This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1673 The Crazy Showdown between the Former and the Current

Chapter 1673 The Crazy Showdown between the Former and the Current
Zeyuan: "The lineup of both sides is selected. I feel that the blue side is very fond of players playing online. The policewoman + Lux is a combination that needs to play an advantage and push the rhythm of the tower. Including KT's mid-top two lanes also need to play a bit stronger. .”

Wan Wan: "Well~~~ If it develops steadily to the mid-term, DK will be very strong in team fights. Gwen + Xin Zhao double-circle team battles will make KT double C very uncomfortable."

"So Brother Cheng's performance in this round is very critical. The opponents Xin Zhao and Gwen in the team battle are at the front, so Akali needs to put pressure on DK's back row."

Soon the broadcast screen entered the game, Lin Cheng Akali used the KDA ultimate skin.

Wanwan's tone was cheerful, "The battle of the beautiful girls on the road, brother Chengzi chose such a beautiful skin, I feel like I have already won."

Zeyuan didn't hold back, "Really? You understand him."

"Hahaha!Battle of the Pretty Girls

"It's a pity that KDA's ultimate Akali didn't wear stockings, otherwise Brother Chengzi would have a head start"

"It's okay, the white leather pants are the same, it feels like white silk"

"Isn't the point that Miss Gwen is wearing stockings?And it's a little fun (funny)"

"Brother Orange: I want to lift Miss Gwen's skirt!" "

"One thing to say, DK's lineup of female policemen can't play well"

"Xin Zhao + Gwen, Double Circle Tianke AD"

"Two bathtubs are covered, even a god can only take a bath"

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Akali chose the main line of Precision: Conqueror, Calmness, Resilience, Perseverance, and the secondary line of Resolute: Skeleton Plating, Firmness.

The Summoner skill Lin Cheng is still Flash + TP, trying to increase the upper limit of his team battle operations, while the opposite Gwen is very insidious with TP + Ignite.

The five KT brothers chose to go out and stand regularly. Lin Cheng went straight to the upper river to stand in the grass, and the rest of the teammates guarded the river intersection.

And the red side obviously has more ideas.

DK went out and went up in a group with five people. Gwen stood on the red square triangle grass, and the other four were stuck in the blue square defense tower on the line and groped towards the direction of the river.

At this time, Gwen poked his head under the triangle grass and raised a white flag to Akali.

Seeing that the opponent's posture was so low, Lin Cheng responded with a compliment, lest Hoya would not see it, Lin Cheng deliberately walked out of the grass.

Gwen doesn't talk about martial arts, and the E skill moves his hands closer to make a fierce posture.

Lin Cheng subconsciously learned Q to make the first move.

Just at this moment, the four red Fang brothers came out from the line and entered the river.

The opponent's vision was blocked very well, Lin Cheng quickly manipulated Akali to retreat.

Knowing that Akali has learned the Q skill, after Thresh entered the grass in the river, he suddenly flashed and shortened the distance, and directly hooked.

Since Lin Cheng had already outgrown the grass, he lost his vision of the grass and had no idea what his opponent was doing.

He didn't make any reaction, but retreated step by step against the river wall.

As a result, Thresh's hook was ridiculously crooked.

Kellin swung the hook over the wall.

Zeyuan: "DK has some ideas about Brother Chengzi, but there is no chance for this position... huh??? Thresh flashing Q, what does that mean?"

Wanwan: "He seems to be predicting that Akali will dodge the wall? But Brother Chengzi has no grass vision. He didn't know that Thresh flashed Q in the grass."

Zeyuan: "It can only be said that Kellin really respects Brother Chengzi and knows that Brother Chengzi reacts quickly, but Brother Chengzi didn't turn on the perspective, and the quick reaction can't predict your operation like this... Thresh didn't flash this time , the pressure on the laning female policewoman Lacus in the bottom lane is too great!"

"I can only say that I probably saw my ex. Kellin wanted to play Boshuai when he came up. He wanted to prove his strength in front of Beryl, but ended up playing off."

