Chapter 1562

In 3 minutes, Lin Cheng scored two kills on the road, even the most optimistic LPL audience found it difficult.

On the contrary, the players on the EDG field are not in chaos. They have experienced so many BO5s and tiebreakers this year, and they don't seem particularly impatient when they give it a go.

Now that you have decided not to regret it, there is nothing to worry about.

And the score on the court was 1:2. If the opponent's ID was not too scary, the disadvantage would not be obvious.

Brother Holy Gun began to hide under the tower, and he would not eat soldiers that were not tasty. Everything was based on developing as much as possible and eating experience.

KT Ueno didn't dodge, it's very difficult to continue to surpass Seti, and the Czar in the middle holds the line right to ensure that the Holy Gun will not be three-packed by the opponent.

Jiejie's prince came out of the road to cover a wave, which made Lucian, who had been under pressure in the early stage, breathe a sigh of relief.

In more than 5 minutes, the KT duo finished pushing the line and returned first.

Sensing the movement of the opponent's duo on their way back, Jiejie rushed to move Xiaolong.

After the EDG duo cleared the line, they came to cover.

Remember: "It just so happened that the KT bottom lane team returned to the city. Jiejie caught a good opportunity to control the dragon! This wave is very spiritual. EDG has been suppressed in the bottom lane and managed to control the first dragon."

Miller: "Sierras in the middle was pushed down by the Tsar. Peanut is in the upper half. Xiaolong should be safe."

Zeyuan: "It's okay! This is EDG's first dragon in the finals. Before that, I was really worried that EDG would not get the dragon in the entire BO5."

The prince was very slow to fight the dragon in the early stage, and Jiejie didn't rush over until the KT duo returned home. When the river vision found the prince's movement, Verus and Karma went out from the wild area and went straight to the river.

"I don't want Xiaolong anymore, just let him go."

"Let's try to see if we can grab it."

Mr. Dai's attempt is not considered a risky one. At this time, the lower half of the opposite side basically has no ability to keep people except the prince, so it is not too risky to try.

When the KT duo went down the river from the wild area, Xiaolong's blood volume was very low.

Luna's position was driven to the upper river.

Not knowing where the blind monk is, the blue team didn't dare to go directly to the fierce KT duo, preparing to cover the prince and retreat after taking the dragon.

This decision seems to be fine.

However, the position was given up, which gave Mr. Dai a chance to grab the dragon.

Evert looks forward.

Verus raised his bow and nocked his arrow.

Karma activates her ultimate move.

Xiaolong's blood volume has dropped below 600, and Jiejie is always ready to punish him.

Just when he saw that the blood volume of the little dragon was lower than 500 and was about to reach the punishment and killing line, the psionic ball and the piercing arrow flew almost at the same time.

Team Red has slain the Dragon!

Verus successfully grabs the dragon.

Remember: "Does the little dragon in KT still want to come and watch? Why are there only two people?"

Ze Yuan: "But EDG didn't know the location of the blind monk and didn't dare to go up to it. Verus wanted to snatch the dragon! Can't you snatch it? The prince has punishment... Alas! Is this really snatched?"

Miller: "This hurts a lot. The prince wasted so much time in the early stage to fight the dragon and was snatched away so easily. Jiejie didn't punish him in the end."

"It's numb!Can this be robbed? "

"What is Jack doing? "

"One thing to say, Verus Q is really easy to grab the dragon"

"As soon as Guan Zeyuan opened his mouth, I felt that something was wrong, and he was robbed"

"So far, EDG still hasn't got a small dragon, so it won't be possible to get the whole BO5, right? "

"God doesn't stand for EDG!This is already the best chance"

Seeing that Mr. Dai succeeded in grabbing the dragon, Lin Cheng also sent praises on the road.

Although Mr. Dai has a bad waist, this shot was really accurate.

Then the field fell into a temporary calm.

Chaowei's little brother is very powerful. He didn't fall behind at all when he was under pressure all the time, but the line power was still in the hands of the czar.

The absolute right of the Czar in the middle also made it difficult for KT to attack on the two sides.

Lin Cheng has been pushing the line into the tower on the road, and Seti, the hero tower, is really not easy to move. In addition, the Tsar who has a big move leads the TP in the middle, Lin Cheng just uses blasting to rub the tap.

The situation in the bottom lane is similar. Jiejie mainly relies on covering the development of Lucian in the lower half, and Peanut is not easy to mess around.

The best way to break this situation is to find a flaw in the tsar.

Lin Cheng took advantage of the push line to hit the center in 7 minutes, but was spotted by EDG's vision ahead of time, and Scout didn't give him a chance.

In 8 minutes, Canyon Pioneer refreshed.

The KT duo switched lanes ahead of schedule.

EDG let Lucian eat tapi in the bottom lane, and Nami came to the middle lane.

But the support came to the center not to compete for the vanguard. EDG chose to let go of the vanguard. Instead, Nami covered the czar and took advantage of the opponent's vanguard to grab the center line.

