This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1549 Support in the finals! Tara Go!

Although Lin Cheng and Chaowei didn't catch the clockwork in the middle, the sword demon chased and stabbed the clockwork, and Scout had to go back to make up for it.

It just so happened that Peanut won the vanguard.

"Wang Hao, come here and release the vanguard."

"Jiawen and Lulu are disabled, the middle tower can be pushed directly."

Little Peanut decisively took the vanguard and ran to the middle.

The line of soldiers was just sent into the tower by the sword demon and the enchantress.

At this time, EDG has no defense in the middle.

The three of them beat the defensive tower to half blood first, and the pig girl crushed the Eye of the Pioneer.

The first tower in the middle of the red square fell.

Miller: "Oh! This wave is still a loss! Most of the middle towers with half of the blood just fell like this."

Remember: "Although Scout showed off his position just now, but judging from the result, it is actually the same as being dead. The clockwork must go back to make up for the state, and EDG Nosuke's down road crossing the tower is also disabled and he has to go back. There is no one to assist Mid-defense tower."

Zeyuan: "Facing KT, the middle tower will be broken! They are very good at using the advantage of the middle tower to suppress the opponent's wild area and vision. EDG will be tested next."

Pull out the middle tower, and must defend the middle line while the opponent is resurrected, Xiao Peanut goes directly to control Xiaolong.

It took 10 minutes for KT to win the first dragon in this game. The rhythm is relatively slow, but in fact, the little peanut puts a lot of pressure on the road.

The sword demon returned to the top road and Kenan still had to go to jail.

Facing the infinite push line consumption of the sword demon, Brother Saint Gun finally couldn't hold back.

In 12 minutes, after seeing the prince in the field of vision, Lin Cheng rushed to the tower to kill Kenan again.

Originally, Holy Gun Brother's E skill had been forced out, but Kenan wanted to rely on his big move to fight against the large wave of soldiers under the Remnant Blood Tower.

Then Lin Cheng directly used Kenan's big move to kill Brother Holy Gun.

The operation is unremarkable, Lin Cheng hits Kenan at the bottom of the tower with a Q opening hand sword point, and after the sword point hits, he decisively throws the W evil fire beam chain.

The Great Annihilation is on!Only at this time did Lin Cheng really want to kill him.

Brother Holy Gun didn't dodge at the first time, so he wanted to fight back under the tower.

And Lin Cheng's slow QE has already taken action.

The mark of the storm quickly triggered the stun, but the sword demon's great sword had already begun to fall.

In this state, Sword Demon's Q skill cannot be interrupted.

Kenan was sent flying by the second section of the sword.

Hellfire chains erupted.

Sword Demon's third stage Q has already raised his hand.

The bloodthirsty battle ax and hammer damage on Lin Cheng's body is a bit incomprehensible. Kenan almost died after eating three Qs.

Fortunately, the imprint of the storm caused dizziness again, and Brother Holy Gun flashed his blood and wanted to run away.

Without saving his skills, Lin Cheng flashed and stabbed Kenan to death.

This wave of solo kills with the defense tower and Kenan's big move, Lin Cheng is no longer a human being, but the main thing is that Holy Gun was suppressed by two levels and his equipment is too poor, so there is no threat to him at all.

In 12 minutes, there is only one generator on Kenan at level 7, who is afraid?

After killing Kenan, Lin Cheng took advantage of the opportunity to destroy the remaining blood and go to the first tower.

The sword demon is completely liberated, and now Holy Gun can grow under the second tower with peace of mind, but his teammates are very sad.

The red square outer tower in the middle road has fallen, and Clockwork only dared to defend the line in front of the second tower when facing the enchantress.

In this case, even if EDG can push the line in the bottom lane, they dare not push, otherwise it will be difficult to run if they are wrapped by the pig girl and the enchantress.

After a wave of supplies on the return journey, Lin Cheng went straight down the road.

Chaowei also came over after pushing the line. …

The right to go to the middle line has too much advantage, and KT directly went down the road with five players in 13 minutes.

Seeing someone coming from the view of the river, the EDG duo released the line ahead of time and retracted to the second tower.

The soldiers entered the tower, Lin Cheng showed his head and ate tapas with Lucian, while Yao Ji and Zhu Mei were crossing the line to put pressure on them.

Although the clockwork cleared the middle route and the prince approached, he could only watch from the side.

After all, KT is five people!
They have a crippled Kenan who is still developing on the road. Even if Brother Saint Gun has TP, didn't he make a big move that Kenan came down and brought his teammates to send it off?

There is no way, the red side can only let go of the tower.

When the plating was about to disappear at 14 minutes, KT successfully destroyed the opponent's bottom tower.

At this time, the score was 2:2, but the economic gap was over [-].

Miller: "Oh! What kind of game did I watch? The score was 2:2, and it was only 14 minutes. Why do you feel like KT didn't contribute much and the situation in EDG was rotten?"

"You can't be run by your opponent like this, you have to find an opportunity to touch it!"

Ze Yuan: "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry! At this time, you really can't be impulsive. The difference in combat power on the court is too big. Once it is EDG, I feel like I will send it directly."

"It really can't be delayed! Anyway, EDG is also good at this."

KT's calm but oppressive management not only suffocates the audience from the perspective of God, but also the EDG players on the court feel nervous.

It's not that they don't want to look for opportunities. Jiejie's two attacks on the bottom lane are proof, and even the risk of the second tower jump is completely out of proportion to the benefits.

