This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1546 Prepare a complete EDG!Inconvenient Personal Abilities

Chapter 1546 Prepare a complete EDG!Inconvenient Personal Abilities
Seeing Lin Cheng's Akali expression, Brother Holy Gun felt extremely uncomfortable.

It's impossible for Song Yuqi and Ye Shuhua to say they don't mind supporting Lin Cheng before the game. After all, they are his favorite idols. Brother Holy Gun actually wanted to teach Lin Cheng a lesson in the final.

But for the sake of the team, he knows the importance.

But when Lin Cheng came up, he showed Akali's expression, what did he mean?
Lin Cheng didn't know that just because of his expression, he messed up Brother Holy Gun's mentality.

Mrs. Juan cheered me up, isn't it normal to have Akali's expression on?
He didn't care too much after finding out that his opponent's blood consumption became more active.

After all, Kenan has no ability to recover. Lin Cheng Sword Demon RANK can catch the No. [-] Kenan in the Hanbok and kill him randomly. He doesn't think that Brother Saint Gun can put too much pressure on himself.

The top road is tearing hair, and KT is having a difficult life in the early stage of the bottom road.

Although Viper and Meiko's laning suppression is much worse than that of the T1 duo, it is still very easy for Erlu to suppress Luna in the early stage. After the first level grabs the laning, EDG continues to put pressure on the bottom lane.

In 3 minutes, the next road cannon car line is about to enter the tower.

Jiejie's prince leaned down the road.

"EDG played very proactively, Scout is going to T! Clockwork is already looking for a position at the back, let's jump!"

"This wave will definitely overtake you! Why do you let Lucian take the line!"

As soon as Ze Yuan finished speaking, the prince's flanks appeared as the lower soldiers entered the tower.

At this time, the KT duo is no longer easy to withdraw.

The red minions light up TP.

"Do I want T?"

It was not easy for Chaowei to judge the form accurately at the first time.

Mr. Dai stopped immediately, "Don't T! Don't T!"

Yao Ji will be in a state of being pushed to the line, and she will lose the line no matter what, and the opposite Siyue Er may be too late by the time Yao Ji comes down.

Mr. Dai is ready to change one if he can in this wave, and let himself bear it if he can't.

The clockwork fell to the ground, and EDG executed the tower jump.

The red side's wave of tower jumping is very thin, and they let the long-handed Lulu carry the tower first.

Mr. Dai can only choose to pour the damage on Lulu.

But EDG obviously had a plan for this wave of tower jumping, and the second-level Lulu learned how to become a sheep.

Mr. Dai went down the tower to purify and get rid of Bianyang, and flashed to hide the prince's EQ.

Jiejie reacted quickly, decisively EQ and blitzed Lucian.

The clockwork and Aphelios set the damage down, and Lucian died suddenly.

Aphelios took one blood.

The red side is not interested in the remaining Nami, and retreats immediately after losing Lucian.

Miller: "Beautiful! This wave of Deft has been bombed! EDG only paid for the flashes of Lulu and Prince to complete this wave of tower jumping."

Zeyuan: "Above! Little Peanut wants to touch Brother Holy Gun too! It's dangerous!"

Brother Holy Gun is very disciplined, and his teammates are doing things below Kenan, and he set the line to stand under the tower ahead of time.

He didn't even dare to get close to the triangle grass, and directly screened the wall at the intersection of the wild area. Kenan was only half blood and was caught by the pig girl and knocked out flash and TP. In fact, it was no different from being dead.

And Lin Cheng's sword demon was promoted to level three and decisively learned the second level of Q, and the third level of Q skills was used to clear the line.

"Kenan is still there! Wang Hao is waiting for me to push the line past him."

The opponent's middle and field are all in the bottom lane. Although the sword demon's line pushing speed is still not very fast at this time, Lin Cheng has plenty of time.

Because Lin Cheng knew that it was impossible for Kenan to return at this time.

Unless the opponent doesn't want the pawn line.

The teammates are all in the lower half, and Kenan must eat under the tower in this wave.

If the holy gun brother chooses to return to make up the state and then return to T, the probability of him being overtaken by the pawn line will increase instead.

Because Chaowei in the middle has dealt with the pawn line, the demon girl T will come up with three guarantees and one to hit the road later.

Anyway, as long as Holy Gun dares to hand in T in advance, he will definitely hit the road according to KT's style of play.

Brother Holy Gun also knew the consequences of being overrun after handing in the T, so Kenan stood under the tower for nearly 20 seconds, waiting for the Sword Demon to push the line of troops over.

He can only bet that Little Peanut can't see anyone and doesn't have the patience to squat him.

At this time, the river crab has been refreshed, what if the pig girl is attracted by the river crab?

