a very exciting game, a passionate reversal."

"If possible, I hope the way to win is not so bloody."

Lin Cheng shook his head, "If it's not true that you can't play an advantage in the early stage, who would want to comeback and win?"

"Incisive, if you can crush, the devil is willing to overturn the game."

"If you don't really like it, who would want to be a licking dog? (funny)"

"Reasonably, I also want to take advantage of the game, but his strength does not allow it."

"DWG: Not all teams get sick like me."

"The big tortoise didn't get sick in the second game, that Kenan was too fierce."

CCM: "How do you feel about the confrontation with Nuguri today? It seems that Nuguri didn't put too much pressure on you?"

"In the second game, his Sett really played very well. Although I had no problem in the lane, he put a lot of pressure on my teammates. In the first game, I had an advantage in the lane, but his Ornn was actually resistant to pressure. Well done too.”

Lin Cheng paused: "Actually, I have met Nuguri many times in RANK. He is the kind of player who can't stop once he dies, but he was not like that at all in the first round of the game today."

Niu Bao has really changed a lot this season compared to last season.

Last season, he was still the kind of top laner who would die violently as soon as he was targeted. The number of independent deaths was far ahead in the LCK, but this season he has gradually become stable. You can also see him from taking out Ornn to resist pressure. The change.

Lianzhuji: "At 24 minutes into the first round, Cheng's Silas had a very exciting quadruple kill that completely changed the situation. Can you share your thoughts with us at that time?"

"In the beginning, I wanted to go down and prepare the little dragon group with my teammates after clearing the line. They insisted on coming and killing me. I thought I couldn't run away, so I wanted to try another one."

Lin Cheng paused: "I didn't expect them to be easier to kill than I thought, so I killed them all."

"??? Is this speaking human language? They are easier to kill than imagined."

"They wanted to kill me, so I killed them all, 23333."

"Please be a human being! DWG will go crazy after hearing this."

"Brother Chengzi: I'll give you a chance, you're useless."

"One thing to say, this Silas' quadruple kill is the most exciting scene I've seen this year."

"It's you who say the most unspeakable words in the most serious tone."

Continuous casting machine: "Wow~~~ This answer seems to be no problem. In fact, in that wave of Cheng players, Silas eliminated all the opponents one after another. Would it be a pity that he didn't get the pentakill? Then he took Quadruple kills."

Lin Cheng: "It's a pity. When I met ShowMaker in the rankings before, he got four kills and I sent him five kills. But in the last wave just now, he saw that I was going for five kills and deliberately rushed to Lucian University. Sending people's heads away from recruits made me very angry."

Kim Hyun Joon joked: "The next time you meet a ShowMaker player, will you give him a pentakill?"

Lin Cheng was very sincere: "Of course not. Not only will I not send pentakills, but I will also take his head when they are lined up."

CT laughed: "Wow~~~ It looks like a new canyon battle is about to start."

The canyon battle he was referring to has actually been around for a long time. Professional players who are familiar with each other will occasionally get into a fight in RANK and play with each other's mentality.

Brother Li once deliberately grabbed Deft's red buff in RANK. Mr. Dai was so angry that he ran to brush the pawn line in the middle, and then went to grab the F6 that Brother Li was fighting.

The two started to crazily dirty each other's wild monsters and minion lines. They both won and lost, and the worst thing was Peanut who lined up together to fight in the wild. The two wiped out their own wild monsters. .

Little Peanut dared not speak out about the bad behavior of the two, so he simply joined the ninja war.

So, head grabbers, dirty soldiers, dirty wild monsters, blind monks kicked the red angry crocodile in the face of AD... All kinds of underworld scenes emerged endlessly in that RANK game, and the most outrageous thing was that they even won that round .

Lian Casting Machine: "In the second game, your Kenan didn't go well in the early stage, and the team also fell into a huge disadvantage. With a very bold blind vision flashing big move, he entered the field and killed Senna and Rambo. Why dare you start a team like this? ? Your field of vision is completely black."

Lin Cheng: "Because I happened to see the opposite duo walking toward the river, I wanted to try to guess the location. At worst, I would lose the next round. Anyway, I don't want to be tortured any longer."

CCM: "Did you feel tortured on the court at that time?"

Lin Cheng: "It was really torturous. At that time, our field of vision couldn't go out at all. There was a dark area on the map, and we were worried about being caught at any time. After leading the line for a few steps, my teammates frantically sent me signals to make me wretched. Woke up very tired."

CT took over the words: "As a former professional jungler, I am very interested in a question: in the second game, Bono's prince squatted in the grass for a long time because the jungle area was cleaned up. Volt but didn't gain anything.

Hmm~~~ To be honest, the act of looting experience... From the perspective of the jungler, it can put a lot of pressure on the opponent, but in RANK, if you rub your experience like this, you will be complained by your online teammates. What does player Lin Cheng think? ? "

As soon as CT's words came out, Jin Xianjun couldn't help laughing.

Bono in the second round was so miserable, the commentary of the shopping scene made a lot of fun at that time, but he didn't expect to talk about it now.

Lin Cheng: "Actually, I don't really like playing jungle games, but since I won, I won't say anything, so as not to affect our relationship."

"??? So what? What do you want to say if you lose?"

"Of course it started to breathe out fragrance, 23333."

"It's so real! If you win, you can talk about everything, but if you lose, you can start hunting horses."

"If you win, you will be brothers from all over the world. If you lose, your family tree will ascend to heaven. What's the point?"

"Bono: I knocked Nima, you bastard is crazy about my wild area, what's the matter with getting some experience?"

CCM: "Okay, as the first interview in the online competition, is there any last thing Cheng wants to say?"

Lin Cheng thought about it carefully: "During this special period, I hope you all take care of your health and remember to wear a mask, um~~~ And what's more, it would be even better if Ms. Minna hosts the interview next time."

Three commentators: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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