Chapter 1606 Old Teammates
I logged on to Huiwang alone at home, and Lin Cheng went out around noon.

Hearing that he is back, Kuro asked Lin Cheng to have a gathering at home today.

According to the old rules, Lin Cheng went downstairs and bought a piece of toilet paper as a gift for the door-to-door visit.

When he went to Jiyeon’s house for the first time, this guy brought crabs anyway, and he brought toilet paper when he went to Kuro’s house twice, as a reward for Mr. Kuro’s frequent blackmailing of himself in the comments.

hum!The next time I see Kuro blackmailing me, Brother Cheng will put mustard on your toilet paper.

When I pressed the doorbell of Kuro's house, I heard a ping-pong-pong sound inside.

Mr. Kuro opened the door, "Why are you here now?"

Lin Cheng glanced inside and said casually, "Traffic jam."

"Is there still a traffic jam at this time? Which road section?"

"The Erxian Bridge."

"Playing in the LPL is stressful, isn't it?"

Kuro waved his hand, turned his head towards the inner room and said, "Forget it! The plan is aborted, you guys come out."

Mr. Kuro activates his death stare.

"I have a showdown, but I'm actually an orange"

"Will this be live?"

"Ha ha!"

Everyone may not be optimistic about Malrang because he once led the Air Force team to an [-]-game losing streak, but this guy is just prone to illness, and his ability to lead the rhythm in the early stage is not bad.

Lin Cheng stepped forward and hugged his former teammates one by one.

Kuro changed his words resolutely: "Please feel free!"

"take care."

Aiming took a breath, "Okay! I admit that I really didn't play well this year, and I should come back next year, but I'm not sure which team yet."

Lin Cheng's eyes became strange, and he looked Mr. Kuro up and down.

"It won't take long. I can use it for about a month by myself."


Responding, Mr. Kuro pointed to the camera in the living room with some annoyance, "Be careful, don't affect my glorious image in the hearts of fans."

Bono will continue to retire in North America next year. Although he failed to lead GGS to the World Championship this year, Bono performed well in the LCS arena.

Malrang also played in DK this year. Ghost Emperor was sick and Xu Xiu played the bottom lane in Canyon and ran to the middle lane. Many viewers even felt that the game rhythm of Malrang's appearance was better than that of Canyon.

Even the bearish Airplane team could not lose against the leading team in the LCK at that time in the first 15 minutes. At that time, JAG was called the top team in the LCK in the first 15 minutes, which had a lot to do with Malrang's jungle rhythm.

Only Malrang still looks so skinny, it seems that the pressure to be Canyon's substitute is really heavy.

"Just 2 minutes after entering the door, he has hacked Kuro twice, KKKKKK"

Everyone turned their heads to look at him in unison, without speaking.

He was really worried that Tusin would die of cardiopulmonary arrest on his first day of training.

Kuro: "What's the matter with you? At this time, I'm still advertising in my brother's live broadcast room..."

He clearly said he would take a year off to prepare for military service, but this guy didn't look thinner at all. Lin Cheng doubted whether Tusin would be able to enlist successfully.

Aiming also shook the salute in his hand helplessly. In this situation, he didn't know whether to fire the salute.

Experience it yourself.

Kuro spread his hands, "I can't help it! This brat Lin Cheng is so annoying! He attacked my complexion as soon as he entered the door... I'm afraid I can't help but smear cake on this guy's face."

On the other hand, Malrang doesn't have many chances to play in DK this year, and he has already made clear his transfer intention.

"By the way! Tara will release a new album in a few days, please remember to support me a lot."

It seemed that they originally wanted to surprise Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng laughed loudly, "Don't make a fuss about your face, your face is already very dark, now it's black as coal."

"K fans gather!Rush him! "

Lin Cheng interrupted: "Stop talking nonsense! Next time I'll help you ask Tian Xiaojuan for a VIP concert ticket."

It's not that Lin Cheng's love for Peanut Butter has diminished, it's just that he knows that it will be difficult for KT to renew the contract with this year's five players at the same time.

Lin Cheng looked at the barrage and almost laughed out loud.

Of course, in terms of size, Tusin is still unrivaled.

Everyone laughed.

