This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 160 The Master of Deception

Chapter 160 Master of Deception (reward plus more)
Lin Cheng bought two long swords and healing orbs on the way back from this wave of deaths, and prepared the first small piece to make Tiamat.

In the end, when Jian Ji ran back, Lin Cheng took a look.

Good guy!Three Doran swords and a long sword hung on his body.

Lin Cheng is honest now, and has no interest in exchanging blood with this kind of sword girl.

It's not that I dare not, but that it is unnecessary.

The sword girl on the opposite side still flashed, and now she has much more room to operate than him.

A W tactic swept across, and seeing Jian Ji choose to block with W Laurent Mind Eye Knife, Lin Cheng didn't go up aggressively, and was ready to run away with E skill at any time.

Jian Ji handed over W so easily, and her intuition told him that it was a fraud.

When Lin Cheng became stable, he always felt that the whole world was squatting at him.

The junglers on both sides did not show that they were not good at doing things. When Lin Cheng became stable in the top lane, it was difficult for other lanes to produce counter-kills, and the rhythm of the field was suspended.

In more than 5 minutes, relying on the advantage of the lane right in the bottom lane, the red side AFS easily took away the first dragon.

Just when the reminder that Xiaolong was killed was remembered, Bono in the upper half sent a signal to prepare for a wave of GANK.

Lin Cheng happened to be under the pressure at the moment. Without a word, he first swept his hands with a W tactic to consume blood, and then kicked up the wall with his E skill.

In the early stage of Qinggangying Dajianji, the two skills of EW will be used separately, so that the two skills will not be blocked by the opponent's W.

Sword Fairy pulls her Q skill backward just to avoid Qinggangying's flying feet, and strikes Qinggangying's backhand with a sword to knock out the opening in Qinggangying's front. Immediately, her E skill slows down, and Qinggangying hits AQ with her backhand.

Due to the passive cooling down, Qinggang Ying, who was half full, was beaten down to less than half full.

Jian Ji strikes again. After seeing the wine barrel appearing from the river, Kiin quickly withdraws and retreats. Qing Gangying turns back with a second-stage Q and hits Jian Ji's blood volume by half.

"Don't go on, W didn't trick you out."

Lin Cheng was afraid that the level 4 wine barrel would hit him with an E skill, and Jian Ji started to operate with a backhand.

Of course, Bono is also very sensible, he came out and threw a Q skill to help his good brother clear the line and then retreated.

The line of soldiers was pushed out, and the half-blooded sword girl came up again with a Q to take away the little soldiers with residual blood.

Lin Cheng's state is very bad at this time, his health is only about half, not to mention his mana is very low, this is the reason why Kiin dared to press the line just now.

The divination flowers that Aoun destroyed in the wild had already found the location of the wine barrels. Seeing that Qing Gangying was in this state and dared to come up to replenish troops, Jian Ji rushed over aggressively.

Lin Cheng followed among the soldiers, directly activated the Q precision etiquette and kicked out.

A lot of Qinggangying's details are not enough, and when the soldiers are replenished, the sword girl walks up to the face to open a hole, and then the backhand A is passive, and then is pulled to operate.

In fact, as long as you see Jian Ji's movements and activate the Q skill first, due to the increase in attack distance, Qing Gangying can completely brush out the passive shield first.

Seeing that Qing Gangying hit the shield first, Jian Ji retreated back and prepared to pull it.

Qing Gangying started the W tactical sweep, and at the same time adjusted his position and used the outer edge of the leg blade to accurately hit Jian Ji.

After the huge deceleration is given, Qinggangying presses two steps forward after finishing the sweep and directly opens the second stage of Q precision etiquette.

Kiin's reaction was very quick. Seeing that Qing Gangying raised his foot again to prepare for a basic attack, he directly set up W Laurent's mind-eye knife.

However, Lin Cheng pressed the S button again to cancel Qing Gang Ying's unfinished attack roll.

