This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1655 Year-end Awards Ceremony

Chapter 1655 Year-end Awards Ceremony
The new teammates played two matches together, and then started the happy solo in the team.

At 03:30, all members of KT put on handsome suits, and were taken by Ji Shengxi to the beauty room for styling.

Beauty parlor culture is very popular in Korea. It can refresh people from head to toe. The beauty parlor they went to this time is top-notch in Seoul, occupying a whole building, and many celebrities and idols usually come and go.

Sitting in a chair and being beaten by the stylist for a long time, Lin Cheng was a little numb.

Since the awards ceremony was not held last year due to the epidemic, Lin Cheng did not know that the LCK year-end ceremony would be so formal.

Seeing his loveless face, Chi Shengxi, who was sitting next to him playing with his mobile phone, raised his head to comfort him:
"It will be fine soon, and it has become more handsome."

The stylists in the top beauty salons can turn passers-by into Hallyu idols. Lin Cheng has a good background, but after some grooming, he is too dazzling.

The young lady stylist couldn't help but agree, "He's really handsome! He's even more handsome than many artists who come to us."


Lin Cheng asked back, "Why do you say a lot, not all of them? Who else is more handsome than me? Tell me your name and let me hear it."

Stylist: "..."

Chi Shengxi couldn't stop laughing, this guy really just climbed up a pole.

Didn't you let the stylist offend the client when it got out?

Lin Cheng has always been handsome and self-aware, but he always feels that he has become less masculine after putting on makeup.

Although the lines of his face in the mirror appear more refined and fairer, and more in line with the description of handsome, but it seems that he does not have the sharp edges and corners of his original lines.

"OK! That's fine."

Lin Chengru got an amnesty, so he quickly got up and moved his body.

"Don't move around, let me see."

Chi Shengxi stood in front of him and looked up carefully, then nodded with satisfaction, "You are so handsome! You are definitely the most beautiful boy tonight."

Lin Cheng whistled, stretched out his arm to signal Chi Shengxi to hold him, "Then do you think the most beautiful boy should be matched with the most beautiful girl?"

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes and slapped his arm off.

"Don't talk nonsense, there are hostesses."

Lin Cheng chuckled, "What's the hostess, our sister Sheng Xi is still pretty."

Chi Shengxi smiled, "Let's go! Go over and see if the others are okay."

Lin Cheng is not flattering. Sister Sheng Xi has exquisite makeup today, and her long hair is tied up. Although she is wearing a coat on the outside, she is wearing a slim black dress and long skirt. Lin Cheng, who has seen it at the base in advance, thinks Very wow.

Sister Sheng Xi is definitely the prettiest girl in the audience!
If you wear black silk and glasses, it will be a lore.

The two ran to the outer hall, where Rookie and Rascal, who were already in shape, were already waiting here.

My brother has a good figure, and he is also a handsome man.

Rookie's skin is well managed, and now he can be considered handsome when he loses weight, but it's a pity that his height is flawed.

Looking at the tall Rascal next to him, and at Lin Cheng who seemed a little taller, Rookie stretched out his hands sadly to compare.

Then he spit out a sound of Chinese with a perfect accent.


The top of his head only reached below the noses of Lin Cheng and Rascal, standing between them looked like a dwarf.

Chi Sung Hee was much taller than him in high heels, and Mr. Song Eui Jin was fatally injured on the first day at the club.

"I shouldn't have come to any awards ceremony. Anyway, I couldn't win any LCK awards in LPL last year. I came here just to show off to you. I should go home and finish Christmas before talking about it."

Rookie's self-defeating remarks made all three of them laugh.

I have to say that the makeup skills of the stylist are really good. The first time Brother Cuzz came out of the dressing room, Lin Cheng thought it was some idol coming.

It wasn't until Brother Yuanshen came out that Lin Cheng had to sigh: stylists are not omnipotent, and there are some things he can't handle.

Brother Yuanshen is not ugly, but the strong fat house smell is too strong, because he has a big belly, he also needs to prepare a suit that is one size bigger, which makes the shoulders and backs completely unable to support it, and it is loose.

Lin Cheng suddenly thought of Shen Chao walking the red carpet.

One is too thin to hold a suit, and the other is that the suit does not fit because of the big belly and bad shape.

Anyway, it's a bit abstract, and of course Shenchao is even more important.

However, Brother Yuanshen also has something better than Shenchao: he wears sports shoes on his feet.

That's right!Wearing a suit and sneakers, the whole collocation highlights a casual look.

After the last Mr. Dai's styling was finished, everyone in KT set off for the party.

Park Hyatt Hotel, Gangnam District, Seoul.

South Korean fist has already booked the entire hotel, and the inside and outside of the hotel have been decorated. From a long distance, you can see the huge banner of 2021 LCK AWARDS hanging outside the hotel.

All members of KT got off the bus and waited at the side entrance following the guidance of the staff before entering the hotel lobby.

The hotel lobby has been set up as a red carpet scene, and everyone enters through the side door, and the flashes of the cameras are constantly on along the way.

The award ceremony will be broadcast live on various platforms including Youtube. In addition to the official LCK live broadcast room, the live broadcast rooms of all major teams can watch it.

It was discovered that the KT players had arrived, and the barrage was very lively, mixed with various languages.

"This is too handsome! Are you sure Cheng isn't here to attend the idol drama starring award ceremony? "

"I declare that Cheng is the most handsome man in LCK history! "

"Rascal is so handsome, tall and stylish"

"Rookie is a pity, height is a pity"

"Male model team, huh?Temperament is something that KT has mastered"

"There's someone out of place here, I won't tell who it is"

"Brother Yuanshen's feet are really strong and strong, 233333"

"The image of the players in the LCK is really good, and the players in the LPL don't even wash their hair at the dinner party"

Walking through the long red carpet, everyone stopped for a few seconds in front of the advertising wall filled with a lot of sponsors, allowing them to take pictures, and then went to the interview area in front.

Lin Cheng watched the live host over and over again.

This is Lee Jung Hyun?Almost didn't recognize it.

Today, Lee Jung Hyun's hair was dyed platinum, and he was wearing a white dress. His makeup was mainly white and pink, and he looked like a Barbie doll.

Lee Jung Hyun: "Wow!!! The KT players are so handsome today. It's the first time for Cheng to appear on such an occasion with his new teammates. How does Cheng feel?"

Lin Cheng looked at Li Zhenxian again and again: "Are you sincere?"

He pointed to the sneakers under Beryl's feet, "Do you think this outfit makes sense?"

The teammates laughed out loud, and even the media personnel on the opposite side laughed too.

Lee Jung Hyun managed to hold back, "Really! Everyone is very handsome, but is Beryl's outfit the latest trend?"

Beryl is very real, "I forgot my leather shoes at home. I was going to buy a pair temporarily, but I found that high-end leather shoes are too expensive... I might as well save it and recharge game coupons."

This answer is top-notch, and the audience in each live broadcast room laughed like crazy.

As expected of you!

I don't feel bad about spending money on Yuanshen Two-dimensional hobbies, but I have to worry about buying a pair of leather shoes.

They don't know anything more than that.

For the sake of the club's image, Chi Shengxi planned to take Yuan Shenge to pick out a pair of suitable leather shoes, and then reimburse them from the club's operating expenses.

As a result, Brother Yuanshen found that the brands that the club can reimburse were of higher grades, so he simply asked if he could get rid of the leather shoes, and discounted the money to him for game coupons.

Chi Shengxi was so angry that he stopped buying it.

Anyway, the old captain also wore sneakers to participate in the award ceremony before, which is also a KT tradition.

(End of this chapter)

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