This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 156 The commentary platform is not a place outside the law

Chapter 156 The commentary platform is not a place outside the law

At eight o'clock in the evening, the game officially started.

Today's LCK game Huya broadcast commentary is the combination of "Take care of the second child" who has the fetters of the Yin and Yang family, Zeyuan and Jiji.

Remember: "Here we come! The final game of the sixth week, KT vs. AFS, will start soon. Hello everyone, I remember."

Zeyuan: "Hi everyone, I'm Zeyuan."

Remember: "Compared to the first two games today, this game should be a little bit more intense, not as clear-cut as the previous games, and the top road confrontation between the two sides is also very exciting."

Zeyuan: "Yes, we are very familiar with Kiin. He has always been the first-line laner in the LCK. He even suppressed Niu Bao when he was in good form for a while. I also want to see the one who just overthrew Niu Bao. Will Brother Cheng maintain his consistent strength against Kiin?"

I remember sighing: "When Cheng joined KT, to be honest, although I had a little expectation, I was not really optimistic about it, but I never expected this person to give us such a big surprise, whether it is style of play or style. It’s really hard to make people dislike this player.”

Zeyuan: "The operation is weird! I describe him as an operation monster. The scene of Silas's single-man team destroying DWG is still being played repeatedly on various video sites. That operation makes me look stupid. I The first reaction at the time was: Is this an operation that a human can play?"

Remember: "Hey! Your words are very dangerous. What are you implying? Please try not to say such words that are easy to misunderstand on the commentary stand. Let me remind you. Brother Chengzi already has a lot of fans in China. .”

Zeyuan: "No! When I commented on an LPL game, I was worried every day for fear of saying the wrong thing. Now I'm starting to worry about commenting on an LCK game?"

I remember laughing out loud: "What do you mean? The commentary stand is not a place outside the law. There is something wrong with your thinking. Players who bully LCK have few Weibo fans, right?"

"I'm dying of laughter, the colonel thought that commenting on the LCK would be lawless."

"S9 Colonel's smile in front of the camera was overwhelmed by RNG fans, and now I don't dare to say it."

"He has been blasted by RNG fans not once or twice, and he is familiar with the road."

"It's okay, Brother Chengzi won't mind, Brother Chengzi will take the lead in driving himself during the live broadcast."

"Brother Cheng's Douyu signing video is still there. He himself said that he is a piece of shit, so fans don't know who to attack."

The progress of the online game was very fast, and the commentator entered the BP screen while chatting.

In the first round, KT played first on the blue side, BAN first, and AFS on the red side.

As soon as it came up, KT chose to ban the spider first, and AFS backhand ban Aphelios.

KT's second BAN was given to Zoe.

There is such a player, he is a well-known phobic patient, he will not play the game every time he encounters Faker.

Everyone thinks he is a bastard, and he is indeed a bastard, and he can play like a bastard in everything he plays.

Representatives in the hero pool include Zoe, Card, Tsar and Clockwork, who can play Ornn in the middle, and there is a slightly strange Lucian.

Is this person familiar?
That's right, he is Lin Cheng's teammate Kuro (this paragraph is crossed out).

That's right, he is Fly.

As Fly's signature hero, Zoe, KT still respects him. Although Feige's Zoe is a bit inferior to Chovy, this hero's early wave clearing ability can easily roam to help teammates.

The red side's AFS second-hand BAN dropped Calista.

Remember: "Calista, the BP rate of the LCK's skateboard shoes this week is very high. This hero was all banned in the previous game today. After the teams have played against each other, the understanding of the version of the hero is gradually still trending. in unison."

Zeyuan: "It seems that this hero's strength in the early stage is still very high, and the team battle effect when paired with gems is really very good. In addition, LCK teams like to fight that kind of planned big team battles. The role of the pagoda combination is very obvious."

Remember: "That's right! Although our Kalista BAN rate has also increased in the recent LPL games, but in fact, there are a lot of small-scale team battles in the LPL style. The pagoda team relies on big moves to fight a wave of heroes. It's not that useful."

Zeyuan smiled: "Do you think that we banned Kalista in LPL because we are afraid of the pagoda combination? We obviously banned Kalista from the top lane, okay?"

KT BAN Olaf in the third hand on the blue side.

The third BAN of the red side thought for a long time, chose BAN and dropped Senna.

Sett was outside, and KT didn't think too much about grabbing it with one hand.

The red side AFS grabs Varus,

Zeyuan: "Hey! Verus is fine. This week, the LCK's AD three phantom gods Aphelios, Calista, and Senna were all banned, and the female gun was cut again. Verus' priority should be It's the highest."

Remember: "Brother-in-law's Verus, let's look forward to it! But his Verus is all about the attack speed style, not the poke style, and the pressure on the line may be a little less."

After winning Verus, AFS hesitated for a while, and chose Aoun in the second hand.

Remember: "Aoun? Just now the third-hand BAN position AFS has been thinking for a long time, and it should be considering whether to ban Silas. Before that, the sincere Silas beat Niu Bao Aoun into a concussion. Since AFS wants to choose Aoun, why not BAN? Although the blue team has already snatched Seti, they can definitely shake Sett to assist."

Zeyuan: "Now the LCK defaults that Silas is Ornn's counter position. Although no one has such a big advantage as Cheng's Silas, it is really easy to fight, and the team battle ult is also easy to use."

Seeing that Verus was taken away by the opponent, KT locked EZ and Tam with a backhand.

There are not many ADs that are easy to use now, and it will be very uncomfortable not to take them in the first round. EZ and Tamm are the first-hand guarantee.

Moreover, Tam also means to replace BAN by grabbing. Verus and Tam are also a classic partner.

However, showing Tamm this hand also prevented the possibility of Sett's swing to the bottom lane.

The red square locks the prince on the third floor, and also chooses to replace BAN with grabbing.

According to KT's previous urgency, Bono would not consider other junglers at all when the prince is on the court, and in the absence of Tamm, the prince is indeed very restrained against a short-legged AD like Verus.

In the second round of bans, the red side AFS chose to ban the Tsar and Silas, but still blocked Lin Cheng's Silas.

The two-handed BAN position of the blue square KT is given to Rambo and Galio. These are hero combinations that are easy to form linkages with the prince's ultimate move.

At the beginning of the selection process, the fourth floor of the red square locked Yuumi as an assistant.

On the fourth floor of KT, the wine barrel first appeared. Although this hero is easy to eat, he is very good in both the first hand and the backhand, and he is very restrained by the opposing hero.

When the time came to automatically lock, KT's last hero selection showed Vayne.

(End of this chapter)

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