This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1622 Insulting quote!Wait for me next season

Hearing the quotation from GEN·G to himself, Lin Cheng felt something was wrong.

You paid 40 billion won to Chaowei, why did you give 50 billion to Brother Cheng?

What do you mean?
look down on people, right?

I'm not Zeyuan, I'll post when I hear GEN·G.

If it was 50 billion won last year, it would have been considered an absolute sky-high price in the LCK, but after a year, everyone can see Lin Cheng's commercial value, not to mention his excellent competitive state.

"In my opinion, GEN·G doesn't really have a lot of determination to compete for you."

Zheng Shiyan has a good grasp of information, "GEN·G has made a lot of moves this year, but they need to change too many positions. I understand that they are still in contact with other top laners at the same time."

"Obviously GEN G also knows that the chances of signing you are not great. Instead of competing with other teams, it is better to adjust the strategy and quickly grab some other talented players who have not been snapped up."

Lin Cheng understood that GEN·G's strategy was actually very clever.

This year they announced their reorganization. Everyone knows that GEN·G is rich, but GEN·G is also afraid of falling into a situation of vicious competition with other teams and crazily raising prices.

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "I won't talk about these, anyway, I've made up my mind to stay, if KT's renewal terms aren't too low..."

Lin Cheng never thought that DK would be really interested in him.

It turns out that licking the dog leads nowhere.

Next year, I will have your good fruit to eat.

The outside world doesn't know how much profit Lin Cheng's portrait right can bring, but KT knows it.

The player with the highest annual salary in the K-League is only 14 billion won, and the top baseball players are also at about the same level. Other sports are not as good as football and baseball.

This offer not only made Suarez feel hugely insulted, but also triggered the Liverpool boss' classic 'What are you doing? '

Xiao Tong laughed and hid beside Zheng Shiyan to tease Xiao Enxi.

Xiao Tong was surprised, "Wow! Lin Cheng is more expensive than a baseball team for playing games?"

The cute look of the little girl amused everyone at once.

It should be said that in order to keep Lin Cheng, KT is the one who has no bottom line.

"Actually, T1 also offered a transfer contract, but I didn't mention it because I wasn't sincere enough."

Xiao Tong touched Enxi's small head, feeling a little pity for Han Hua.

Lin Cheng stared angrily.

They directly laid out their bottom line, doubling Lin Cheng's basic salary compared to last year.

Moreover, Lin Cheng was allowed to leave the team early during the Asian Games, which is enough to show KT's determination to keep Lin Cheng even if they give up a league championship.


"In addition to the LCK, there are also several teams from the LPL that have made offers to you..."

Xiao Tong was drinking water, but couldn't hold back and spit it out.

There are not many players like Lin Cheng who can afford it, and the teams that are determined to compete are often already prepared. It is unlikely that GEN G will win Lin Cheng when he is almost changing the entire lineup.

From Zheng Shiyan's words, it can be seen that e-sports players are indeed popular in South Korea, and the salary of players has exceeded that of most local traditional sports players.

"what happened?"

After all, although the LCK team has become rich after the alliance, it is not too outrageous. For any team to sign Chaowei and Lin Cheng at the same time is a painful thing.

The more Lin Cheng thought about it, the more angry he became, he couldn't help but hit the table.

"70 billion! This is KT's official offer to you today, and you still have [-]% complete portrait rights. Of course, you still have to attend some necessary commercial activities of the club."

As a result, Arsenal thought it was Suarez's liquidated damages, and turned around and offered 4000 million and one pounds to humiliate Liverpool.

"I checked. The Hanwha Eagles, a baseball team sponsored by Hanwha, spent less than 60 billion won in salary last year. The initial quotation they gave you even exceeded the total salary of the entire Hanwha Eagles team."

Obviously, KT is very sincere.

It was just officially announced that the four main players have left the team. Are they not in a hurry to sign Canyon and Showmaker back now?
Of course, DK is backed by Kia, if the sponsor is willing to invest, everything is easy to talk about.

The 4000 million is just the bottom line for Liverpool to allow Suarez to contact other clubs. In fact, if you really want to talk about it, it will definitely increase.

