This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1653 Bad Premonition

(The first two chapters are gone, the speed is really fast)

When Lin Cheng returned to the tent, the sisters were still chatting leisurely inside.

En Jing was not polite to Lin Cheng either, and stood in front of him with her arms open with a smile.

"It's my turn! Lin Cheng, hurry up, don't get my sister wet."

"Now I'm really a beautiful porter."

While teasing, Lin Cheng squatted down and put his arms around En Jing's legs and carried her on his back.

"Hey! You are so unexpectedly light, En Jingxi."

"Mo? Do you think my sister will be heavy?"

Hanhan interrupted, "I know! How do you say that? Enjing is as strong as a cow!"

"Moragul? What is the kid talking crazy?"

En Jing was so angry that she was about to turn around and hit someone, but Lin Cheng held back his laughter, and quickly ran away with her on his back.

"Ah! Slow down!"

En Jing subconsciously hugged his neck tightly.

Hanhan laughed heartlessly from behind, as if saying to her sister: Come hit me!
Enjing was speechless.

In some respects, his youngest is as indebted as Lin Cheng.

Seeing that En Jing didn't speak, Lin Cheng thought she was angry.

"Oh! Are you angry? Jiyeon was joking, should I apologize on her behalf?"

"Is my sister such a stingy person? What apology do you need? My relationship with Zhiyan is much better than yours."

As she spoke, her tone became a little less confident.

That unconscionable maknae might have turned his butt towards Lin Cheng completely.

Lin Cheng carried Enjing to the side of the Hyundai car in two or three steps.

Opening the door, Xiaomin was lying in the car without any image, with the quilt uncovered, a pair of sexy black silk legs crossed and straight on the roof of the car.

In this posture, Lin Cheng almost vomited blood.

Her legs are very beautiful, straight and slender, and the back of the stockings is slightly transparent at the heel of her stepping on the roof of the car, revealing a faint flesh color, which is particularly alluring under the light.

And her nightgown fell to her thighs.

Fortunately, the hem of the coral fleece nightdress was not too short, and Lin Cheng almost saw something he shouldn't have seen with his hips half covered.

But the pantyhose is opaque, and you can't actually see anything.

"Ah! What are you doing? Lin Cheng is still here."

Only then did Xiao Min put down her long legs, and straightened the hem of the skirt nonchalantly.

Still in a slightly drunken posture, with reddish cheeks and blurred eyes.

"What's the matter? It doesn't hurt to show Lin Cheng a second look."

Enjing was annoyed: "From now on, you are not allowed to drink all day long, what does it look like?"

Lin Cheng suppressed his laughter and put En Jing down.

"The sisters are all in great shape, um~~~~ rich and generous."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng ran away.

Xiaomin's laughter faintly came from behind, as well as Brother Jing's constant complaints.

Like a hardworking bee, Lin Cheng returned to the tent and picked up his sister-in-law who was still a bit awkward.

His steps away from the tent were slow, even a little slow.


Julie finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Lin Cheng turned to look at her, "What's wrong? Ju Lixi~~~"

Meeting Lin Cheng's eyes, Ju Li turned her head away slightly unnaturally.

"Later, you are not allowed to mess with Zhiyan in front of my sister, or my sister will be angry."

She was warning, but she didn't even dare to look into Lin Cheng's eyes.

"Then how about I mess around with my sister?"

Ju Li was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked over.

Lin Cheng's eyes were burning.

Like a frightened little deer, she buried her head on Lin Cheng's shoulder, "You are not allowed to say such things to my sister! I... I am really angry."

Lin Cheng just laughed, "But sister also likes me, right?"

"You fart! I don't."

The aunt's tone was fierce, but she didn't even dare to lift her head.

"Then why did you offer to help me?"

"help you with what?"

Julie was a little puzzled.

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Wasn't she just now?
Dress up!

According to what I know about my sisters, if it wasn't for Ju Li just now, he would have stood upside down on the fifth-speed electric fan!

It is impossible for Eun Jung and Hyo Min to help him with that kind of thing.

Hmm~~~ Maybe it's because my sister-in-law has a thin skin, but Lin Cheng didn't show it.

"Forget it! Anyway, as long as I know that my sister likes me too."

"I told you I don't like you."



Her tone was firm.

"Lies make corns!"

Juli: "..."

"Haha! Look, my sister just likes me."

"I do not have!"

"You have."

Ju Li was anxious, she lowered her head and bit Lin Cheng's shoulder.

The corners of Lin Cheng's mouth almost turned up to the sky.

Opening the door of the Land Rover, Lin Cheng put Ju Li in.

The aunt straightened the skirt, and said a little worriedly: "Okay, you go to pick up Zhiyan, if you dare later..."

Before she finished speaking, her eyes widened.

Lin Cheng had already blocked her lips.

"You're crazy... umm!!!"

Lin Cheng barged in unreasonably and grabbed Ju Li's tongue.

The aunt subconsciously wanted to hide.

Lin Cheng grabbed her tongue and sucked it hard.

She clenched her fists in bewilderment.

Before his sister-in-law reacted and made an attack, Lin Cheng let her go quickly.

"Okay! You stay here obediently, I'll pick up Zhiyan."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng ran away.

Ju Li's cheeks were flushed, and she stared blankly at Lin Cheng's back, as if she had just realized it.

"Hey C! This guy @!#!¥&****"

Taking advantage of Lin Cheng's inability to hear, Ju Li cursed viciously, but she kept her eyes on Lin Cheng cautiously, for fear that he would suddenly turn around and attack her again.

After finally calming down, she hugged her knees in a daze.

But... just now it seemed really exciting.

She brought her legs together slightly.

Soon, Lin Cheng came over with Zhiyan on his back.

"Wow! It's so warm in the car."

"Be quiet, you kicked my sister."

Ji Yan rolled around in the carriage a little excitedly, causing Ju Li to complain angrily.

Hanhan flashed out his phone proudly, "Look, Ernie! I won a lot of backgammon today."

Seeing Zhiyan's happy smile, Ju Li was speechless.

Do you still care about backgammon?
Lin Cheng treats his sister like that...

never mind!you win!

You win!

In order to transport his sisters, Lin Cheng's clothes were a little wet. He sat in the front row and changed into a loose pajamas before turning over and getting in between the seats.

"I'm sleeping in the middle, so don't make my sisters sleepy."

"Woo~~~ My brother still loves my sister."

Ji Yeon stepped aside with a smile.

Julie rolled her eyes.

Lin Cheng's reason is bright and powerful. There is indeed a gap in the middle of the Land Rover's rear seats, but it doesn't feel like it is covered with thick cushions.

Just like that, Lin Cheng slept in the middle of the two of them.

"Don't move around, I want to watch some TV."

Ju Li installed the tablet on the roof of the car with a magnetic adsorption bracket, so that you don't have to tilt your head when watching TV.

From this point of view...they shouldn't do weird things anymore, right?
She had a good idea, but when she saw Lin Cheng taking the thick quilt that had been placed in advance from the front row, Ju Li suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Hey! The place is so big, please feel wronged and build a quilt with us."

Ju Li's eyes darkened.

It's over!To be tortured again.

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