Qing Gangying moved sideways and moved one step closer to the grass on the side road. The second stage of the basic attack enhanced by precise etiquette caught Jian Ji W and kicked out at the end of the moment. Jian Ji's blood volume dropped to less than one-third.

Kiin's sword girl W immediately raised her sword and pressed forward.

Don't look at his blood volume as dangerous, but Qing Gangying has no mana, why don't he let him be rounded and flattened now?
Lin Cheng glanced at his blue body, turned around and ran towards the grass next to him.

Kiin followed his position, waiting for the Q skill that was about to cool down.

As long as the opening behind Qinggang Ying is exploited, it will be very dangerous for Jian Ji to pursue Lin Cheng from this position.

Qing Gangying just entered the bushes before Sword Fairy Q Kong Po Zhan was cooling down, and Sword Fairy followed.

However, there is one thing in the early stage that is very easy to deceive.

The moment he entered the grass, Lin Cheng licked the biscuit off his body.

The biscuit can not only restore the lost HP and mana, but also directly increase the mana and mana limit by 50 points.

Now, Qinggang Ying, who was originally at 20 mana, now has 70 mana in an instant.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow resolutely hooked it to the wall, and played the second stage E in seconds, just in time to kick the sword girl who was looking into the grass and knocked out her face while she was stuck in the grass.

Due to the premature fall of the flash, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow Master E wall back damage was very high in this round. With the landing kick to trigger a strong attack, Jian Ji, who had less than one-third of her health, fell to the ground on the spot.

Remember: "Wow! Solo kill! Solo kill again! Strong! Brother Chengzi, Kiin San Duolan were all solo killed, this is too hurt."

Ze Yuan: "Slim! It's too thin! He used the S key to cheat Jian Ji's W, and then Ka Cao Cong just returned a mouthful of blue when eating a biscuit. Kiin didn't even have a chance to hand it in when his vision was stuck. Was taken away with a faint kick."

Remember: "Don't tell me, biscuits are really easy to deceive. Kiin is not the only one who is deceived by biscuits in the professional arena. No one will always think about biscuits on the other side when they are fighting together. "

Zeyuan: "It can only be said that this player is bold and cautious. If Kiin had been a little reckless just now and directly flashed a breakthrough, he might not even have a chance to operate."

Remember: "Sword Princess has collapsed! Sandoran must be suppressed online, wasting so much money to be single-killed, of course, there will be no impact online for the time being, but it will definitely slow down the time for the first big item."

"Show! I thought Qinggang Ying would be given away for nothing."

"Brother Chengzi, a true master of deception"

"Sword Princess collapsed, disconnected."

"If I get three Dolan swords and get single-killed, my mentality will collapse."

After killing Jian Ji, Lin Cheng quickly pushed the line back, and within 7 minutes, he went home and exited Tiamat, and at the same time, he was issued a death sentence.

Going online again, the two are still looking for opportunities to fight each other, and Kiin's sword girl is still very active.

He also knew very well that a sword girl must not be pushed by Qing Gangying.

In more than 9 minutes, the junglers of the two sides met in the lower half, and the duo came over and exchanged skills with each other to separate them.

At the same time, the two above broke out in a dispute again.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying went to look at the river, and when he came back, he was blocked by Jian Ji at the mouth of the river.

The flaw was on the right side, Lin Cheng leaned against the wall of the lower river and twisted left and right, Jian Ji stood in the middle of the river and kept taking tentative steps, looking like she was about to strike at any time.

Because Jian Ji had eaten Qing Gang Ying's set consumption before, she only had less than two-thirds of her HP at this time, and Qing Gang Ying's HP was slightly more, but Jian Ji's actions seemed to have the advantage.

Apparently, Kiin also lost his temper after being single-killed twice by Lin Cheng.

After level [-], Jian Ji had a small burst. Kiin blocked the river mouth and waited for the opponent to come up to fight. Once Lin Cheng was blocked by Laurent's mind knife, Qing Gangying could be single-killed by Jian Ji with any skill.

 Rolling all over the floor asking for a monthly pass. . . .Leave me two at the end of the month, I only got 5 yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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