However, he thought too much.

The moment the pawn line entered the tower, Little Peanut's pig sister came up from the triangle grass.

Seeing the pig girl at the intersection of the wild area, Brother Shengqiang hesitated for a moment, twisting left and right as if he wanted to force the tower to go offline.

But his teammates frantically signaled him to retreat.

"The enchantress has gone up, Li Xuanjun don't hold back!"

Brother Holy Gun can only drive E to accelerate and retreat.

It was a bit late now, and the pig girl came over from the stone man's grass and waved her whip.

Brother Holy Gun moved very well, turned his head in time to avoid the pig whip and slowed down.

Lin Cheng's sword demon QE made a move, and a section of the blade sent Kenan into the air.

"I didn't learn W, so keep someone here."

Little Peanut Pig Girl's Q skill is shot.

Kenan crosses to dodge the pig's head.

KT's Ueno brothers turned around and stopped chasing.

Zeyuan: "Little Peanut is such a thief! He wants to slow down and wait for you to dodge. Fortunately, Brother Holy Gun moved to avoid pig girl W, otherwise this wave will die."

Miller: "But this wave of holy gun brothers is still a loss! It's almost the same as dying, and you still have to return and pay T."

"Look at this wave of soldiers. After a while, Kenan will lose six or seven soldiers when he comes back."

"And Jiejie has to go out and lean upwards. At this time, the enchantress in the middle is in control of the pawn line. Beware of KT's attacking Holy Spear again."

Although the EDG team was criticized by fans for not treating top laners as human beings, Jiejie also paid great attention to the protection of Saint Gun.

Little Peanut went to get the upper river crab, but he didn't intend to go to the upper road to catch Kenan.

In just over three minutes, the game between the two sides was actually very intense, and the tactical quality currently displayed by EDG is actually very high.

And I definitely didn't study KT's video less.

EDG directly four-crossed two without knowing the route of Little Peanut's open field, and obviously guessed the location of Zhumei.

The top lane is Sword Demon and Luna is the bottom lane. Normal junglers usually brush down, and Peanut is the abnormal one.

For today's final, EDG has made sufficient preparations.

It's a pity that there are some things that you can't predict even if you watch the video [-] times, no matter how much you prepare.

After leading Kenan's experience, Lin Cheng played very proactively. He knew that Kenan didn't match the prince's ability to gank himself before the sixth level.

Lin Cheng will consume every opportunity he finds.

And the holy gun brother has done a good job of resisting pressure, trying not to give the opponent a chance to exchange blood.

In 5 minutes, Lin Cheng pushed the line of troops out of the tower, and retreated directly to the back.

It is impossible for this pawn line Saint Gun to leave, but Kenan's line clearing speed is very slow.

On the return journey, he took out the iron thorn whip, and the sword demon troopers went online.

Soldiers enter the tower.

With nearly two-thirds of his health, Kenan seemed to be relatively healthy, but Lin Cheng was not going to give him a chance to eat.

Didn't even wait for Peanut to come over the tower.

The night was full of dreams, so Lin Cheng did it himself.

At the moment when the defensive tower had just charged up to attack the soldiers, the sword demon's Q flashing sword edge smashed Kenan down the tower.

The distance of Sword Demon's Q flash is farther than that of QE, and Brother Saint Gun didn't expect Lin Cheng's way of attacking at all.

W made a shot with the Evil Fire Beam Chain, and the sword demon's second-stage dark-born sharp blade raised his hand.

Kenan activated the thunder armor to move.

Lin Cheng directly handed over E to adjust his body position, and the second-stage Jianfeng smashed Kenan, who was quickly pulled to the edge of the evil fire beam chain, into the air.

Hellfire chains erupted.

Kenan was forcibly dragged back.

The sword demon had already raised his huge sword ahead of time, and the center of the three-stage Q once again smashed Kenan into the air.

Give death sword energy shot.

The iron spiked whip swung out.

Kenan died suddenly.

Because Lin Cheng Q flashed the shot while the defense tower was attacking the minions, the defense tower had just sprayed the second light bullet at the sword demon.

No life was in danger, and the sword demon easily pulled out the defense tower under Triumph's reply.

Lin Cheng even made a heart-warming expression before leaving the tower.

So angry!

Brother Holy Gun wanted to thump the table a little bit.

After Akali is Ahri, this guy deliberately disgusts me, right?
The actor of KDA Ali is Zhao Meiyan, who is also a member of Nvwa. Lin Cheng's high-intensity mental attack is a bit difficult for Saint Gun.

If it wasn't for his lack of ability, he really wanted to beat Lin Cheng unconscious with Jess!

 Water, short, I scolded for you

(End of this chapter)

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