The scene of the aurora eruption is particularly spectacular. The flying light bands are changing in thousands of ways, and the sky is rendered by green fluorescent lights one after another, as if the door of the kingdom of God is opened.

The four hanhan looked up at the sky outside the tent, feeling as if they were standing under countless large curtains, watching them being blown by the strong wind and flying all over the sky.

Exclaimed constantly.

"Yahoo!!! It's a miracle!"

"This is too beautiful!"

"Make a wish! Make a wish!"

"I hope KT can win this year's championship!"

"I'm just like him!"

"I hope next year I can grow ten centimeters taller!"

"Making a wish is not a dream, be realistic!"

"Hope for peace in the Middle East!"

Lin Cheng was also intoxicated by this fantastic beauty, and the shock in his heart was indescribable.


This romantic moment is not with the wives.

Lin Cheng turned his head to look, and Chi Shengxi was also looking up at the sky.

She was half a head shorter than Lin Cheng, and the moment she lowered her head slightly, Lin Cheng seemed to see the reflection of the aurora in Sister Sheng Xi's dark eyes.

The little peanut in front shouted excitedly, "Lin Cheng, let's go to the top of the lighthouse to take pictures of the aurora, the angle is the best there."

"No! I'll just watch it here."

Lin Cheng didn't bother to bother, the aurora eruption time was uncertain, sometimes it only took a few minutes, by the time these idiots got on the lighthouse, they might have disappeared.

"If you don't go, we will go, don't say we are dishonest."

"Go! Be careful not to fall."

The idiots were very excited, leaving Lin Cheng behind and went straight to the lighthouse excitedly.

Chi Shengxi left with the fools.

Due to the North Atlantic warm current, the temperature in Iceland will not be too low at this node, but the wind outside the tent is still a bit cold.

Lin Cheng stood outside for a while, then simply sat down in the tent, wrapped in a cashmere blanket, and watched the wonderful scenery all over the sky through the open tent door.

The green aurora was so beautiful that Lin Cheng felt inexplicably seeing the end of the world when he saw it from the tent.

But why is it inexplicably like the scene where the evil energy erupts in the movie?
What if the world ends?
Isn't Brother Cheng's career going to become survival in the last days?

Lin Cheng's thoughts began to drift again inexplicably.

Soon, Chi Shengxi came back alone.

"Sister Shengxi, why are you back?"

"You stay here alone, sister, don't worry."

"It's really... I'm not a child anymore."

Lin Cheng complained a little bit, but he was inexplicably happy in his heart.

Chi Shengxi stood at the door of the tent, looking at Lin Cheng's appearance, he couldn't help being happy, "What are you doing? You have to see it, it's not a good sight."

"It doesn't matter, the half of the sky where you can see the aurora is enough."

Lin Cheng lay prone at the entrance of the tent, his eyes were crooked as he spoke.

Chi Shengxi was standing beside her, and Lin Cheng raised his head to see the bottom of her pleated skirt.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

This guy wasn't shy at all, Chi Shengxi put his legs together and squatted down covering the hem of his skirt.

"Ah! I can't see anything anyway, what are you doing?"

Lin Cheng opened his mouth and said nonsense, "Who said you can't see it? Even the color of the pants is clear."

Chi Shengxi chuckled, "Really? Then tell me what color my sister is wearing today."

Lin Cheng stopped talking, curled his lips and turned his head away to continue watching Aurora.

He could see a ghost, even though there was a light in the tent, it couldn't shine under Sister Sheng Xi's skirt, and she was wearing pantyhose.

Seeing that Lin Cheng didn't want to talk to him, Chi Shengxi leaned into his ear with a smile.

"Want to know? Sister can tell you the answer."

Lin Cheng quickly turned his head and looked at her with burning eyes.

Chi Shengxi burst out laughing, "I'm kidding you."

Lin Cheng turned his head away, and said firmly, "I'm not interested, only perverts are interested in the color of other people's underwear."

The corners of Chi Shengxi's mouth rose slightly.

"Okay, save some space for my sister."

She took off her short boots, got into the cashmere blanket and got down on her stomach in the same posture.

"Aurora is a symbol of happiness, have you made a wish?"


"Then don't miss it, hurry up and make a wish."

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "I have too many wishes to make. I'll find a note and make a list later."

Chi Shengxi laughed, "Don't be too greedy."

Lin Cheng turned to look at Chi Shengxi, "But I've always been greedy, sister Shengxi knows?"

Chi Shengxi didn't speak, just smiled and looked up at the mid-air outside the tent.

Lin Cheng also propped his elbows on the ground, concentrating on admiring the aurora.

The posture of lying on the stomach and looking up at the sky was actually very tiring. After a while, Lin Cheng simply lay down.

He let go of his thoughts, lay down straight and stared at the sky with his eyes wide open. The hood of his clothes was pulled down a bit like a salted fish that had lost its dream.

Chi Shengxi turned to look at Lin Cheng.

"What are you thinking?"

Lin Cheng joked, "I'm still wondering what color Sheng Xi's panties are."

"Ah! Didn't you say that perverts are only interested in the color of other people's underwear?"

"I'm a very curious person, and I always have a thorn in my heart if I don't figure out the problem... Okay! Actually, I'm a little perverted, and Xiao Tong often says that about me."

Lin Cheng's self-explosion made Chi Shengxi happy.

Seeing her smile, Lin Cheng shrugged indifferently.

It was really uncomfortable to lie on the stomach all the time. Chi Shengxi raised her body and rubbed her numb elbows. Seeing Lin Cheng staring at the sky above her head in disbelief, she suddenly leaned close to Lin Cheng's ear.

"Black, lace."

The voice was very soft, and the breath she exhaled made Lin Cheng's ears itchy.

After being stunned for a moment, Lin Cheng suddenly realized.

He stared straight at Chi Shengxi.

"Really? Show me."

"Ha ha!"

Chi Shengxi laughed loudly, reached out and rubbed Lin Cheng's cheek vigorously.

"Wonderful idea, can you look at my sister's panties casually?"

Lin Cheng pouted, looking disappointed.

Chi Shengxi also lay down, leaning against Lin Cheng, staring at the sky with Lin Cheng in the same posture.

"Look! The color of the aurora has changed."

In the night sky, the original green sky has a new color, pink is quietly distributed in the middle of the large green, as if it outlines the outline of the green ribbon.

There are more and more pink halos, gradually connecting into pieces, adding a touch of romance to the entire fantasy sky.

Lin Cheng raised his head and glanced at Chi Shengxi next to him.

"Sister Shengxi, what are you thinking at this moment?"

Chi Shengxi joked casually: "I was thinking about what you said just now, what did you do to make your little wife call you a pervert."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Seeing Lin Cheng's slumped face, Chi Shengxi chuckled, "Yo! It seems that someone has really done something perverted, let me hear it?"

Lin Cheng gritted his teeth: "Want to know? How about I do it to my sister too?"

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes, "You have a good idea."

Lin Cheng chuckled and changed the topic.

"However, I'm still very curious, is Miss Sheng Xi really wearing black lace today?"

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