This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1583 Two Little Girls

(Chapter 1606 is gone, hahahaha!)

Bringing the two little girls back home, the first thing Zheng Shiyan did when she came in was to go back to the bedroom and change her clothes.

Watching Sister Shiyan turn around and walk towards the bedroom, Lin Cheng stared at her fleshy legs with a sneaky look behind her, not to mention the complacency in her heart.

Enxi dragged out a small box.

"Look, uncle."

"what is this?"

Lin Cheng opened the box and found a very strange small oven inside, and the baking pan was covered with circular grooves.

The stuff is new, obviously unused.

Enxi held her little hand and looked at Lin Cheng eagerly, "This is the octopus ball machine. My mother bought it yesterday. Enxi hasn't eaten the octopus balls yet."

Lin Cheng smiled, "So that's how it is...Then uncle will take you to buy the ingredients for grilled octopus balls later, okay?"

The little girl immediately smiled.

At this time, Zheng Shiyan came out in a loose, plain home dress, and the original beauty in the workplace had a leisurely and lazy atmosphere, which attracted Lin Cheng's eyes to follow.

How can this woman even wear home clothes with a three-dimensional effect?
This round and towering chest, this peach-like buttocks are against the sky!

Lin Cheng decided that next time he must try to attack from behind.

Hmm~~~ If Sister Shiyan pouted... It would be difficult to think about it.

Seeing that Lin Cheng and the two little girls were exploring the octopus ball machine, Zheng Shiyan glanced at her daughter.

"Ah! Didn't I promise to make octopus balls for you on the weekend? Why find the machine now?"

Enxi shrank her neck and looked at her mother aggrieved.

Lin Cheng hugged Enxi in his arms, "Oh! It's okay, Sister Shiyan, children are always greedy. I'll take Enxi to buy octopus later. Let's cook it for her tonight."

After a pause, Lin Cheng lowered his head and pinched Enxi's little nose.

"But don't eat too much, we will have dinner later, let's just taste it."

The little girl quickly nodded vigorously, lying in Lin Cheng's arms, she secretly revealed one eye to see her mother's reaction.

Seeing that her mother no longer objected, the little girl grinned happily, wriggling in Lin Cheng's arms as if she had found a backer.

Girl Xiaoying bit her little hand, with envy in her eyes.

Lin Cheng also reached out and touched her little head, "Xiaoying is too, don't eat too much later."

The little girl immediately put her hands on her hips, raised her head and said loudly: "Of course! Xiaoying is not sister Tong, Xiaoying keeps her word."

Lin Cheng sighed, what kind of image does his little wife have in the hearts of the children in the neighborhood?

The women at home prepared the ingredients yesterday, Zheng Shiyan got into the kitchen to prepare dinner, and Lin Cheng drove the two little girls to buy ingredients for making octopus balls.

"Sit down obediently, let's set off."

"Let's go!"

Hearing the giggles of the two girls, Lin Cheng started the car.

As a result, just after leaving the community, girl Xiaoying poked her head out from the back seat.



Xiaoying pointed to the convenience store next to her, "Can I stop there for a while?"

"Okay, does Xiaoying want anything?"

Enxi also poked her head out from behind, "Xiaoying wants to buy Pokémon bread, Xiaoying made an agreement with the store manager's aunt yesterday."

Lin Cheng stopped the car on the side of the road, he was quite curious about what kind of Pokémon bread the two little girls were talking about.

As soon as the car came to a stop, Xiaoying opened the door and rushed towards the convenience store with her short legs.

Lin Cheng quickly followed with Enxi.

Entering the convenience store, Xiaoying was standing on tiptoe and pawing at the counter to shout to the store manager's mother.

"Auntie, give me Pokémon bread."

"Xiaoying is here again! Today's bread is still for you."

The shopkeeper's mother laughed, obviously Xiaoying was a regular customer.

Lin Cheng led Enxi to say hello, and Enxi obediently said hello to the store manager's mother.

"How much is the bread?"

