This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1671 The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie

Chapter 1671 The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie
At this time, KT players were already preparing to play from the side channel.

Approaching the front row of audience seats, Lin Cheng took the lead and walked out.

"Cheng! Cheng! Here!"

"I love you! Won date me today, okay?"

"Cheng! King!"

"We KT are invincible!"

The audience in the front row were very excited and stretched out their hands towards Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng stretched out his arms and gave high fives to the fans in the front row as he walked.

In order to touch Lin Cheng, the fans behind got up and stretched their arms. There was even a young lady who stepped across the front seat regardless of her appearance, just to give Lin Cheng a high five.

"be careful."

Lin Cheng smiled and interacted with fans one by one.

Cuzz followed Lin Cheng's example and stretched out his arms.

As a result, Brother Cuzz quickly tasted the warmth and coldness of human relationships.

Some enthusiastically gave Cuzz a high five, while some fans withdrew their hands after giving Lin Cheng a high five, as if they were ignorant of Cuzz.

What's more, another person slapped Cuzz's hand away.

You are too spicy!

You only like Lin Cheng, right?
Be careful I put a pain mask on him.

Although the organizer had warned the audience to pay attention to their emotions in advance, the KT fans at the scene were so excited that they desperately reached out to give Lin Cheng a high five, and those who were too far away cheered loudly from behind.

Xiao Min who was sitting in the front row was out of tune with the surrounding KT fans, Lin Cheng quickly spotted her.

He took the initiative to walk over.

"Xiaomin is angry!"

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand, but Xiao Min could only stretch out his hand too.

"come on!"

During the high five, Lin Cheng deliberately scratched her palm quickly.

Hyomin gave him an annoyed look while wearing a mask.

That is to say, Lin Cheng will be on stage at this time, otherwise she will start nagging again.

Lin Cheng deliberately asked someone to give him a high-five, and the on-site director was quick to capture the camera.

A KT fan at the scene recognized Hyomin and laughed kindly.

"Hyomin xi! I bought a new album."

"I'm one of my own! I also bought it."

Thanks to Lin Cheng, those who bought Tara's new album were all brothers, and Xiaomin almost felt nervous when he heard the jokes from the fans around him.

The Chinese live streaming room is very lively, full of jokes.

"Fuck!Xiao Ming!It's Xiao Ming! "

"Where's Ji-yeon?Is only Hyomin here? "

"Why didn't Jiyeon come?A private tryst, huh? "

"The dog finally couldn't help but do something to the aunt?My brother Hai! "

"With Xiaomin's legs, can this old pervert, Brother Cheng, hold back? "

"Brother Cheng, is this going to be a one-pot meal (funny)"

"hateful!Brother Chengzi, leave one for me, Brother Jing and Madam, don’t think about it.”

"Brother Hai, you don't want Zhiyan to know about this, do you? (insidious)"

"Brother Chengzi, you don't want Mrs. Cheng to know about this, do you? (insidious)"

After finally walking through the auditorium, Lin Cheng stood on the stage and couldn't help but raise his arms to applaud the fans present.

The cheers grew louder.

KT fans seem to have turned the scene into a celebration for KT's double crown.

Lin Cheng smiled.

In two years, he spent two years conquering the whole world and conquering such a group of faithful believers.

"Wow~~~ They really like you."

Rookie couldn't help but whispered to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng turned his head, "IG fans also like you very much."

Rookie sighed.

We are different.

You are king here.

But I was almost kicked out by IG.

Feeling the popularity of Lin Cheng among KT fans at a close distance, seeing the excited and crazy KT fans, Rookie had mixed feelings for a while.

He really envied Lin Cheng.

The same team spirit, why is there such a big gap?
I don't expect Lin Cheng to receive such exaggerated treatment and love from KT. Originally, he thought that it would be good if he could retire safely in IG.

Unfortunately, there is a gap between reality and ideals.

"The contestants have already entered the arena. Brother Cheng's popularity is really exaggerated. The camera showed Rookie..."

Zeyuan's tone was very emotional: "To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine that one day I will see Rookie on the LCK broadcast screen. In seven years, all of our LPL viewers have gotten used to him wearing the IG team uniform."

"Rookie looked at Brother Chengzi with this look, he may also think of his time in IG."

"But no matter what, KT is actually the place where his dream started. We want to bless Rookie and wish him a good result in KT this year."

Wanwan: "Going around and coming back again, I believe that this time Rookie can make up for the regret of KTA back then. Rookie, who won the summer championship, was not able to go to the World Championship with KTA. Maybe it was God's will that he came back to make up for this regret. "

"Extreme fans burst into tears, this time the broiler didn't wear the IG team uniform"

"But he's still so short (funny)"

"Come here!Fork this black fan out (expletive)》

"Rookie looked at the Chengzi brother next to him, his eyes were full of his own shadow in IG (covering his face)"

"Come on!There is no lack of scolding of broilers inside the chicken. "

"The main reason is that there are too many personal fans of jerks, and I tear them up every day"

"Brother Cheng is different, all KT fans are orange (funny)"

"This is where Brother Cheng is awesome. Club fans with such a pure composition can no longer be found except KT"

"Because he really has no place to black...except for his head full of black silk and long legs, which may be disgusted by some female fans"

"Who said female fans would be disgusted?I just like Brother Cheng Zi, and I sent him a black silk photo in a private message"

"Can Can Need Haisi, PLZ! "

"It's a pity that Brother Cheng is not a fan, otherwise hehehe! "

"I do!Brother Cheng Supermarket me! "

"Anti-Datian! "

After paying tribute to the audience, Lin Cheng and his teammates sat on the competition seats and began to adjust the equipment.

It's the turn of the DK players to play.

DK fans enthusiastically sent support for their players, but there was still a big gap in the atmosphere, far worse than the noise created by KT fans just now.

It can be seen from the camera that the KT players are very relaxed, chatting and laughing in the voice while debugging the equipment.

"Old Song."


"Today is the first official match, in order to better adapt to the style of play... how about you give me a dog first?"

Rookie couldn't help laughing, "You are the top laner, shouldn't you ask the jungler first?"

Lin Cheng: "What does Wen Youzan say?"

Cuzz: "Wow!"

Rookie: "???"

Teammates laughed.

Even Lin Cheng didn't expect that the grapefruit thief is so beautiful.

Little Peanut clamored to be Lin Cheng's dog and had to go through an ideological struggle to overcome his psychological barrier. Cuzz was fine, and he corrected his attitude before the first match even started.

It seems that he wants to win.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Everyone chatted easily before the game, but soon Lin Cheng couldn't laugh anymore.

The two sides entered the BP link.

DK came up to connect with BAN Qinggangying and Daomei on the red side. Lin Cheng was still smiling in the camera, but when he saw himself being so targeted, his smile stopped instantly.

According to this rhythm, Lin Cheng suspected that he might not have a good time when Baisi Daomei's skin came out this year.

He craned his neck and looked towards the opposite seat.

"Hey! What do you mean? You're going to tear your face apart in the first game, right?"

Although he couldn't hear what Lin Cheng was saying, his expressions and movements all showed his mood.

There was laughter on the spot.

Boys of DK, I advise you not to be ignorant of flattery!

In the next round, obediently let Daomei out.

(End of this chapter)

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