This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1685 Don't make me kneel down and beg you

The teammates waited in the entrance channel to watch the interaction between Lin Cheng and the fans, each of them was full of emotions.

"Wow~~~ This scene is really exaggerated. Lin Cheng is a god in the hearts of fans, right?"

Rookie couldn't hide her envy.

When he revealed the news that he was leaving IG, many fans stayed with him, saying that Rookie is to IG like Cheng is to KT.

But Rookie clearly knew at this moment that he was far less to IG than Lin Cheng was to KT.

Whether it is the weight in the club or the weight in the hearts of fans.

Maybe Faker may not be able to compare with Lin Cheng.

He has experienced the OGN era and knows that not all SKT fans are on Faker's side even at his peak.

But Lin Cheng did it.

Not only Rookie, Cuzz also looked envious.

Only Beryl didn't care.

By the way... can this guy move faster?

I'm still busy going back to Ganyuanshin.

Seeing Lin Cheng coming over, Mr. Dai deliberately teased, "The fans are really partial, I also bleed for KT."

Cuzz hurriedly said: "Just now someone was calling Brother Hegui's ID, I heard it."

Mr. Dai: "Really?"

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "It's normal, no matter how delicious the grilled pork belly is, there will always be people who like pigs in the water."

Mr. Dai: (Laughing dish blah)
What is your metaphor?
The crowd laughed.

Back in the lounge, Rascal enthusiastically waited at the door to give high fives to his teammates to celebrate the victory.

"Everyone played well, let's keep going!"

"You are good too! Please continue to be enthusiastic."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng silently added in his heart:
I hope that when I come back in the future, I will not enter the lounge and see a salted fish that has lost its dream lying on the sofa playing with a mobile phone.

Of course, KT's introduction of Rascal is not to let him completely look at the water dispenser.

In normal training matches, Lin Cheng will take turns playing with his brother, so that Rascal will not be completely unsuitable for the team's style of play. Of course, Lin Cheng's training volume will definitely be much larger.

After the schedule of the Asian Games is confirmed, my brother will participate in more team training. At that time, he will be needed to fill in the vacancy of Lin Cheng's early departure from the team.

Lin Cheng has a very good relationship with Rascal, and the two often communicate with each other. Unfortunately, even with Lin Cheng's help, I still can't practice certain heroes well. Compared with Lin Cheng, his hero pool is too easy to target.

It has nothing to do with whether you work hard or not. After debuting for so long, I still can’t master the roles of Jess and the like. It’s just as helpless as Rookie’s failure to master the armored fighter.

In fact, this is also normal. It is outrageous that a hero like Lin Cheng can be proficient in any position.

Except for Lin Cheng, no matter how famous a player is in the history of LOL, there will be shortcomings.

Faker has a hero who is good at playing, God also has an AD that is not good at, and Guijiaoqi can't even play a blind monk...

Such examples abound.

After waiting for a while, the staff came to inform Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai to accept the interview.

In the first game, POG was won by Lin Cheng, and in the second game, Mr. Dai won by one vote.

Mr. Dai's Aphelios played really well. DK hardly ignored Lin Cheng's Bobby in the second game. After the middle field gained the advantage, he kept putting pressure on the bottom lane. Mr. Dai took over the game without dying once.

The two came to the stage, and the interviewer was Yin Xiubin.

"Congratulations to KT for winning the first game in 2022. Today, players Cheng and Deft will be interviewed after the game."

Fans at the scene burst into applause.

The two on stage happened to be the members of KT who won the championship last year. The fans seemed to have returned to the Icelandic championship scene and shouted their IDs loudly.

Lin Cheng smiled and waved his hands.

Mr. Dai looked a little awkward.

Yoon Soo Bin: "As usual, let's talk about the victory speech first."

Lin Cheng motioned for Mr. Dai to come first.

Mr. Dai raised the microphone: "This is the first victory with the new teammates. In fact, before the game, I was always worried that my performance would disappoint the fans. Fortunately, we won..."

Before the words were finished, some fans couldn't help but started applauding.

The applause wasn't very loud, and they wanted to show their support in this way, even though the interview was interrupted.

Mr. Dai paused, and there seemed to be light in his eyes.

"It was a very happy thing to win the world championship with my teammates last year. The only regret at that time was that there were no fans to witness the scene, but today I saw the enthusiasm of the fans at the scene and suddenly felt that it didn't matter.

"Because the fans are actually with us all the time."

He put down the microphone, and there was a sudden burst of warm applause.

At this moment, the fans stopped suppressing themselves and expressed their support loudly.

"Come on, Deft! You are the best!"

"KT Fighting! I will always support you guys."

"We've always stood together!"

Mr. Dai was originally an emotional person. Hearing the support from the fans, he couldn't help but lower his head and wipe his eyes.

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

Consolation is comfort, Mr. Dai is wiping tears, but Lin Cheng can't help but smile brightly at the camera.

The contrast is strong.

This scene made the online audience almost die of laughter.

He just thought of happy things, what's wrong?
After finally waiting for the scene to calm down, Yin Xiubin continued:
"Where's Cheng? Let me tell you how you feel."

Lin Cheng raised the microphone and pondered for two seconds.

Just when the audience was expecting what he would say, Lin Cheng suddenly pointed at Mr. Dai.

"He's right!"

There was laughter on the spot.

Yin Xiubin was also happy, "It is true that Deft is right, but we all know that there seems to be a friend of Cheng at the scene today?"

Lin Cheng nodded: "Yes."

The on-site director immediately showed the camera to Xiaomin who was wearing a mask. Although the alcoholic sister was a little pissed in private, she still smiled and waved generously in front of the camera.

Yin Xiubin: "Do you want to say hello to Miss Xiaomin?"

Lin Cheng felt a little strange that he wanted to say hello in front of the camera despite being very familiar.

He raised his hand in Hyomin's direction, "Hi!"

With a simple pronunciation, he insisted on putting on the posture of a prince.

The Chinese barrage has been clamoring for a strict investigation of the three generations of Lin Cheng's ancestors.

Yin Xiubin: "Cheng contestant supported Tara in the final in Iceland last year. The sisters should reciprocate in the new season, right? Are you looking forward to it?"

"I'm also looking forward to the support from my sisters."

Lin Cheng nodded, and suddenly changed the topic, "That's right! Who hasn't bought Tara's new album yet? Stand up and show me."

The cheerful atmosphere was suffocated, and the audience waved their hands to express that they bought the album.

All of them were eager to prove their identities.

The painting style is outrageous.

The camera caught Hyomin's eyes looking a little dull.

"Forget it! Let's not talk about this today if I am happy."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "If you didn't buy Tara's new album, remember to make up for it. I hope you don't know how to appreciate it."

After a pause, he pointed at the camera and added seriously:
"Don't make me kneel down and beg you."

The barrage exploded.

"I died laughing so hard, it's really you!" 23333》

"That's it?Aren't you very stubborn (dog head)》

"Don't buy anything, wait for Brother Chengzi to kneel down and beg us (kimbo)"

"Xiao Ming is numb, with those dull eyes, haha! "

"Xiao Ming: I don't know him, he has nothing to do with me, what am I here for?" "

"Don't be afraid!Xiaomin is so angry that her relatives don't recognize her, brother Chengzi is nothing."

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