Wanwan: "Actually, it's okay. KT didn't know that Thresh had flashed his Q. It means he still has flashes. It's not a big problem."

"unbelievable!This Thresh is too abstract"

"How did he think of flashing Q in the grass and making predictions?" "

"Kelli's Thresh was very abstract last year, and his soft assistant is not bad"

"It Feels Like an Explosion"

"What does DK think?Kick out Brother Yuanshen for this support"

Lin Cheng didn't know what the opponent's support was doing, so he immediately directed his teammates in the lower half to set their sights deep into the opponent's wild area.

And the five DK members also took advantage of the situation and set their sights on the upper field of the blue side. The jungle routes of both sides are almost showing their cards.

Start entering the line.

On the road, I can't hit anything for the time being. Gwen's E skill wants to exchange blood first, but Akali pulls away Q. Lin Cheng doesn't want to exchange blood with Ignite Gwen, and the attention of both sides is mainly focused on the pawn line.

In the bottom lane, due to Thresh's flash, the DK duo consciously released the line when they came up.

The two KT brothers pressed very hard, both junglers were going down, as long as the policewoman Lacus held down the line, Xin Zhao would not dare to come and grab.

The blue side's fourth wave of soldiers was blocked under the tower by the red side's remaining third wave of minions, and Beryl's Lux almost stood in his face.

Probably because facing his old club, Brother Yuanshen looked very fierce.

This kind of movement is almost clear to tell DK: Our jungler is behind, you Xin Zhao don't come to catch, everyone should use their ability to fight in the next lane.

In fact, this kind of line Canyon really didn't dare to go around the river to catch it. After beating Lan and Toad, he went up to fight the three wolves.

Just when the line of soldiers under the tower was about to be cleared, the KT duo retreated.

Finding that the opponent followed the pawn line to press forward, Lux turned around and lost an E skill consumption.

Walking sideways in front of Thresh Tower, he didn't dodge Lax's E, and his HP was consumed to less than half.

Seeing the opportunity, Brother Yuanshen directly flashed Q.

As long as the confinement hits, the policewoman will die with the blood of Thresh.

However, in the absence of the opponent's flash, Beryl's Q flash actually made a mistake.

Realizing that Q flashed empty, Lux quickly turned around and ran away.

Thresh turned his head and played Q.

Beryl failed to move and was hooked outside the defense tower.

Verus and hurt.

Deft in the back obviously regarded his purification as a treatment, and saw Lux subconsciously pressed off by the hook to purify.

Thresh's Q skill pulled Lux ​​back two distances. After activating the second Q, his E skill put Lux right into the defense tower.

Although Verus had handed in all his skills to clear the line just now, the three attacks of Cong Ren still cooperated with the attack of the defensive tower to crush Lux's blood.

Before Beryl pulled away, Thresh's ignition took a blood.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Lux Q flashed to the sky! Thresh hooked back... It's going to be a line kill! And Deft gave the purification as a treatment! This mistake is too big!"

"Beryl~~~~ You can spare this Q flash? What's more, Thresh hasn't flashed yet."

Wan Wan: "What's going on in the first game today? The duo started playing tricks when they came up. It wouldn't be fun for the policewoman Lacus to get killed by the line."

Zeyuan: "It's been a long time since the game. Both sides seem to be in a bad state. Kellin first gave a dodge on the road, but Beryl turned back and gave a dodge + first blood, and Mr. Dai gave a cleanse. How about doing charity?"

"I am dumbfounded, the next road is too heaven-defying! "

"Both supporters are heavyweights, crazy duel, right?" "

"Brother Yuanshen can this Q flash be crooked?Are you stupid playing Yuanshin? "

"Broiler: Why does my bottom lane teammate always have trouble with the Q skill? "

"No wonder DK kicked Brother Yuanshen for this support, the misunderstanding is resolved! "

"In the past 3 minutes, it seems that Kellin's condition really needs to be relieved"

"It doesn't matter, wait for the road Daddy C"

"Brother Chengzi: There is finally a teammate who can kill faster than me"

"Tell a ghost story: ICU hasn't started yet (funny)"

(End of this chapter)

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