Chapter 1648 I Like To Eat
The main purpose of the meeting is to let fans know more about the new members of the team, and the next part is mainly chatting.

Lin Cheng is still in charge of program effects.

Yin Xiubin asked the players to talk about each other's strengths and weaknesses.

"To be honest, I just met my new teammates today, and I don't know them very well, so I don't know exactly what advantages they have."

Lin Cheng paused, and suddenly snapped his fingers.

"But when it comes to shortcomings, let's start with Wen Youzan..."

Then he slowly talked about the shortcomings of a lot of teammates.

The audience expressed their embarrassment.

Didn't you say we just met today?Why are the shortcomings of teammates so clear?
Lin Cheng has something to say now, anyway, after chatting in the group for so long, he is still very sensitive to the weaknesses of human nature.

Of course, Lin Cheng did not escape the liquidation of his teammates.

"No, I'm going to kick off the KT wizard."

Lin Cheng waved the bat in dissatisfaction, "Wen Youzan is thin enough, Zhao Qianxi is a dead house, Kim Hyuk-kyu has a bad waist, Kim Kwang-hee, you are so tall, why do you have such poor physical strength?"

"Yeah, it really doesn't fit well with us."

"Be wealthy without being obscene, and not be weak in the face of atrocities."

Very precise.

"Get up, let's play at a distance."

Chi Shengxi waved his hand, "You are not allowed to play baseball here, Lin Cheng, take the lead and stay away."

Let's raise our glasses, everyone eats and chats, the atmosphere is very lively.

He put his arms around Cuzz's neck, "How do you say... You are rich but not obscene, and you are not weak in the face of atrocities, just like Wen Youzan respects me, I also respect Sister Sheng Xi, you are not afraid at all."

Chi Shengxi gouged Lin Cheng out.

Lin Cheng picked up the bat and swung it out with all his strength.

Lin Cheng cast a sideways glance at Old Dai and raised his voice, "What do you mean by being afraid? I'm afraid of Sister Sheng Xi? It's a joke."

She pushed her share of steamed sea urchin to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng quickly stuffed the bat into Cuzz's hand, lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

"Yeah! What's the matter with you? The baseball almost hit my computer."

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "How about meditation? Champion AD's meditation training is very reasonable."

The one-hour meeting ended in a cheerful atmosphere. After seeing off Yin Xiubin, Lin Cheng led his teammates to play baseball on the grass behind the base.

He put his arm around Brother Cuzz's shoulder and looked and looked.

When the time comes, you just wait for my grapefruit thief to settle the case!
After playing around for a while, Lin Cheng told his aunt in advance not to cook dinner, and as the team leader, he would treat guests today.

Seeing that Cuzz was pouring wine for the coach, Lin Cheng took out his mobile phone and sent messages to several of his teammates.

Lin Cheng explained: "I am an old pervert, and you are a big softie. This sentence really doesn't fit the two of us."

Lin Cheng immediately pointed at Cuzz, "He did it! Sister Sheng Xi, don't be angry, I will teach him a lesson."

But because Lin Cheng's hit direction was not facing the outside of the field, the baseball was hit towards the club's office building and flew straight into an open window on the second floor.

"By the way! Is there any of you going to watch the Korean professional baseball finals in a few days?"

Mr. Dai's head was pressed on his brother's leg, and he also looked weak.

Rascal: "Lin Cheng, you listen to Sister Sheng Xi very much."

"come on!"

"Hey! Are you too weak?"

The physical strength of the new teammates seemed to be very poor, and they collapsed to the ground after a short fight.

So, after a harmonious dinner, Mr. Kang was a little dizzy.


He smiled and blinked innocently.

Chi Shengxi laughed, "If you don't like it, just say it, hey! This is for you."

Rascal casually tossed the baseball in his hand.

Then Mr. Kang Dongxun found that the new players kept asking him to drink.

In the end, Lin Cheng glanced to the other side mischievously.

Cuzz: (°ー°〃)
The new friends once again saw Lin Cheng's lower limit.

Cuzz looked bewildered.

"Coach, remember to take a taxi when you go home. We don't want to visit you at the police station tomorrow."

Lin Cheng still resisted the raw beef in the appetizer, and pushed the small plate in front of him to Chi Shengxi next to him.

Lin Chengkong swung the bat in his hand, with an appearance of excess energy.

"Nu Na, you seem to like eating this?"

"Okay, you guys have a good rest these few days, I'll go back first."

Mr. Dai looked at Lin Cheng again and again, "Is this sentence not relevant to you?"


Last year, the KT Wizards entered the playoffs for the first time since their establishment. Lin Cheng and Zhiyan were invited to kick off together, and the KT Wizards ended up in the first round of the playoffs.

Cuzz shrank his neck and secretly glanced at Lin Cheng.

"Everyone is here except Song Yijin, let's work hard next year!"

"Got it, what nonsense are you talking about..."


Beryl chuckled; "It doesn't go well with either of them."

Cuzz was curious, "Do you like baseball very much?"

Eating in a familiar environment will make people more relaxed. Lin Cheng called the restaurant to deliver food to the base, and it happened that Mr. Kang Dongxun also came upon hearing the wind.

Chi Shengxi raised his eyebrows.

"Shock! KT's mid-to-upper breakup has been staged ahead of schedule, and Rookie's live broadcast unexpectedly...》

This year, the Wizards performed even better. They entered the Korean professional baseball finals for the first time and were expected to win the championship. Lin Cheng received another kick-off invitation.

Mr. Dai interjected: "Because he is most afraid of Sister Sheng Xi in the club."

Mr. Dai rolled his eyes and ignored him.

It happened that Chi Shengxi leaned out by the window.

Mr. Kang stood up, staggered and started to go downstairs.

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment before he understood. He didn't expect Beryl, a dead house, to be able to make jokes.

"It's broken! It's Sister Shengxi's office."

"Can you do some light sports in the future? Playing baseball is too exhausting."

Brother lay on the ground with a pale face, "Who told you to hit the ball so accurately? Do you think it's easy for me to sprint all the time?"

Don't you, an old pervert with black silk and long legs, think that you have no shortcomings?
Mr. Dai listed a lot.

"Forget it! Baseball is fun to play, but watching the game is too tiring. The last time I went to watch the Dragons game with Nei Xian, we played for seven hours and almost sent us away."

He's not too good at refusing.

When Yin Xiubin asked everyone if they agreed with Mr. Dai's point of view, even Rookie secretly used Xiaoyu's account to post bullet screens in the live broadcast room to express his agreement.

As soon as he reached the stairs, Mr. Kang Dongxun suddenly remembered something.

Soon there will be related live broadcast screen recording UP masters coming out to eat traffic.

Preserved fish?
A scene that happened in Iceland suddenly came to mind. "

"Actually, I like eating scallops more than sea urchins."

Cuzz:? ? ?
Say I'm a softie?Believe it or not...
That's all!Everyone laughed happily and I won't spoil the atmosphere.

"I just respect Sister Shengxi."

Lin Cheng had a good attitude, and when he found that Sister Sheng Xi had disappeared by the window, he hurriedly urged his teammates.

When he turned his head, he found that all his team members were looking at him expectantly.

They all raised their phones in their hands.

Even Chi Shengxi is no exception.

Depend on!These guys are waiting for me to roll down the stairs!

(End of this chapter)

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