This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1557 Perfect team battle! 7 up and 8 down

Chapter 1557 Perfect team battle!Up and down

Zeyuan: "The KT people came so fast! It's over! The blind monk Q was interrupted! EDG's wave of tower jumping has a big problem!"

Miller: "Oh~~~EDG was in a good situation just now, and the advantage only lasted to 7 minutes. The worst happened. Brother Cheng already has three heads!"

Zeyuan: "I have to say that KT's mid-field operation is really top-notch! Chaowei dragged his teammates to support him and moved to avoid Verus' enhanced Q. The EQ of Little Peanut Prince interrupting the blind monk's second-stage Q is a bit outrageous, and Orange Brother solved the duo of EDG."

"This wave of KT's upper and middle field operations are full, there is really nothing to do."

Remember: "I still want to know when the Ueno of KT came over, it was too timely."

Soon, replays are given.

On the road, due to the steady release of the line by Brother Shengqiang, Lin Cheng actually leaned towards the middle road immediately after pushing the line.

Originally, Qinggangying was going to rely on the middle of the river, but after taking two steps, Lin Cheng circled back to the line, entered the wild area from behind the triangle grass, and then leaned toward the middle.

This detour prevents the blue side from getting the information of Qinggangying from the upper river vision.

And when Lin Cheng came around from above the big dragon pit, his teammates pinged the grass on the back of the red buff in advance, indicating that there might be eyes there.

Then Qinggangying walked around from the front opening of the red buff, perfectly avoiding all the eye positions of the blue side.

Miller: "Oh! Brother Cheng just bypassed all the wards. EDG probably expected at most one prince to support the middle lane. They didn't expect Qinggang Ying to come over."

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi's awareness is really good! This wave of EDG's decision to make a move is actually doomed to lose money, but I didn't expect that KT not only realized the position but also started to operate, directly maximizing EDG's losses."

Remember: "Now comes the problem! Qinggangying, who was 0-1 in the opening four, is now 3-1, how can Chengzi deal with it?"

"Fuck!This wave is numb"

"Brother Chengzi has taken off, what should we do next?" "

"Swing! "

"The 7-minute advantage is lost, can the protection of Qijiang only last for 7 minutes?" "

"EDG is playing too fast, dare to run to the second tower in the middle to catch people in 7 minutes?Only KT dared to do this before"

"Apologize!Who Said Little Peanut Is Only Conscious Now"

"You all say that peanut butter can only hold thighs, but in fact the operation is still very good"

"Next time he rushes to the tower and brings brother Cheng Zi to deliver it, you won't say that"

Ueno promptly supported the middle lane to kill the three of EDG, KT overtook the field, and the bottom lane duo took advantage of the unguarded and slowly pushed a large wave of soldiers to eat two layers of tapestry.

The advantages brought by EDG's bot lane double TP in the early stage disappeared.

Even because of this large wave of pawn line losses, Viper is obviously behind Mr. Dai even if he has a head in his hand to develop.

In 8 minutes, Canyon Pioneer refreshed.

The EDG bottom lane duo pushed the line and went up ahead of schedule.

Aphelios stayed in the bottom lane to eat the lane.

Jiejie has just reached level [-]. At this time, the upper middle field of Jess + blind monk + demon girl is still very strong. EDG wants to take this opportunity to seize the vanguard and take the initiative in rhythm.

The vanguard moved first from the blue side, and Evert's Luo also leaned towards the upper half.

Next, Aphelios red and white knife is ready to eat tapi.

"Let's harass it a little bit, fight if you have a chance, it's not a loss if you don't have a chance to let Kim Hyuk-kyu get plated."

EDG's decision to play the vanguard was very firm, and everyone in KT harassed them.

It is said to be harassment, but it is actually an eye attack. The red team's lineup does not consume much power if it does not start a team.

However, EDG Verus didn't reach six, and his ability to start a team is very poor. KT will not be afraid of being easily attacked by the opponent because of the small number of players.

Evert gained a little experience in the middle lane alone to upgrade to level [-], relying on the upward river.

"Verus and Bron are both six, you can fight!"

"Give them the vanguard, and wait for the team."

In EDG, everyone was scattered in the river channel, and KT patiently looked for opportunities.

This time is the stage for Jess to play, but if KT hits two shots, this wave may be over.

But Gunslinger is a bit out of line.

Jess, who came over early, had two enhanced cannons + one ordinary cannon, all empty.

Scout, the enchantress, dare not step on it easily to consume. KT Nakanosuke's position is relatively tight. Once the enchantress rushes up to eat a control, she will be charged to death.

In the end, Viper Verus got an arrow, but the damage was not very high. The pioneer had already lost blood and didn't have much time for Verus to consume.

Because Jess had too many shots and did not give pressure, everyone in KT saw the vanguard's residual blood and pressed the position ahead of time.

With a roar, the vanguard was killed.

But at this time, people from KT got stuck near the Dragon Pit.

You can fight the vanguard, but you won't let you pick up the vanguard's eye.

EDG will definitely not do it!

Five people have come, this pioneer should be in the bag.

The blind monk forcibly stepped forward under the cover of his teammates.

"Do it! You can fight!"

Lin Cheng's Qinggang shadow directly hooked the wall, and kicked the blind monk unconscious at the mouth of the dragon pit.

Enchantress W stepped up, and E's phantom chain hit Qinggang Ying.

Verus raised his bow and arrow behind him.

Jess pressed forward, waiting for the Q skill that was about to change.

Everyone in EDG is approaching.

Just then, Evert made his move.

