Chapter 1591
In the end, the room assignment was confirmed, and the sister-in-law still couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the young lady under Jiyan's coquettish offensive.

Ju Li's displeasure made the younger sisters laugh.

Seeing Lin Cheng also sniggering, the aunt wrinkled her nose angrily.

"That's it, let's go wash up first."

"Then I'll go find a quilt for my brother."

Eunjung and Hyomin went to wash up, Jiyan ran into the back room excitedly.

When there were only two people left in the living room, Ju Li glared at Lin Cheng fiercely.

"Ah! Are you being honest today?"

"What did your sister mean?"

Lin Cheng blinked his eyes with an innocent look on his face.

cute · jpg
Of course, this guy is the one who looks respectful but is not convinced.

Zhiyan asked back, "What's wrong with my brother?"

"You can say that... but older sisters are also important."

"That's fine, I'll go to the bedroom to talk to Zhiyan and my sister later."

"What do you say? Will my brother return to China next year?"

Ju Li was anxious, "You can't go out and talk to him? My sister drank so much, she's going to bed."

hey-hey!What should I do if my sister-in-law looks like this and wants to bully her even more?
Probably because Ju Li gave him too much of a contrast in the first impression, Lin Cheng found that his psychology gradually became abnormal in front of this sister-in-law.

Honestly, he sat on the sofa with his legs together and bowed his head slightly to show respect.

Someone's heart stopped.

After the sisters-in-law finished their troubles and entered the room, Lin Cheng also washed up briefly, and then went straight into Zhiyan's bedroom.

While talking, Lin Cheng lay down on the floor, crossed his legs and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Cushions had already been laid under the bed, so Lin Cheng naturally didn't have the nerve to squeeze into the bed, and sat down by the edge of the bed.

Ju Li is bitter, is this a question of whether to squeeze or not?

Julie opened her mouth.

"What are you talking about?"


Zhiyan turned sideways and patted his head with a smile, "Then sister has to make preparations early, and I don't know if there is any discount for annual air tickets."

Zhiyan looked very serious, "If the situation permits, my sister will visit you every week, okay?"

Zhiyan turned around and poked her head out, looking at Lin Cheng's relaxed smiling face.

Hmm~~~~ Other than that, it seems that there is nothing wrong with that guy.

In fact, he still has some desires to return home.

Lin Cheng was aggrieved, "But it's been so long since I've seen each other, I have a lot to say to Zhiyan."

"Talk to me?"

"That's about it."

You can't mess around in front of me, can you?

Halfway through, she really didn't know how to warn Lin Cheng.

Ju Li rolled her eyes, "Tch! You are really... what's so good about that guy?"

It's just that there is a little bit of unwillingness in my heart.

But she didn't say anything more.

Ju Li stood up and gave Lin Cheng a gouged look, then turned and left.

Lin Cheng shrugged.

Biting her thin lips, she stretched her black silk legs to the side of the bed.

"Prepare for Lin Cheng."

Sword eyebrows and star eyes probably describe him, right?
For some reason, Ju Li suddenly remembered the embarrassment she had because of this guy.

"Ah! Isn't it too frivolous to talk to my sister like that?"

I was just joking, why are you reacting so badly?

Ju Li curled her lips, "You are reluctant to part with the women at home, right?"

Lin Cheng poked his head over to look into her eyes, "Really? Does my sister miss me? Not at all?"

At this moment, Ju Li made up her mind.

Unaware of the entanglement of his sister-in-law on the other side, Lin Cheng played with cats and dogs in the living room.

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Really? Didn't you say there will be the Asian Games?"

After all, the three wives in the family and the baby Enxi are all here, and he also misses Zhiyan, the tough guy.

Anyway, I will not sleep with my eyes open today.

She couldn't hold her aura anymore, and turned her head away.

Ji Yeon secretly glanced at Ju Li.

Thinking of this, she saw Ji-yeon laying a mat on the floor next to the bed.

The aunt paused, turned her head and glared at him viciously.

Zhiyan and Ju Li were sitting on the bed in their pajamas and talking, when they saw Lin Cheng coming in, Zhiyan immediately waved her hand.

Just now she warned Lin Cheng not to enter the bedroom, God knows what tricks the two of them will do if they let that guy in.

She smiled softly.

If he separated from his wives for a year, Lin Cheng felt that he would regret it.

He brought his face close to her, with bright eyes and clear facial features.

Lin Cheng laughed, "I don't know yet, but there should be a high probability that I will stay."

"Why are you laying the bedding here? Send the quilt to Lin Cheng."

Lin Cheng didn't expect KT fans to be so worried, and without getting a positive reply from him, he went to Zhiyan and the others to leave a message on their social accounts.

"Oh! Ernie, you can sleep if you want, and let Lin Cheng sleep on the floor so that you won't be squeezed."

As soon as Ju Li ran into the bedroom, she saw Zhi Yan changed into a light silk nightdress and rummaged around the cabinet.

Looking at each other closely, Ju Li's eyelids trembled slightly.

Lin Cheng didn't care if my sister-in-law seemed to have thorns.

However, there are always some regrets in life. Compared with wives, this kind of regret seems insignificant.

Lin Cheng deliberately leaned in front of his aunt, and squeezed his eyes, "But... I also have something to say to my sister."

Go to your own country, meet new challenges, and write new legends.

"There is already a solution to this problem..."

ha!Auntie seems shy?

What's wrong with him?

Anyway, it is perverted and lustful.

"That's right! Recently, many of your fans have left messages on our INS, asking if you will transfer."

Lin Cheng couldn't stop laughing.

Sister, she shouldn't be able to see below, right?

Ju Li put on a serious face, "If you want to talk about it, you can say it in the living room, anyway, you are not allowed to enter the bedroom."

Lin Cheng paused, "My sisters are all here, of course I want to stay as much as possible."

Lin Cheng said briefly, and the two sisters listened very seriously.

No! 100% will regret it.

"We're talking about you."

"Don't play dumb for me, anyway you..."

In fact, he had already decided to stay.

Ju Li gave Lin Cheng a warning look.

Ju Li gritted her teeth and showed her sister's aura:
"So is Zhiyan, and so are you. You two guys are not worrying. Anyway, you are not allowed to enter the bedroom today. Do you hear me?"

Anyway, this sister-in-law has seen everything that should be seen and should not be seen, Lin Cheng doesn't care anymore.

"Ah! Why don't you take off your socks after changing your clothes?"

Once he accepted Lin Cheng's perverted and lustful setting, it seemed that he was pretty good.

Zhiyan chuckled, "Because my brother likes it, I still have to talk to him."

"Hehe! This sentence can also deceive Zhiyan."

And Lin Cheng has a very correct attitude.

Lin Cheng was staring at the ceiling in a daze, when suddenly he saw a slender and beautiful leg wrapped in black silk sticking out.

He laughed silently.

This silly.

She seemed to really, really, really like him.

(End of this chapter)

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