Seeing that the aunt turned around and took two small buns from the box behind her, Lin Cheng was ready to pay.

"Xiaoying is rich! Xiaoying can buy it herself!"

Xiaoying quickly took out a crumpled [-] Korean won from her pocket, and waved it at the store manager.

Lin Cheng knelt down, "Hey! Save Xiaoying's money to buy other things, okay? Uncle treats you to bread."


Xiaoying shook her head quickly, "Xiaoying has money, so Xiaoying buys it herself."

"Okay! Then use Xiaoying's money."

Although Xiaoying is as frizzy as a boy, Jiang Subin is undoubtedly very independent in her education. This girl once won a fight and used her pocket money to compensate other children for medical expenses.

Xiaoying got the bread and change, then turned around and handed a piece of bread to Enxi.

"Enxi here, let's see who has the better Pokémon card."

"it is good."

The two girls didn't care about Lin Cheng, and started to unwrap the bread on the spot.

After a few conversations with the store manager, Lin Cheng realized that it was not easy to buy this bread.

Although it only costs 1500 won each, because Pokémon Bread is a genuine co-branded product, the Pokémon stickers that come with it have aroused widespread popularity in South Korea.

At present, there is a serious out-of-stock situation. On average, only four bags of bread can be supplied to convenience stores around the world every day. Xiaoying made an appointment with the store manager yesterday to buy it today.

For Pokémon stickers, some people even went to [-] convenience stores a day just to buy two more bread.

Lin Cheng clicked his tongue a little.

He knew that Xiaoying collected Pokémon stickers, but he didn't expect them to be so difficult to buy.

While talking to Lin Cheng, the store manager's mother took out a sign and hung it at the door of the convenience store.

It's a Team Rocket caricature, with the abstract villain trio grimacing horribly, and Meow showing her paws a sinister expression.

The Pokémon bread here is all contracted by Team Rocket!Go to another house and ask, meow!
Ah!It's quite interesting.

"Ah~~~ Trumpet buds again! Xiaoying already has them."

Xiaoying looked at the sticker she had issued in disappointment, pursing her lips in distaste.

Enxi awkwardly took out a sticker from the bread package, "Look at Xiaoying."

"It's Mewtwo! Wow! It's Mewtwo! Mewtwo!!!"

Xiaoying's eyes widened, her little face flushed with excitement, and she started yelling.

"Is it really Mewtwo?"

The shopkeeper's mother said with a smile: "It's good luck, Chaomeng stickers are worth [-] yuan online."

Lin Cheng was also happy, his own Enxi was indeed the Emperor of Europe.

At the beginning, he was holding Enxi to play the barbarian king, and the gold content of the five swords in a row has proved that Enxi is a little lucky star.

Finding that she seemed to have issued a very good card, the little girl Enxi also grinned and showed a naive smile.

She hands out stickers.

"Xiaoying gives you."

Xiaoying rubbed her hands, "Do you really want to give it to me? Enxi, this is a super dream!"

"Here, Xiaoying take it."

Enxi stuffed the sticker into Xiaoying's pocket, grabbed the bread with one hand and took a bite, and took the little friend's hand with the other.

Xiaoying touched her pocket, and happily gnawed on the bread.

What two little girls!

Lin Cheng beckoned, "Let's go! Let's come back early and don't keep mom waiting."


There happened to be a young lady next to her who was about to enter the convenience store. Hearing this, she obviously misunderstood something.

Seeing the two little girls who looked like porcelain dolls holding hands, the young lady said casually, "The two babies are so cute, and the mother must be very beautiful."

Xiaoying immediately waved the bread and said loudly, "Of course! My mother is beautiful."

Lin Cheng held back his laughter, turned around and left.

Xiaoying girl is a social cow, and she wants to say something to the young lady while holding Enxi.

"Hey! Your father is gone."

Xiaoying:? ? ?
Xiaoying was dumbfounded, while Enxi grinned innocently.

"Let's go, Xiaoying."


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