In this way, the red side won't be able to put pressure on the middle tower immediately due to the bad pawn line when they get the vanguard.

After taking down the vanguard, the KT duo stayed in the middle with Silas, and grabbed another wave of lanes to press forward, as if they wanted to force the pawn line into the tower and let the blind monk next to him release the vanguard.

Nami gave directly to Da, covering the Tsar and clearing the line of soldiers.

Since the middle tower of the blue square is still full of blood, Peanut will not force the vanguard when the opponent is defending so resolutely.

Zeyuan: "Very resolute! EDG's strategy for this game is very clear. The vanguard can give it to you, but the czar's middle tower must be defended. They know that if the middle tower loses rhythm, they will fall into a passive position."

Miller: "This idea is correct. Once KT destroys the opponent's mid-tower, the tempo will rise very quickly. The longer the EDG mid-tower persists, the more hopeful it will be."

Because the KT duo was delayed in the middle, Lucian, who was pressed in the early stage, ate two layers of tapas by himself. The river vision found that the KT duo was next to Viper before turning around and retreating.

This wave of pioneer rhythm EDG is actually not a loss, allowing Lucian to make up a lot of development.

The vanguard in the middle is not easy to release, so Peanut simply ran up the road to release the vanguard.

The blood volume of the tower on the blue square was not much. After taking down the blood tower, Foyego was completely liberated.

In 11 minutes, Lin Cheng ran in the middle again to put pressure on the Czar with Nakano.

But Scout resolved the crisis decisively with flashes. His ultimate move pushed away the blind monk who wanted to spin and kick, so that the three KT brothers could only stare outside the tower.

The Tsar cleared the troops too quickly. Unless the Tsar was killed directly, the three upper middle and wild brothers of KT would not be able to touch the tower at all.

EDG defended the middle lane very resolutely, but KT attacked the middle lane more resolutely.

If three people can't advance, then more people will come.

The average team finds that the middle lane is really difficult, and may wait patiently for the second generation of pioneers to refresh.

But KT never passively wait for the target.

Without waiting for the second-generation vanguard to refresh, the bottom lane duo suddenly switched after grabbing another wave of pawns.

After Lin Cheng sent the top lane to the opponent's second tower, he opened up the vast scorched earth and leaned towards the middle lane from the opponent's wild area.

Little Peanut just leaned over.

At the beginning, Scout wanted to clear the line of troops under the cover of Jiejie. At this time, Viego came out from the flank wild area with a thousand-year-old throat.

Scout quickly drifted and retreated to the second tower.

But just as the tsar was drifting, Vyego W swallowed for thousands of years.

A cloud of black mist shot out from Vyego's body, just in time to stop the Tsar who started to drift.

Jiejie was right behind, seeing that the czar's displacement was interrupted, the prince EQ picked Fiego.

Lin Cheng's hands were very fast, and WAQA decisively launched the ultimate move, Tong Tianling, and knocked off the prince's blow.

The task of retaining people first has been completed, Lin Cheng chose to move out of the tower to the flanking wild area in his ultimate move, so as to prevent the prince from trapping himself under the tower.

The skills of everyone in KT on the front have followed.

Silas kidnaps and chains the prince.

The blind monk Tianyinbo hits the czar and activates the second Q.

Verus shot out with an arrow.

The Tsar died suddenly under the tower.

The prince's blood volume also dropped rapidly. Jiejie gave Silas a big move, and he dodged Verus's corrupt chains by himself.

And Lin Cheng's Fyego turned back after leaving the tower with his big move, just picked up the soul of the czar and started to transform.

"I can chase, you push the tower."

After the prince had reached the second tower, Lin Cheng made a decisive WEQ shot after completing his transformation.

Fyego's transformed Tsar drifted to the second tower.

Seeing that the prince had withdrawn to the high ground, Lin Cheng, who had finished drifting, took two steps forward. After the shield ate the damage from the defensive tower, before the second tower's attack fell again, R pierced through the sky and then slashed.

The ruined king came to the canyon, landed on AQA and directly killed the prince.

At the same time, Lin Cheng showed a naughty poro expression.

Killing and highlighting were done in one go, Lin Cheng picked up the prince's soul and prepared to EQ out of the tower.

However, the moment Lin Cheng picked up the soul, he regretted it.

When Fyego transforms, he cannot avoid the damage of the defense tower, and is still being attacked by the highland tower.

Lin Cheng suspected that he really had obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Why do you want to pick up souls?

Fortunately, the transformation will restore blood. At the last moment, Lin Cheng transformed into a prince with residual blood and EQ pulled out of the range of the defense tower.

Although Sett was leaning towards the middle at the first time, when he came down from the high ground, Fiego happened to pull away from the other side smoothly.

Although Luna was also approaching from the other side, Fiego was very flexible in the wild area, and he passed through the wall and transformed again, and soon disappeared in the vast scorched earth.

(End of this chapter)

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