This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1587 Jiyeon and her sisters welcome each other

Chapter 1587 Jiyeon and her sisters welcome each other

After having lunch with the old teammates, everyone went to the video game hall to have fun all afternoon.

Originally, a group of idiots wanted to go drinking at night, but because Zhiyan and her sisters agreed to meet Lin Cheng today, Lin Cheng slipped away early.

In fact, it is impolite for Koreans to slip away as a younger brother or junior when Koreans are gathering, but this group of idiots are too familiar, and everyone is not surprised by Lin Cheng's behavior.

Instead, Kuro and others breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Lin Cheng's wine quality was poor in their eyes, if this guy got drunk and made trouble in public, he would be in trouble.

Arriving at Zhiyan's residence, Lin Cheng rang the doorbell.

"Dengdeng! Welcome back! Champion!"

As soon as the door opened, there was a warm welcome. Jiyan and her sisters were waiting to welcome some important person at the entrance, and even the little Teddy Dobby was wagging his little tail very fast.

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment.


Because only she knows how shameless this guy Lin Cheng is, he dares to do that kind of thing in front of his sister... It's better not to tease him.

As a result, Lin Cheng had already squatted down to hug Little Teddy.

Enjing changed the subject, "So, we don't have to be so polite to you, Lin Cheng, right?"

Enjing stretched out her palm to cover Lin Cheng's mouth, causing Xiaomin and Jiyan to laugh non-stop.

"What? My sister didn't promise to kiss you."

Enjing hurriedly hugged Dobby for a while to comfort her.

"Say what? Hello?"

Seeing the staring gazes of his sisters-in-law, Lin Cheng hugged Zhiyan with some embarrassment and let go.

Lin Cheng didn't react immediately.

After comforting little Teddy, Enjing looked at Lin Cheng seriously.

"I think this is good! I can come first."

Hyomin patted him on the shoulder, "Originally I was joking, I didn't expect you to go to Iceland and still remember my sisters... Thank you."

After not seeing each other for two months, Zhiyan put her arms around Lin Cheng's neck and kissed him on the face carelessly.

That's right, it's easy to bully.

Lin Cheng picked up Xuehua's neck and began to criticize.


She sneaked another glance at Enjing.

"and many more!"

Lin Cheng was forcing Xuehua to apologize heartily to Teddy with her short hands.

He stuck out his tongue and secretly licked Ju Li's palm.

"You mean this?"

Lin Cheng glanced at the sumptuous dishes on the table.

Xiao Min glanced at him, "What are you thinking? We don't have the time to make so many things and order takeaway."

Ju Li still looks tepid, she always feels that she is not on the same channel compared to the enthusiasm of Eun Jing and Hyo Min.

Lin Cheng immediately became vigilant, "Do you want me to participate in the MV in women's clothing again?"

Only Curie was silent.

"But after a while we have an online fan meeting, you can come and be our backup dancer."

"Takeaway... isn't it too dishonest?"

"Now that you all remember, it's time to pay."

Did she get licked by this guy too?

Little Teddy Dobby, who was kicked aside, was stunned for a while, and his tail didn't wag, and he lowered his head aggrievedly.


"Aren't you too perfunctory? How about my sister pay the reward first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng pouted and leaned towards Enjing.

Lin Cheng pouted his mouth in a gesture, and turned his head to kiss Ju Li again.

It's not a big deal for Hanhan to watch the excitement.

Lin Cheng shrugged, and suddenly looked at Ju Li, "Why doesn't Ju Li say anything?"

Ju Li was stunned for a moment, as if she had been electrocuted, she looked at Lin Cheng in astonishment.

hateful!What's the matter with this guy?

"What's the matter with you guy? Don't bully your friends."

I don't know that my sister-in-law was thinking about it because of her prank. Just as Lin Cheng was about to pick up Little Teddy, a small figure beside him rushed in quickly.

"Then what do you think is the sincerity?"

"You're all so cold! Better be Dobby."

Hanhan took the lead and laughed, and the three sisters were all overjoyed.

Lin Cheng was a little uncertain, "How about... sisters give me a kiss one by one."

Hyomin: "How is it? Isn't it very rich, the sisters specially prepared it to thank you."

Xuehua kicked Dobby away with a flying kick, and then climbed onto Lin Cheng on her own.

Lin Cheng was surprised, "You guys did all of this yourself?"

Lin Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, "That's okay, sisters, you're welcome, just say something."

Sure enough, Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows on the spot when he heard Xiao Min's provocation.

Of course, Lin Cheng never thought that Ju Li would let him kiss him, but for some reason, he just wanted to tease this aunt.

Zhiyan felt a little embarrassed for being so naive, and hugged Xuehua from Lin Cheng with a smile.

Originally, Lin Cheng felt that Ju Li was difficult to get along with, but after a few encounters, she didn't even take the initiative to speak to Lin Cheng, but after getting acquainted with him, Lin Cheng felt that this sister-in-law was easy to bully.

"You still dare to talk back? I haven't seen the wings for two months, right?"


"Ah! You are very strange."

"What? Zhiyan, you are a guy who eats inside and out."

While talking, Lin Cheng winked at Zhiyan.

"What are you doing? It's so grand that I'm embarrassed."

As Lin Cheng said, Zhiyan had already thrown herself into his arms.

Sometimes this guy is very shameless, and sometimes he is inexplicable and a little awkward. The three sisters were all amused by Lin Cheng's reaction.

The plump and juicy crab, the bright red bolong, the spicy fried beef, and the golden fried dumplings...all of them look very appetizing.

Lin Cheng smiled, "Why are you being so polite to me? I've said it many times, sisters just remember my kindness, anyway, you have already compensated Zhiyan to me."

"Ha ha!"

Enjing joked, "Ha! Lin Cheng is actually shy?"

"That's right...we've already paid you the maknae."

"Don't be afraid! The MV for the new album has already been filmed."

This silly cat was lying on the sofa and taking a nap. Although Zhiyan, her sisters and Dobby were all at the door to join in the fun, it didn't care about any guests at home.

Ju Li then withdrew her hand and wiped her clothes unnaturally.

"Thank you."

Lin Cheng was shocked.

Ju Lixue Enjing quickly reached out her hand to cover Lin Cheng's mouth, this overreaction made the rest of the people laugh.

But later it was discovered that it was Lin Cheng who was different, Xue Hua immediately rushed over with short legs and kicked Dobby away.

"Cut~~~ boring."

"Lin Cheng Xi."

"Okay! Don't tease you, come in and get ready for dinner."

"Lin Cheng, sister misses you so much."

Hyomin: "Huh~~~Someone even said they want each of the older sisters to kiss each other, is that all?"

"I know, I know!"

The sisters had no time to take care of Lin Cheng for the time being, and started to teach the youngest together.

"Ah! It's itchy! Brother, help me."

"Haha! It's so itchy!"

Hearing Zhiyan's laughter, Lin Cheng was in a particularly bright mood.

(End of this chapter)

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