This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1559 Let it go and leave no regrets

Chapter 1559 Give it a go and leave no regrets
KT lounge.

The players are chatting.

"The last one! Come on everyone!"

"Win it 3:0! After today, Lao Dai will be the champion AD."

Lin Cheng gestured and patted Mr. Dai on the shoulder, "In the future, others will not be able to pick your thorns in terms of honor, what Piglet, what imp, what Bang, what Uzi... this doesn't count, there is no such thing as Uzi .”

Mr. Dai couldn't help grinning, "Don't talk nonsense, they are all very good players."

Little Peanut knew the joke about the priest, and laughed wildly beside him.

Lin Cheng also praised the little assistant by name: "Xianghao performed well last time, the pioneer team was very handsome, and your Luo has my demeanor."

Mr. Dai couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Come on you, if the top pick is replaced by Ni's Luo, we've already lost."

The last time Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai lined up together to fill the support, the two discussed and chose Xia Luo.

Lin Cheng's Luo made Mr. Dai miserable.

Although Xia Luo is a more classic partner, it cannot be ignored that Xia Luo is an AD with short legs and short hands.

Luo is considered to be the most elegant existence in the support, and Lin Cheng likes to play handsome when he gets Luo, and all kinds of long-distance driving.

Mr. Dai couldn't keep up with Lin Cheng's initiative, and when Xia went up to deal with the damage, Lin Cheng would often turn in his skills and prepare to retreat, and then stared at Xia to kill.

Mr. Dai's line collapsed, and then Lin Cheng ran to wander, and the other side was still staring at Mr. Dai to kill.

In the end, Xia Xi mentioned a 1-9 record in that round.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng's Luo record is not bad, and the post-match battle is also good.

But it can't be ignored, because Lin Cheng messed up online, and Mr. Dai's development exploded, making him look like an outsider.

Hearing that Lin Cheng still had the nerve to mention his Luo, Mr. Dai couldn't help but hate him.

Lin Cheng also plausibly said: "I am the team's support, not the AD's support. What does your AD explosion have to do with me?"

Mr. Dai didn't want to talk to him very much.

"You just say it! In the next game, let you explode in the bottom lane in exchange for our victory, will you do it?"


Mr. Dai answered crisply, with a bit of truth in his face.

"Ha ha!"

The idiots watching the fun all laughed.

It is naturally better for RANK to play comfortably, but the key is to win the game.

And this is the final.

Not to mention the explosion in the bottom lane, even the dead super ghost doesn't care as long as he can win Mr. Dai.

On the other side, the atmosphere in the EDG lounge was dignified and depressing.

Everyone sat around and waited quietly for Zhu Kai to speak.

But to be honest, Zhu Kai didn't know what to say.

He really didn't think there was anything wrong with the EDG players' playing in the last game, at least it was much better than being snowballed to death in the first game.

The players played very proactively and gained an advantage in the early stage, but they just couldn't fight. What can they do?

In the early stage, the three-lane advantage was achieved, and it was impossible for Zhu Kai to accuse the players of crossing Tanabo in the middle lane and giving away the advantage.

Nabo can only say that KT's support is timely. From the perspective of EDG, it is a good opportunity to attack. If we do nothing and wait for KT to slowly operate, is it not waiting for death?
Similarly, Zhu Kai would not accuse Brother Holy Gun of being solo killed by Lin Cheng.

Personal ability is something that the coaching staff will never be able to help the players through post-match replays.

Lin Cheng's laning ability is strong, and if he can't beat him, he can't beat him. It's impossible that because of the coaching staff, Brother Shengqiang suddenly opened up the second line of Ren and Du, went up and rubbed Lin Cheng on the ground.

That's not scientific!

So Zhu Kai no longer used strong medicine to curse people.

"Everyone played very well in the last game. I don't blame you for losing."

"Everyone wants to win, but the opponent is really strong."

"This could be our last inning."

"But regardless of whether we are going home 0:3 today, I have only one request for you."

"Next, we will play each hand as if it were the last, and then we will not be afraid of losing."

"Give it a go and leave no regrets!"

"3, 2, 1, come on!"

After a short break between rounds, players from both sides sat on the competition seats again.

This time EDG is still the first to BAN and choose first on the blue side.