Although the little assistant was very abstract when fishing, but when he was serious, he could almost touch the limit of this division.

Luo knocked down the exploding cones and entered the Dragon Pit, using his big move to startle the gap.

Under the blessing of the surprise, Luo entered the arena gracefully like a swift cloud.

Luo rushed out of the dragon pit in a hurry, E Qingwu leaned against Qing Gangying in pairs, charmed the blind monk, and then went straight to the enchantress.

Enchantress quickly activated the W mark and returned to its original position.

Evert flashed and W made a grand debut.

The position of the enchantress' W mark was just on the side of the duo that EDG was pressing forward, and she made her grand debut and knocked the three of them into the air.

The little prince Peanut flashed and EQ, and his ult move was Heaven and Earth Rupture, and he shot to cover the three of them.

Galio prepares for hero debut.

You must know that EDG's duo is not flashy, and the prince's big move is too deadly to block three.

And Evert turned around and ran back immediately after W finished lifting three, the terrifying movement speed bonus made the prince's big move fail to frame Luo.

Qing Wu in pairs moved to Qing Gang Ying's side again.

Jess has already cut the hammer and wants to kill Qinggang Ying who is out of touch with his teammates in seconds with the blind monk.

Luo gave the charm effect, and the hammered holy gun brother failed to deal full damage, and the blind monk had already kicked Qinggangying into the dragon pit with his big move.

Hang up Tianyinbo, Jiejie stepped forward and picked up the pioneer's eye to activate the second stage Q.

But the damage was not enough to kill, Lin Cheng got up and swept the outer edge of W and hit Jess behind him to spit blood back. He pulled two steps of AQ and Luo's ignition damage and almost killed the blind monk directly.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Jiejie flashed across the wall and ran away.

Lin Cheng pulled down under Luo's cover.

Brother Holy Gun tried to take away Lin Cheng's bounty, but when Jess switched to the remote form again, Qinggangying's E skill was ready.

The adaptive shield refreshed in time made Jace desperate.

The super-powerful Galio has already scored a double kill from the front, and covered with the prince.

Lin Cheng took Jess's head again.

Then the four started chasing the blind monk.

Jiejie hid in the stone man's grass and prepared to return, but was interrupted by Luo's Q skill at the last moment.

The teammates gave up another head to Lin Cheng.

In this way, although EDG got the vanguard as it wished, four people were killed.

Remember: "Oh! This wave has exploded! 5 against 4! EDG is almost wiped out like this? How can this game be played?"

Zeyuan: "Efter is so handsome! Luo W lifts three, and the prince and Galio have two big moves, one of which is directly exploded by EDG."

Miller: "Although I really don't want to admit it, the tactical execution shown by this KT team is too exaggerated. I just stuck the position and let you play the vanguard. EDG must press forward as long as they want to pick it up. Then Luo seized the opportunity and opened it. Perfect team."

"I didn't expect it! Evert didn't play much in the first two rounds until just now, and it can even be said to be like a pendant."

"But for this wave, just clean it up!"

At this time, the bullet screen was already full of "Send! ! ! "

Originally, the situation that EDG could still hold was directly exploded in the vanguard group, and then Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying took over the rhythm of the audience.

In 10 minutes, Qinggangying's big move in the middle cooperated with Galio to forcibly kill the enchantress.

Only 1 minute later, Lin Cheng returned to the top lane and cooperated with Little Peanut to kill Jess by crossing the tower, and took down the first blood tower on the top lane.

In 13 minutes, Lin Cheng switched lanes and played in the middle again.

This time Scout ran away, but there was no one defending the middle tower of Yaoji's residual blood. The middle tower, which had only half blood, was demolished by the three upper middle and wild brothers of KT.

As soon as the middle tower fell, EDG fell into the same rhythm as the previous game.

The field of vision can't be done, the pawn line can't be pushed through, and the fight can't be fought.

It should be said that this round can be fought, but it was all KT's initiative, and EDG was only passively beaten.

Wherever Qing Gangying went, there would be head bursts.

The flying green steel shadow!The ubiquitous hook lock chases the soul.

"Qinggangying is here! Run!"

"Don't hesitate, this Qinggang Ying's kick will leave everyone half-blooded, no one can stand it."

"Meiko is down, there is no front row, and one can run."

"At this time, whoever runs slowly will be in the front row, so run!"

The commentary was numb, and began to dictate the scene of EDG being beaten to the ground,

In fact, it is already difficult for EDG's lineup to not have an advantage in the lineup.

In the mid-term, EDG forcibly relied on the resource group to take advantage of the advantages of long hands to fight positional warfare, but Lin Cheng Qinggangying had too much advantage, and did not wait for his teammates to start the team. Qinggangying unreasonably led Galio to charge.

Under Hex's ultimatum, Viper would die every time he saw Lin Cheng.

After dying three times in a row, Viper was obviously numb, and even performed a wave of in-situ flashes in the Hex ultimatum area.

In the end, the game ended at 22 minutes.

Although EDG's early advantage was greater than the previous game, the game ended faster than the previous game.

The Chinese stream commentary on the Flag before the game became a prophecy.

In fact, it’s also strange to explain, who would have thought that EDG, which had a three-way advantage at the beginning, only led by 7 minutes?

The advantage changed hands in 7 minutes, and EDG began to be chased after the vanguard group exploded in 8 minutes.

At the moment when the crystal exploded, "Seven Ups and Eight Downs" appeared on the screen full of Chinese bullet screens.

 Help catch bugs!code too fast
  Why!I wanted to ask for a day off to sort out the rhythm slowly.
(End of this chapter)

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