Chapter 1692 Downtime
The campus was very quiet, and Lin Cheng led Sister Shuyan as she walked slowly on the stone path.

The school is built on the mountain, and the stone road behind the library leans against a cliff. The inner side of the path is covered with green vines, and the outer side is a flower field that blooms all year round.

It is the season when some camellia varieties are blooming. Red, purple, white and even colorful stripes of camellias bloom alternately, exuding a misty brilliance under the dim street lights.

This scene is very romantic.

The sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground has a rhythmic quality. Lin Cheng glanced at his girlfriend's delicate side face from time to time, feeling inexplicably satisfied.

As the proud work of students majoring in environment and environment, this flower field is a holy place for couples to date. There seems to be a couple strolling in front of them. Lin Cheng's undisguised gaze makes Han Shuyan a little shy.

"Don't keep looking at me!"

"Sister Shuyan is so pretty, I wish I could read it every day."

Lin Cheng purposely looked at her again, and exclaimed loudly, "It's so beautiful! It's super beautiful!"

"Ah! Keep your voice down!"

Han Shuyan's height is about the same as Zheng Shiyan's. Although her figure is not as domineering as sister Shiyan's, her curves are definitely exquisite. Her white professional attire reveals a trace of gentleness on her body, and her silky legs are well-proportioned and elegant.

Enxi's chubby little face was very comfortable to kiss, and he smacked it on purpose, making a pop.

"Hey! You are too much, haven't seen me for so long, don't you miss me?"

"You are not allowed to help your sister miss him, and I won't give you cake tomorrow."

"You can be proud, I will tear off your stockings later and teach you a lesson."

"How dare you tease my uncle, Han Shuyan, you are dead."

"Don't be so stern, give Brother Cheng a kiss."

"Cut! Duplicity, Enxi, are you right?"

While talking, Lin Cheng could clearly see the secret joy at the corner of his girlfriend's mouth.

The pride at the corner of Han Shuyan's mouth froze.

Facing the warm welcome of the little girl, Lin Cheng knelt down and kissed her.

Zheng Shiyan looked at it seriously and with a hint of curiosity, and then imitated her method and handled the other sea squirts.

Lin Cheng got up angrily and chased after him.

She is sure that she is soft-hearted, right?
Those who are favored are fearless.

Lin Cheng couldn't stop Sister Shuyan from looking like this, so he finally let her go while muttering.

The little girl twisted her body, grinning and laughing silly.


Overcome temptation.

Eun Hee: (⊙⊙)
Seeing that the two started to fight again when they met, Han Shuyan didn't persuade her, she took off her shoes and went into the kitchen to help prepare dinner.

Han Shuyan laughed.

Lin Cheng's loud laughter was mixed with Xiao Tong's complaints, and the little girl's giggles and tender exclamations also kept coming.

After a while, Lin Cheng appeared at the kitchen door with his head poking around.

"Ah! Don't tickle it, I hate it!"

"Uncle! Sister Yan! Why did you come back?"

Lin Cheng: o(one︿one+)o

"I'll ask you again, are you tired?"

The two played for a while, and it was almost eight o'clock in the evening when they got home.

They turned their backs to Lin Cheng and were busy with their heads down. The two perfect backs made Lin Cheng unable to look away.

Sister Shuyan came back late today, Sister Shiyan just got off work, Xiao Tong was alone with the baby and preparing dinner, busy for a long time, but the work progress was less than half.

"Damn it! You two are out on a date and are going to starve us to death at home, aren't you?"

Han Shuyan stood on tiptoe, hugged Lin Cheng's neck forcefully, gritted her teeth and whispered viciously in Lin Cheng's ear:
"Go! Go home with my sister!"

After catching up with his girlfriend in two or three steps, Lin Cheng pulled her into his arms and stretched out his hand to tickle her.

Shiyan's wife is also a bit too calm, and her reaction seems to be less familiar than that of strangers.

As a result, Han Shuyan stepped aside with a smile.

Zheng Shiyan glanced at him, then turned her head to carefully handle the sea squirt in her hand.

Lin Cheng stepped up to her and said with a smile, "If Sister Shuyan is tired, I can carry you on my back."

"Hmph! I told you to play tricks on me, but next time it won't be like this..."

Lin Cheng snickered.

It's very noisy outside.

Zheng Shiyan's long hair is half up, and she just came back and she has not changed into a black professional attire. Even from the outline of her back, you can feel the shock of her round breast shape. A pair of sky-defying long legs were wrapped in flesh-colored stockings.

Xiao Tong almost covered his face with a backhand shovel, but fortunately Lin Cheng dodged quickly.

"Enxi misses uncle! Sister Tong also misses uncle, Enxi testifies!"

After she finished speaking, she trotted forward, her high heels hitting the ground cheerfully.


"Miss Han Shuyan, if I'm tired, I can carry you on my back."

Lin Cheng viciously leaned close to her ear.

Han Shuyan looked at him suspiciously.

"Damn it! How dare you play tricks on me."

"Not tired."

"Sister Shiyan, I'm back."

"Tch! Just like a child."

Lin Cheng sighed silently.

"Hey! If you ask again, my sister will answer you seriously."

Xiao Tong came out of the kitchen with a shovel in hand, and stared at the two of them resentfully.

Only then did Lin Cheng nod his head in satisfaction, "Hmph! Since you are so sincere, then I will reluctantly ask again."

"Sister Shuyan, are you tired?"

Lin Cheng pouted cheerfully.

Although Sister Shuyan is gentle and generous, she is very cute when she is shy.

She glared at Lin Cheng angrily.

While speaking, Lin Cheng turned around and squatted down, waiting for his girlfriend to come up on his own initiative.

"Do not want to."

"Not tired!"

"My sister is not tired! I don't want you to carry it."

"Ah! You are not allowed to say such things outside."

Lin Cheng didn't answer, and the smile on his face made her a little annoyed.

It was very quiet in the kitchen.

The little girl Enxi was obediently lying on the table to color in the drawing book, but when she heard the sound of the door opening, she quickly dropped the paintbrush and ran over with her short legs.

"Get lost! Sister Tong slapped you to death with a shovel."

Why don't you take care of your boyfriend's feelings?
Han Shuyan amused Lin Cheng's resentment.

Lin Cheng scratched her palm, "No! You are tired."

"Shuyan is back... By the way, how should I deal with this?"

Zheng Shiyan is worrying about a sea squirt that looks like a pineapple, looking like she has no way to start.

She wrinkled her nose and glared at Lin Cheng, then turned her head away.

Han Shuyan put on her gloves, took the sea squirt and handled it carefully.

"Let me do it."

Han Shuyan smiled unconsciously.

She reached out to smooth Lin Cheng's frown.

Her eyes were bent into two crescents, and the gentle light in Lin Cheng's eyes was far more moving than the colorful flower fields.

But there is one thing to say, personality belongs to personality, the painting style of the two wives standing together is very seductive.

"Sister is going to squeeze you dry today."

Lin Cheng squeezed her hand, winking on purpose.

Han Shuyan was afraid of ticklish, at first she threatened to warn her, but she quickly changed her words and begged for mercy when she found her boyfriend's heart was like a rock, "Woo~~~ My sister is wrong, Ah Cheng let her go, okay?"

Han Shuyan looked around subconsciously, and was relieved to find that no one was paying attention, and then glared at Lin Cheng angrily.

One black and one white.

Shredded meat with long legs.

Deadly nice ass.

The buffs were fully superimposed, and Lin Cheng's brain was about to shut down.

(End of this chapter)

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