This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1617 Panic KT fans!Aggrieved An Haosheng

Chapter 1617 Panic KT fans!Aggrieved An Haosheng

Now that Lin Cheng has been confirmed to stay in the team, the choice of new teammates is imperative.

The first is the jungler with the highest intimacy rate for the top laner.

When Peanut left the team, Lin Cheng immediately called his old teammate Malrang and asked him about his intention to join.

However, it was a step too late.

Malrang has negotiated terms with the LEC team RGE, and is preparing to go to Europe next year for development.

There was no other way, Lin Cheng could only set his sights on the free agent market.

The best jungler among LCK liberos right now is undoubtedly Canyon.

Even though Canyon was brutally beaten by Lin Cheng for two years as an opponent, it didn't affect that he was still the top jungler in the LCK and even in the world.

If possible, Lin Cheng hopes to become teammates with Canyon.

KT fans are completely blown up.

Lin Cheng naturally took a fancy to Beryl.

Moreover, Lin Cheng is mostly involved in team battle decisions in the mid-to-late stage. The more detailed choice of ideas in the early and mid-game is more suitable for wild assistant command. It is impossible for Lin Cheng to command his teammates what to do while laning.

As for AD, since Mr. Dai has not confirmed other teams, Lin Cheng naturally hopes that the club can complete the contract renewal with him as soon as possible.

Rascal was introduced when Lin Cheng hadn't renewed his contract. What is the club doing?
Wouldn't it really be a failure to renew the contract with Lin Cheng?
For a while, there was a lot of scolding.

As for Brother Yuan Shen who likes to get sick... If you get sick, just get sick!
Is it rare for the two assistants I have encountered to fall ill?

Obviously this year Longcha doesn't want to rely on newcomers anymore.

"Shock!EdZhuo wants to build a warship worth [-] million yuan, EDG officially ends up participating in the competition for Brother Chengzi》


Rascal, the former GEN·G top laner, joined the team.

Similarly, T1 fans are also paying attention to KT's movements every day.

However, Lin Cheng's contract renewal has been delayed. During this period of time, the news on the Internet has become more and more exaggerated.

"Let's play together for another year, how about becoming a double champion AD?"

But choosing Canyon will also face a problem: he is too expensive!It won't be much cheaper than the champion jungler Peanut.

Lin Cheng's first choice in the jungle was determined to be Canyon.

Seeing the first two news, KT fans were in high spirits, but the next news caused great panic.

But this is not Lin Cheng's concern. Anyway, he is responsible for drawing up the list of his favorite teammates. As for whether they can negotiate or not, that is the club's business.

During the transfer period, rumors were flying all over the sky. The news of Lin Cheng being sold to the LPL has new tricks every day. KT fans can’t eat or sleep well. good news.

However KT fans are on top right now:
Tens of billions of won are you spending on horseback?Let's confirm the renewal of the contract first. Shouldn't it be tens of billions of won that you deposit in the bank to earn interest?

On the field, Cuzz often has some super food shots when he is confused on the field. He is the one who created the classic Contra male gun AB combo.

Soon 'Zaijizhen' and 'Baicunxi' were played into memes on major e-sports forums.

This year's transfer period is much more intense than last year when there was no movement for a week. In just three days, several teams have made splashes.

DK has just officially announced that four of its members will leave the team. In Lin Cheng's view, KT has the greatest chance of snatching Beryl.

Lin Cheng is not worried about Mr. Dai's contract renewal with KT.

Mr. Dai successfully renewed his contract.

Other teams also had more or less personnel changes.

Netizens ridiculed the big colonel because of love and hate.

Speaking of which... Jingdong's toothpaste is quite suitable.

On November 11, five days after the transfer window opened, KT finally made a move.

"Let's save the imperial army, you should deal with your own lawsuits first."

At this time, he couldn't reveal to the fans that Lin Cheng's clause had an agreement to leave the team early in the Asian Games, so KT wanted to introduce a competitive substitute for Lin Cheng.

Although Lin Cheng also participated in the command, he had to focus on laning after all.

"Brother Holy Gun: You stole my idol and you're here to grab a job, right? "

Before, Mr. Dai would rather lower his own value and want to unite with his teammates. As long as the club does not deliberately lower the price and renew the contract, there will be no major problems.

"Gossip, Xiaohu will return to the middle road next year, Brother Chengzi will join RNG Jianzhi S12"

GEN·G signed the middle-field combination of Peanut + Chaowei, and introduced Lehends and Chidi to form a bottom lane partner. The framework of the Galaxy Battleship has been revealed.