But sometimes you really don't have the opportunity you think, and now Jiejie really doesn't know how to find the opportunity.

Cut out the equipment panel, not to mention Luna's double mythology, how can I fight if the sword demon is almost dead?
Unless they can catch the opponent's chance to place an order, the EDG players also know that they will lose in the fight.

Really can't find opportunities, EDG can only develop.

Originally they were also good at this.

The big deal is to wait for the Korean double C in the later stage.

But KT is different from the opponents they have encountered before. EDG has never encountered such a strong oppressive team.

After destroying the three outer towers, KT increased the pressure on the field of vision and the wild area.

The second-generation pioneer KT easily won.

The second little dragon, Xiao Peanut, was still in control without any pressure.

Pioneer operation, line push, line transfer, everything is done step by step.

Soon, the red square outer tower was completely broken.

In 21 minutes, the water dragon is about to refresh.

The red side has no vision, and seeing that the opponent's drawing dragon is also very difficult to compete for, EDG still wants to try it.

At least give Jiejie a chance to fight for punishment and let the game continue to drag on.

All members of KT happened to have a wave on the return journey, and EDG really squeezed into the river at this node.

But the red side has poor vision, and there are several KT key eye positions in the wild.

Sword Demon directly TP around the rear.

"Come on, come on! I surrounded the opposite side!
Without waiting for his teammates to arrive, Lin Cheng went around and entered the river, and when he saw the opponent's personnel, he directly opened the ult.

The wings soared, and the sword demon attacked in the form of mass destruction.

He Dao, Sword Demon, understand?
EDG was making vision step by step in the front, and never expected that a sword demon would suddenly appear from behind.

Lin Cheng rushed towards his face.

Lulu became a sheep immediately.

It doesn't matter if you become a sheep, Lin Cheng rushed in despite the harm.

At this time, the sword demon's three-piece suit of bloodthirsty dance, the opponent's damage is lower than expected. …

EDG's formation was not very tight because they wanted to grab the view of the river. The first time the Sword Demon came in, Kenan and Clockwork hadn't joined the battlefield yet.

The transformation of sheep is over, and the giant sword in the sword demon's hand is raised high.

Although the prince in front turned around and gave a two-shot blow, the sword demon's Q skill has already been shot.

The first Q knocked Aphelios into the air, and Lin Cheng released the second Q obliquely.

The E skill adjusts the position.

The wide range of swords knocked the duo and the prince into the air at the same time.

The sword demon took a step, and made a Q shot in the third paragraph.

Viper was afraid that Lin Cheng would dodge himself with a Q, so Aphelios handed over the dodge position in advance.

But Lin Cheng ignored him at all.

The three blades simultaneously knocked Lulu and the prince flying in front of them.

Give death sword energy shot.

Lulu died suddenly.

The sword demon who had already lost some HP suddenly took a big bite back, and Lu Lu ignited it like playing.

Finding that the situation was wrong, EDG did not save their skills, and greeted them all.

But the damage wasn't enough.

The two big moves of Kenan and Clockwork only forced out the bloody sword demon.

The bloody hand equipment is really the nemesis of the instant explosion, the higher the opponent's fire burst, the greater the value of the bloody hand shield.

At this time, the sword demon CD was very fast, and he swung the giant sword frantically again.

The giant sword flew, creating a large number of AOE.

The Sword Demon stacked full of conquerors doesn't need to go to the opponent's back row at all, just slash at the guy in front of him blocking the way and it's over.

The two-piece Aphelios is like a toy in front of the three-piece sword demon, and Lin Cheng's output pressure is not very high with four people.

Seeing that the blood volume was a little less, he took a mouthful of thirsty blood first.

Brother Holy Gun's Kenan was stabbed to death by Lin Cheng after finishing his ultimate move.

"Double Kill!"

The Remnant Blood Prince dodged and opened his position, while Lin Cheng accelerated to chase Aphelios by relying on the refreshed Great Annihilation.

Without even using his skills, he stabbed half-blood Aphelios to death with three swords.

"Triple Kill!"

EDG was defeated by Lin Cheng alone.

But there is no chance of pentakill.

His teammates had already come to support him. When Lin Cheng killed Kenan just now, Little Peanut was so big that he was in the upper half of the river, and Mr. Dai flashed E and entered the field and immediately stopped the clockwork.

The remaining princes were also chased to death by the enchantress, and EDG was wiped out.

"Behind! It's over! EDG has no idea that the sword demon is behind, and this wave may explode. This sword demon is in great condition."

Miller was a little bit heartbroken: "It's over! It's cut, I'm really worried about what will happen. Brother Cheng, Sword Demon God, is going to send EDG to lose the first game."

Remember: "Designer!!! Did you see it? Is serious injury useless? This person is still full of blood after one beating five times with serious injuries."

Zeyuan: "River, sword demon, keyword trigger, EDG! You dare to go down the river without doing any vision behind?"

The barrage has exploded.

And the director immediately gave Lin Cheng's players the first perspective.

The thinking is clear and the operation is clear. This wave of Lin Cheng can't say how fast and precise the reaction is, only that his operation is extremely calm.

Calm as an emotionless killing machine.

However, after calmly scoring three kills and winning the team battle, Lin Cheng suddenly typed quickly on the public screen:

Tara Go!

Lin Cheng, who was still calm just now, suddenly smiled and said to the camera of the contestant in front of him:
"Sisters, come on!"

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