This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1666 The Unsolved Mystery of the LCK

Chapter 1666 The Unsolved Mystery of the LCK
(Good news: yesterday's chapter was not sent)

(Bad news: The driving paragraph was secretly deleted early in the review)
Accompanying Baby Enxi and his wives to spend Christmas at home, Lin Cheng soon returned to the club to start pre-season preparations with his teammates.

Among the ten teams in the LCK, the KT training match started relatively late, but it doesn't matter much.

As long as others start early.

I heard that you have a good understanding of the version?
Come!About two training matches.

I will steal directly!
It doesn't have to be innovative, as long as you can copy.

EDG called the experts directly.

Although everyone has a certain understanding of the new version through RANK before, it is only through the training match with professional teams that we can truly understand how much the game content has changed.

Compared with last year, the addition of Alchemy Dragon and Technology Dragon in the S12 version is a bold attempt by the designer.

Really bold.

Especially Alchemy Dragon.

If you are dead, you can still output as a zombie for a few seconds, that is to say, even if the C position is seconded by the opponent, you can still deal damage. Like some crispy supporters, even if they are killed, they can stand up and throw out key skills.

The fault tolerance rate was too high. Lin Cheng, who got the Alchemy Dragon Soul, didn't know how to lose. Anyway, in the training match, KT had a big advantage and won the Alchemy Dragon Soul twice. The opponent surrendered immediately.

What's even more outrageous is the terrain effect of Alchemy Dragon Soul. The dragon soul terrain of both heroes entering the jungle will be camouflaged.

The rhythm of Dragon Soul has changed slightly, coupled with the change of TP, many teams in the training match have once again increased their emphasis on the bottom half, and their care for the top lane has become more stingy.

In addition, the changes in equipment runes are not small.

The strength of the new version of the deadly rhythm makes everyone start to play acrobatics. Not only the AD belt, but also the heroes who can be brought on the road are exploring the practicality of this rune. The conqueror who was originally a symbol of a real man has received a cold reception.

The addition of first strike amounts to an alternative return to the steal rune.

It's a pity that Niu Bao, who was most obsessed with stealing money runes, is now resting at home, and the LCK has lost another opponent who can barely survive half a move in Lin Cheng's hands.

After two days of training matches, KT's overall run-in is not bad, but there are many problems exposed.

Beryl's vision and command in the bottom lane are fine, but the operation is really a bit hip, which may be because he has been playing Yuanshen during the offseason and does not touch RANK.

It's not black, Brother Yuanshen has some manipulations and Lin Cheng feels that he can do it with his feet.

Mr. Dai's current laning ability itself is not as good as it was at its peak. With the often tricky Yuanshen brother, he is slightly weaker in the laning end of the bottom lane. At least he is less aggressive than KT's strong upper and middle lanes.

Because of the change of TP, besides T tower to prevent his teammates from being overrun, now Lin Cheng can't go around and go down early to help Mr. Dai build an advantage like before.

Fortunately, Cuzz in the training match was brave enough to often take care of the bottom lane.

The pace of Grapefruit Thief's training match is indeed very good, but Lin Cheng suspects that it's because he treats the training match as a rank, and it's hard to say whether he can maintain this level once the official match starts.

In addition, Rookie's style of play is also a bit different from Cuzz's.

Although Grapefruit Thief has a bad brain, he just likes to use his brain. If he can't find the opponent's jungle position, Cuzz will be more cautious.

And Rookie is used to fighting big fights in IG. He dares to fight all kinds of random fights without vision, and he doesn't hesitate to shoot when he sees an opportunity.

He dared to fight hard and was not afraid of mistakes, but Cuzz may not dare to follow up decisively.

As a result, sometimes KT's middle-field linkage will be out of touch, and there will be a situation where the thinking is not unified.

Lin Cheng is as stable as ever in the top lane and can play the advantage, but he can't always beat the opponent's top laner.