In the first two moves, EDG honestly dropped Daomei + Qinggangying, and the targeting at the beginning of the previous game still allowed Qinggangying to lead the rhythm. EDG knew that it would be difficult to catch him again with the same double TP routine.

The first two BAN positions of the red side are given to Yuumi + male gun.

The blue side EDG banned Aphelios in the third hand.

Seeing that the opponent BP had a taste of robbing Lucian, KT did not choose to target Lucian in the third move, but pressed Ryze.

At the beginning of the selection, the blue team grabbed Lucian.

Miller: "Come on! Lucian! This is the first time that EDG took the initiative to kill the hero Aphelios. The opponent will definitely grab Lucian if they don't target Luna."

Zeyuan: "When EDG stepped on the edge of the cliff, they chose to grab Lucian. Lu San, who had been complained about by EDG for so long, knelt down, hoping to bring good luck to EDG."

Lucian used to be the signature hero of Scout, but in the S7 group stage, the top triathlete sent the mid laner Lucian to EDG home, and he has the title of Lu Sangui.

Seeing Lucian's appearance, KT locked the blind monk + Verus in the red side.

Without Olu, it is clear that KT is going to use Varus to deal with Lucian.

Verus is a special hero. In theory, he can play any AD in laning. If he is paired with a strong laning support, he can even counter any strong bot lane combination.

Of course, lack of displacement was always Verus' fatal flaw.

Lock Nami + Prince on the second and third floors of the blue square.

The red square KT directly locks Karma on the third floor, which is to play the ultimate matchup.

Zeyuan: "Ouch! Verus + Karma is here again! This combination is really ruthless in lane. KT also used Verus + Karma to fight Luna before, and the effect is not bad."

Remember: "Only KT dares to take it like this! Once you can't play the advantage, the bot lane will be useless, but KT has the bottom lane, even if you don't have the advantage in the bot lane, you can lie down and wait for Chengzige C."

The second round of BNA people begins.

The red side KT double-clicked Zoe + cards against the middle lane, anyway, it just didn't make Scout comfortable.

The blue side EDG is BAN dropped the Enchantress + Jess.

Ban Yaoji is naturally afraid that the red square will take the lead on the fourth floor, and Ban Jess is afraid that KT will form a double Poke lineup like EDG in the previous round.

The two sides have almost banned the popular mid laner in the version, and the red square goes out to Silas first on the fourth floor.

Zeyuan: "Ouch! This Silas is amazing, KT's hands are very strong."

Miller: "And it's not easy to get out of the barrel of the Holy Gun. Silas can shake it up to hit the barrel. Even if he chooses Kenan, he is afraid of being stolen by Silas."

The Silas played by KT in the fourth move made it difficult for the blue team to play in the follow-up.

After thinking about it for a while, EDG chose Czar + Sett in the last two hands.

Holy gun brother is actually very uncomfortable.

The most convenient male gun has been banned all the time, and Wine Barrel and Kenan dare not fight against Silas. There are no good choices in his hero pool.

In fact, it is okay to play the crocodile at this time, but the crocodile is relatively more difficult to accept the disadvantage, so Brother Holy Gun still chooses Sett steadily.

This version of Lu Seti is actually rare, but there is no way, Brother Holy Gun doesn't want to fight Lin Cheng anymore.

"Top Dan Seti, what did Lin Cheng say?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "Give me Foiego! I can get a C with this."

Therefore, the red side locked Viego with the last hand.

My love will never be lost, and my eyes will be broken!
Seeing that Fiego was locked, everyone was still wondering whether the blind monk or Fiego was the top laner. When Fiego was confirmed to be the top laner, the Chinese stream barrage was boiling.

Brother Orange, are you still human?
You didn't choose Foyego for the gun weapon, did you choose the one who was deliberately disgusting?

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue party EDG:
Top: Flandre (Wrister, Sett)

Jungle: Jiejie (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Mid lane: Scout (Desert Emperor, Azir)
Bot Lane: Viper (Lancer, Lucian)
Support: Meiko (Samurai, Nami)

Red square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Rundown King, Viego)

Jungle: Peanut (Blind Monk, Li Qing)

Mid lane: Chovy (Liberator, Sylas)
Bot Lane: Deft (Retribution Arrow, Varus)
Support: Effort (Apocalypse, Karma)
(End of this chapter)

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