Jeong Si Yeon smiled, "Why do you think KT's conditions for you are low?"

Next year is the year of the Asian Games. If Lin Cheng wins the championship on behalf of the national team, the commercial value will only be higher.

Lin Cheng was stunned. In his opinion, KT's offer could not be too high.

A few years ago, Kiin's 15 billion won was the maximum salary in the LCK except for Faker, but now many first-line players in the LCK are worth more than this level.

T1 obviously has the same effect on Lin Cheng's 50 billion and one thousand won.

When Wenger was interested in Suarez, Arsenal's offer of 3500 million pounds for Suarez was rejected by Liverpool in seconds. Liverpool said that there was no excuse for 4000 million.

"and then?"

Zheng Shiyan pinched her daughter's cheek, the little girl secretly took a sip of coffee from her mother's cup just now, she shrank her neck and wrinkled her face into a ball, it was ridiculous.

Earning a lot, and having a lot of traffic among young people, it makes sense for Han Hua to be obsessed with Lin Cheng.

"Forget it!"

"Aside from KT, Hanwha seems to be the most sincere among the three LCK teams."

"Uncle, don't be angry, it's enough for Enxi to touch you."

Zheng Shiyan looked at Lin Cheng, "The tentative offer they called me at the beginning was 40 billion won. I knew you would never go to T1, so I casually revealed: The lowest offer from other teams is 50 billion won .”

But KT won't lose money either.

Zheng Shiyan wiped Eunxi's little head, "Then T1 re-quote 50 billion and one thousand won."

The stalls wait for me!

So they are just a tentative offer, but they are more determined to win Chaowei, and then quickly finalize some other powerful players.

Enxi's little girl hurried over and touched Lin Cheng's head on tiptoe.

"Then DK, they also offered you an offer of 50 billion won."


Lin Cheng also felt the humiliation.

"Actually, in my opinion, KT's offer to you is the highest."

Mom, the minimum denomination of Korean won banknotes is 1000. It is hard to say that the bid of T1 is not to humiliate Lin Cheng.

Therefore, it is also obvious that e-sports players have a high status in South Korea.

"Several teams from the LPL have also made offers. BLG is very determined to pursue you, but I think it will be difficult for them to make concessions in terms of portrait rights. Top Bo..."

"Of course, Hanwha is very sincere, but they are also the team with the lowest probability of winning next year..."

It can be said that KT has almost sold billions of won for the portrait rights alone.

Having said that, Zheng Shiyan paused, as if hesitating.


After all, there are still four champion teammates waiting to renew their contracts.

He immediately remembered the insulting offer that Arsenal gave Suarez back then.

"Damn it! What does Zhao Mashi mean? Insulting people, right?"

This club has pursued Lin Cheng continuously for so long as if they were chasing a goddess, but in the end they couldn't get Lin Cheng's favor.

"In addition, the special clauses about the Asian Games are also clearly written in the contract."

Moreover, Kia is responsible for the operation of the DK club. Judging from their frenzied linkage with the entertainment industry last year, I am afraid they value Lin Cheng's commercial value.

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Forget it, Sister Shiyan! I don't really want to transfer, why did you help me analyze it?"

Lin Cheng's face was covered with black lines.

It can even be said that the treatment of top e-sports players has completely surpassed traditional sports in South Korea, especially after the LCK alliance in the past two years.

Lin Cheng didn't expect that T1 would really be interested in him, it is logically impossible.

"Ah! What is a gamer?"



Previously, sponsors of many clubs were putting pressure on the management, and made it clear that they would wait for Lin Cheng's contract renewal to be completed before discussing next year's sponsorship contract.

It doesn't matter if others don't sign Lin Cheng, they will lose some potential sponsors, and KT will lose a batch of existing sponsors if they lose Lin Cheng.

The management can still see the form clearly.

But seeing the conditions offered by KT, Lin Cheng felt a little vain.

How much budget does the club have left?
Mom's!Give Brother Cheng so much, you won't want me to play 1 against 9 next season, right?

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