"Uncle is out!A direct offer of 5000 million knocks Chengzi brother out, please call him Orange half a million in the future"

Guan Zeyuan’s method on Weibo: I will give 90 copies to this lineup, if Brother Chengzi is added, it will be a lore!

Brother Yuanshen suffered from many illnesses and operations this year, and was crazily complained by DK fans. In addition, he was too old and obsessed with Yuanshen Club and was unwilling to give him a stable contract.

Nongshim bought Canna from T1 during the contract period, introduced the powerful Dred in the jungle, and not only signed the new champion to assist Evert in the bottom lane, but also bought the ghost king from DK during the contract period.

This guy's personal ability is fine, and even the rhythm of the early game is often better than Canyon.

"But I haven't renewed my contract yet."

But there is a lack of brains.

So Cuzz needs an excellent auxiliary commander. In the past two years, he played like a headless chicken in T1 mainly because no one instructed him to do the right thing in the middle and late stages.

"Then you go to contact Beryl, you have a good relationship with him, and ask him if he would like to come to KT next year."

Although Showmaker is also in the free agent market, but just like Canyon, DK can't let go of his core Nakano with the money from Kia in his hands.

Former DK support player Beryl joined the team.

Since DK has prepared a capital offer for Lin Cheng this year, it shows that Kia is willing to invest money, so it makes no sense to let Canyon go.

Fans are the most impatient group. Because of hyung's joining, KT fans are putting pressure on the club.

The support candidate, Lin Cheng, has already been finalized.

Although this number is suspected of being exaggerated, if the additional clauses in Lin Cheng's contract are converted into numbers, the same can indeed be said.

That's right, it's the grapefruit thief.

And he is not expensive.

With little hope, he also offered another name after Canyon.

It would be great if Canyon+Showmaker can be packaged together, but Lin Cheng estimates that KT will be able to grab one at most if they try their best, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to grab one.

In order to appease the fans, Mr. An Haosheng posted several INS in succession.

Lin Cheng suspected that he just wanted to play brother LOL with him, but Lao Dai might be a little embarrassed to speak up because he failed to propose a team of five.

And the action is not small, three official announcements in a row.

Little Reaper and Tusin are both the ones who would go crazy if they didn't agree with each other, and Beryl and Lin Cheng also think it's okay.

The other teammates have all confirmed the new team, only Mr. Dai is still undecided, obviously still waiting for KT's contract renewal.

Ten billion won is too exaggerated, even the people who eat melons don't believe it. The more this is the case, the more they feel that Lin Cheng is close to leaving the team.

After all, as the oldest player in the LCK, this guy has a lot of traffic and his competitive level is online. KT definitely doesn't want to let him go after his contract renewal is finalized.

Mr. Dai just smiled, "Okay! That's the deal."

Mr. An Haosheng was also very helpless.

Fans don't buy it: You are paralyzed!The strongest person you're talking about isn't Deft, right?
"don’t worry!In order to keep Cheng, the club prepared tens of billions of won, no one can take Cheng away from us"

As long as Canyon can come, Lin Cheng thinks that a player in the middle who can push the line and support and not send indiscriminately will be fine.

But if you choose one of the two, Lin Cheng still prefers Canyon.

It seems that Nongshim also has certain ambitions in the new season.

The firecrackers and wreaths are all ready, just waiting to see KT official Xuan Lincheng leave the team.

DRX failed to draw a card last year, and the first draw this year is Zeka who returned from studying in LPL.

The support candidate Lin Cheng has finalized one, but as for the mid laner, he has no idea for the time being.

But Beryl's game ideas are undoubtedly excellent, and what Lin Cheng values ​​is Beryl's command ability.

"Don't spread rumors!Taobo kicked away 369 just to all in Brother Cheng Zi, the strongest domestic 3C group"

"Don't worry! As I said, next year will be KT Deft!"

So Lin Cheng called Lao Dai.

"The Strongest Man is Already in the Battle"

But this is too abstract to be realistic.

"Waiting for the S12 Finals, Brother Shuizi catches Q and ruins Brother Cheng's three consecutive championships"

Cuzz could have been saved from the ICU with Beryl's brain.


Fans also like to scare themselves, so they confiscated Mr. An Haosheng's genealogy after a wild guess.

There are also various physical threats.

Silently closing the private message, Mr. An Haosheng just wanted to cry with his head in his arms.

I also bleed for the club, how can they scold so badly?

(End of this chapter)

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