This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1585 Starting from 1...Watching a Movie

Chapter 1585 Let's watch a movie together
Lin Cheng and his little wife made a fuss at home until Han Shuyan called Xiao Tong into the kitchen to help them both.

"You two are not allowed to eat any more, you are going to eat soon."

No wonder Lin Cheng felt that something was wrong, Enxi was always the first one to stop the fight when he was fighting with Xiao Tong, but now Enxi and Xiaoying just steal octopus balls by the side and forget about their uncle rear.

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Enxi hurriedly put down the little ball in her hand obediently.

And Xiaoying stuffed all the remaining small balls into her mouth in one gulp, chewing hard with her puffed cheeks, like a little frog with salad dressing on the corners of her mouth.

Lin Cheng took out a tissue and wiped Enxi's mouth clean.

"Okay, watch TV obediently."


Enxi obediently responded, took another peek at the octopus balls on the table, and tried her best to get rid of the temptation and sit aside.

Lin Cheng took out another tissue, "Has Xiaoying finished eating?"

"Xiaoying wipes it by herself."

The girl refused to ask Lin Cheng to help, took the tissue and wiped it on her mouth indiscriminately, then turned around and wanted to run away.


Lin Cheng grabbed Xiaoying, "You haven't even wiped your face clean, you can't be so sloppy."

Xiaoying curled her lips, looking reluctant.

"Look at you... you look like a father-in-law with a white beard."

As Lin Cheng spoke, he gently wiped her face.

Xiaoying shrunk her neck, glanced at Lin Cheng and felt a little embarrassed.

After carefully wiping her face clean, Lin Cheng looked at her again.

"Okay! Very cute little girl."

After being praised, Xiaoying felt shy all of a sudden, and quickly turned her back to Lin Cheng and moved to Enxi's side.

"Lin Cheng, it's time to eat."

"Come on, come on!"

After dinner, Jiang Subin came to pick Xiaoying back.

The two little girls held hands and parted reluctantly. It seemed as if they would never see each other again. It made them want to laugh.

It was still early, and the whole family was chatting in the living room while watching cartoons with Enxi.

"The transfer period will start in a few days. Recently, many people have asked me about your transfer intention through various means."

Zheng Shiyan's words made the two girls stop talking and looked over one after another.

Lin Cheng became interested, "Really? I was still in Iceland a few days ago and there was a team asking about it?"

"In fact, there have always been teams that have expressed interest in you, especially the LPL side... BLG, which wanted to sign you last year, has never given up on pursuing you, and they are very sincere."

"A lot of sincerity?"

"Although there is no official offer, they seem to know that the competition to sign you this year will be very fierce, and their attitude seems very firm."

After a pause, Zheng Shiyan glanced at Lin Cheng, "Last year they quoted you 45 billion won, and I estimate that it will probably reach more than 60 billion won this year."

Last year, BLG offered Lin Cheng 2500 million yuan. Zheng Shiyan's estimate of 3300 million yuan was considered conservative, but I have to say that the BLG team is really rich.

No, before the transfer period started this year, BLG has already spread the news that it has a budget of hundreds of millions to build a Galaxy Battleship, which made the eyes of other dick clubs red.

Of course, more money does not mean that you will spend it.

Lin Cheng's former teammate Aiming transferred to BLG for 1800 million last year but did not perform well. Compared with Viper's performance in EDG, his uncle was ridiculed crazily. It is also a strange thing to spend the most money and suffer the most vicious play against BLG.

Enough of the clumsy Biubiu, the top laner position this year BLG has made up their minds to replace star players, and Lin Cheng is naturally their number one goal.

"Sounds very sincere."

Lin Cheng smiled at his wives, "But if the conditions are right, I'd still like to stay in KT."

After all, An Haosheng's verbal promise dispelled Lin Cheng's biggest concern, and the transfer to LPL did not seem so urgent.

"No! There will be the Asian Games next year. Is it convenient for you to stay in Korea?"

Xiao Tong didn't know the conditions offered by KT. Many news analysis on the Internet before showed that the probability of Lin Cheng's transfer to LPL is very high.

Han Shuyan looked at Lin Cheng seriously, "You don't have to think about us."

"Hey! I don't think about who are you thinking about?"

Lin Cheng purposely played it off and didn't carefully explain the additional conditions offered by KT.

After all, the matter hasn't been settled yet, wouldn't it be nice to impress the wives?

And to be honest, Lin Cheng's stay in KT last year had a lot of emotional factors.

Zheng Shiyan knew the details, but she didn't say much at this time.

"Sister Shiyan, I have to work hard on you for the specifics."

Zheng Shiyan nodded, "According to my estimation, the renewal contract that KT will give you may not be the biggest, but the various additional conditions should be the most lenient... But there is no rush to renew the contract in advance, after the transfer starts You can look at the offers from other teams first.”

The trump card is naturally up for grabs. As the hottest star player at the moment, Lin Cheng is not afraid of the embarrassing situation of entering the transfer market but not getting a satisfactory offer.

Facing the pressure of competition from all sides at that time, KT must also show sincerity.

Putting the transfer aside in advance, Zheng Shiyan communicated with Lin Cheng about the endorsement contract.

It was almost ten o'clock, and Zheng Shiyan took Enxi's little girl back to rest.

Lin Cheng followed the past to coax the little girl to sleep, but Enxi was so excited today that she tossed about on the bed for a long time and refused to sleep.

Until Zheng Shiyan finished washing, the little girl was still playing with Lin Cheng.

Zheng Shiyan lay down beside Enxi.

"Don't be naughty, just sleep well."

"No! Enxi wants to talk to uncle."

With Lin Cheng present, the little girl gained confidence.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll beat you up."


As soon as she heard her mother's threat, Enxi immediately became honest, and looked at Lin Cheng aggrievedly with half of her small face wrapped in the quilt.

Lin Cheng smiled, bowed his head and kissed Enxi's little face.

"Good night, baby."

"Good night, uncle."

Lin Cheng leaned over again to kiss Sister Shiyan.

She shrank back, narrowed her eyes and looked at Lin Cheng in warning.

With her daughter beside her, Zheng Shiyan was not used to Lin Cheng's intimacy.

Lin Cheng didn't care so much, he leaned over and quickly kissed the corner of Sister Shiyan's mouth.

"Good night, wife Shiyan."

Her eyelids trembled slightly, and she silently pulled up the quilt to cover her chin.

At this moment, Zheng Shiyan's eyes fell on Lin Cheng's, and she was a little cute.

Enxi's little girl hurriedly covered her face with the quilt, indicating that she didn't see it.

This scene is both funny and heartwarming.

When he went back, there was no one in the living room, so Lin Cheng went to his little wife's bedroom and found that Xiao Tong was about to turn on the projector.

Are they going to chase dramas?

This will not work!

They get together to watch dramas, isn't Brother Cheng going to stay alone in the empty room again?
Lin Cheng dived directly to the top, and landed on Xiao Tong's bed with a bang.

"Ah! What are you doing?"

"Sleep a movie."

(End of this chapter)

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