The whole world knows that Lin Cheng likes to rely on his laning ability to save the first TP in the early stage. This version does not need him to save TP to help his teammates, because this habit makes Lin Cheng miss many opportunities to expand his advantage online.

Now, some of the opponent's top laners use skills such as igniting or sprinting for the sake of playing strings. Lin Cheng is used to TP and it is not easy to play too aggressively. This is also a problem he needs to consider.

Generally speaking, KT still has a lot of room for improvement, but the current record in training matches is not bad.

Even if the overall linkage is not doing well, there are some very good players, and someone will always stand up and end the game.

This caused everyone to feel that there was a problem with the game, but they couldn't lose in the training match.

The time has entered January, 2021 has officially passed, and the new season of the LCK is getting closer and closer.

During this period of time, there have been a lot of news about the training matches of various teams on the Internet.

T1 coach Polt said in the live broadcast that their training results are very good, and they have not lost a single game. In the new season, five young people will set off a youth storm.

All of a sudden, I climaxed.

I heard that Zeus killed a lot of well-known top laners in the LCK. I don't know what will happen to Lin Cheng?
Although Zeus was beaten into autism by Lin Cheng last year, generally talented rookies will usher in an explosion in the second or third year after getting used to the rhythm of the arena.

Nuguri didn't perform that well when he just made his debut, and was sanctioned by the Sword Emperor for a long time. After S9, he completely became the top top laner.

As for Lin Cheng... that's an outlier. Although Tan Zaza doesn't really want to admit it, he has to say that Lin Cheng's talent is unprecedented.

And they don't expect Zeus to beat Lin Cheng violently, as long as they can handle it, fans firmly believe that the other players in T1 are completely ahead of KT.

As long as Zeus stands up, the youth storm of T1 next year will sweep the entire LCK.

Tanza even shouted a slogan: Four-star T1 is on the way.

Likewise, their four-star truck is on the way.

If the performance of T1 in the new season is unsatisfactory, Tanza will often be the first to jump out and fight back.

Score, the supervisor of GEN·G, also said in a recent interview that their training results were very good. Under the leadership of Chaowei and Peanut, the tacit understanding of Nakano, GEN·G has a promising future.

After the old captain finished his military service, he took over the supervisory position of GEN·G this year. KT fans still feel a little regretful about this. Everyone thought that the old captain would return to KT to work.

But the current double crown coach Mr. Kang Dongxun is doing a good job, he can't be kicked out, right?
And Scoer also expressed bitterly: The current KT is all Lin Cheng's imprint, and there is no need for him to go back to play.

On the other hand, DK's Xu Xiu also personally admitted that he played well in the training match, and that the new AD player quickly integrated into the team. Their goal in the new season is to compete for the championship.

Even the coaching staff of DRX claimed that the situation in the training match was gratifying, and their bot laners Aiming and Life are qualified to compete for the first LCK bot lane combination.

It's a lot of fun now.

Everyone was killing indiscriminately during the training match, so who was being killed?
The unsolved mystery of the LCK.

Couldn't it be that KT is being killed indiscriminately?
KT has not revealed the situation of the training match for the time being, but it is hard to believe that they were killed indiscriminately.

The forum is very noisy because of this topic.

"Little K said that he never lost in the T1 training match, I am a little looking forward to Faker's fourth championship"

"Come on T1!Let the whole world see our Youth Storm"

It's been two years since I've been yelling about "The Miscellaneous Poultry, Stupid, Crazy, Tired Are You Tired?" "

"The storm of youth has almost become a storm of old age (dog head)"

"Instead of looking forward to T1's youth storm, I look forward to their truck storm (funny)"

"This year is the crowning of KT's three consecutive championships, and Faker has completely stepped down from the altar"

"The future LOL No.1 will have no controversy"

"That's right!It's me, coach Haria Kang Dong-hoon! (funny)"

"Facts will prove that KT is orthodox in GEN·G!Waiting for Peanut and Chovy to overturn KT in the new season"

"Cheng: Watch me kill a traitor in the new season!" "

(End of this chapter)

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