As a result, Kuro was a little dissatisfied with the toilet paper in Lin Cheng's hand: "Can't you bring some coffee machine or something? It's too dishonest to bring toilet paper every time."

Should I be happy?

If Lin Cheng were to choose a teammate, he thought Malrang would be a very good choice.

Professional players know best what it means to have no systematic training for two years.

Aiming was a little bit emotional, "It's true that the pressure is quite high, and I also want to play well, but the team feels that they haven't run in for a whole year, and...forget it! Don't mention it, anyway, I guess BLG fans don't want to see me again next year gone."

A group of fools came out from the back room.

Lin Cheng doesn't think Uzi is bad, but the rumors of Uzi's comeback are raging recently. After two years away from the game, Lin Cheng doesn't believe how good he can perform.

However, the LCK currently has a bit of a surplus of junglers. As a jungler with a skin, Malrang is not worth the price of cabbage. The top teams are skeptical of Malrang, who has been on the bench for two years, and the lower teams may prefer cheaper players.

Bono, Aiming, Tusin, and Malrang walked out in turn, some with cakes in their hands, and others with salutes.

"Why are you so fat?"

"You've already won the double championship. If I don't win the championship, can't I grow more meat? It just corresponds to what you said about living in North America and waiting to die."

Lin Cheng: "What does Jin Shengdi say? This year's performance... There should be no LPL team asking for you next year, right?"

It can be seen that Bono's life in California is very nourishing, and the tall and thin guy started to develop horizontally.

"Mo? Why did you give up halfway?"

Mr. Kuro obviously didn't know that his studio had changed owners, because Lin Cheng thanked the fans for their support and smiled very happily.

Lin Cheng is thinking, if he stays in KT next year and Peanut doesn't stay, he can suggest the club to sign Malrang back.

Lin Cheng leaned over and waved to the camera with a smile, "Hello everyone! Thank you for taking care of Li Shiheng in the past year, please continue to support him in the future."

Everyone gathered together to recall the glorious years of fighting side by side in the past, and they inevitably talked about their respective situations this year.

Lin Cheng chuckled: "Don't be afraid! Uncle heard that he will buy Uzi next year, maybe BLG fans will think you are not that bad."

"Me Too, Protect!" "

Lin Cheng suddenly remembered something.

Except for Aiming's decision to leave the team, everyone can chat freely. The teammates deliberately didn't ask about Lin Cheng's contract renewal. They all knew that Lin Cheng's transfer attracted too much attention. troubled.

Aiming glanced at Lin Cheng.

As a former teammate, Lin Cheng is well aware of Malrang's strength.



He wants to go to a team that can start and show his ability.

But a team with Lin Cheng should not carry in the jungle.

"Cheng!look at me look at me

Bono complained to Kuro, "Didn't you agree that you would bring him in to create a surprise? What are we preparing for for a long time?"

Of course, Canyon is undoubtedly much more comprehensive than Malrang.

"Ha! When did Jin Kibum and Jin Shengdi come back?"

This real face caused the audience in the live broadcast room to ridicule wildly.

Everyone made a few jokes.

"Ha ha!"

Aiming: "What is my performance? What happened to my performance this year?"

"What should I do? Is this a surprise?"

Malrang has distinctive features, and given him a strong lane teammate, his rhythm can explode and take off. This can also be done by Canyon, but when the lane teammate is not strong enough, Canyon can take over the game, and Malrang does not have this ability.

And Aiming also gained some weight, I don't know if it's because BLG's food is too good.

"This is Kuro's live broadcast room!Don’t think we’ll let you off just by saying a few nice words, you black fan.”

These teammates gave him a lot of help in the first year of his debut, and Lin Cheng has always been grateful.

"Isn't it sincere? This thing is a necessity, and the toilet paper can be used for a long time."

"Here is occupied by our oranges, Kuro fans get out!" "

There are not many people in the Kuro live broadcast room, but the barrage is very lively.

"We hid for nothing."

Of course, he hasn't renewed his contract yet, so Lin Cheng didn't reveal anything to Malrang in advance.

Anyway, no one wants this guy for the time being.

Not urgent!Take it easy.

What if Brother Cheng didn't renew his contract?It is not Lin Cheng's habit to guarantee tickets in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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