This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1694 Black Appears Solemn

Chapter 1694 Black Appears Solemn
Although Sister Shuyan was always clamoring to squeeze Lin Cheng dry, it was a pity that her combat prowess seriously did not match her level of ruthlessness.

Anyway, she was easily dealt with by Lin Cheng every time.

With her arms around Lin Cheng's shoulders, Han Shuyan's eyes were filled with mist.

Probably because of the psychological hint brought by the environment in the kitchen, Zheng Shiyan lost a round under Lin Cheng's surprise attack just after she went out.

It's just a touch of collapse.

Lin Cheng smiled and brightened his fingers.

"Sister Shuyan, this is not acceptable, you will squeeze me dry later."


Han Shuyan came to her senses, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and get in.

It has to be said that Lin Cheng was extremely swollen at the moment when the gentle sister in a white professional suit leaned so shyly by her side.

Han Shuyan was a little shy and turned her head away from him.

Xiao Tong raised his fist, "Get out! Who cares about you?"

"I'm mainly going to comfort my sister-in-law."

Lin Cheng followed the mother and daughter and left. The little girl hadn't seen Lin Cheng for a few days, and she refused to rest honestly.

Good guy!This black looks solemn and too fucked.

It's a pity that she didn't seem to have received the signal and just stared at the TV screen.

Seeing Lin Cheng's gaze, Zheng Shiyan glanced at him expressionlessly.

Han Shuyan quickly reached out and pushed him away, "Sister Shiyan is coming back soon, Ah Cheng, please stop making trouble, okay? Let my sister finish the dinner first."

Lin Cheng was amused by the way the little girl twisted her hands together.

Lovingly kissing Enxi's little cheek, Lin Cheng covered her with a small quilt, got up and closed the bedroom door.

The white shirt could not conceal her proud figure. Even though she had measured it with her own hands, Lin Cheng was still shocked by the round and attractive lines.

Han Shuyan gritted her teeth, raised her chin and snorted softly, "You wait for my sister."

The buttons of the shirt were tightly stretched, as if she could accidentally snap the buttons off when she was stretching.

"Go to hell! My sister is ignoring you!"


"Okay! I'll go and put Enxi to sleep first, all wives and wives will wait for me obediently."

"One day, Whitebeard heard a wonderful song on Wonderful Island..."

Zheng Shiyan raised her eyebrows, "Sit farther away."

Lin Cheng was taken aback by the little boss's explanation.

"do not want!"

Lin Cheng was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

Eun Hee: (°ー°〃)
Although Zheng Shiyan seemed cold and boring, the contrast brought by the occasional jokes made everyone feel very happy.

After finishing speaking lightly, she turned her head and continued watching TV.

Lin Cheng snickered.

The movie seems to be a gangster-themed comedy, and it happens to be the plot of a very vicissitudes-looking gangster boss buying condoms in a convenience store.

Hearing the laughter of her uncle and sisters, the little girl felt that everyone's sorrows and joys were not connected.

Lin Cheng shrugged and looked Zheng Shiyan up and down.

Of course, so did Lin Xiaocheng.

Looking at this scene, Lin Cheng's heart seemed to be scratched by something.

She glanced at Lin Cheng and gave an insincere answer.

The thighs were round and the calves were straight. Lin Cheng knew that the feel was as shocking as the visual effect.

Sister Shiyan's buttocks were extremely foul, so she just sat quietly, her shirt and hip-wrapping skirt stretched out into a seductive S-shaped curve from top to bottom.

Zheng Shiyan ignored them and just watched TV on the sofa.

Hearing Sister Shuyan's coquettish tone, Lin Cheng could only give up.

Hazy and seductive.

The towering arc catches people's attention, but Sister Shiyan's waist is very thin, and the undulating arc of the line is very obvious.

Seeing Lin Cheng staring at her fingertips, Han Shuyan pinched his waist in embarrassment.

After dinner, the good baby Enxi watched two episodes of cartoons and it was time for a break.


Sister Shuyan is also stubborn in this regard.

Han Shuyan froze for a moment, seeing Lin Cheng put her finger to her mouth with a smile, she quickly slapped Lin Cheng's hand away.

Lin Cheng moved his butt and leaned against her.


The little girl's head clicked quickly.

When the mother finally put on a straight face impatiently, the little girl finally went to bed obediently.

The coat had already been taken off, and the original black coat could barely hide three points of her capital, but now without the cover of the coat, Lin Cheng couldn't move his eyes.

Lin Cheng glanced at the white shirt on Sister Shiyan's body, wondering what color the clothes inside her were?
It's a pity that Lin Cheng doesn't have see-through eyes. Sister Shiyan's white shirt is not see-through at all, and the color of the underwear inside can't be seen at all under the light.

Zheng Shiyan came back soon, Lin Cheng continued to watch the two wives cooking, this time he didn't make trouble again.

Enxi put her hands on her hips and looked up at her mother with dissatisfaction, "Enxi wants to listen to bedtime stories told by my uncle, and my mother has no emotion in telling stories."

Zheng Shiyan glanced at her, "Mom will tell you stories, don't disturb uncle."

Zheng Shiyan nodded, "I understand, next time I tell a story, I'll beat you up first."

"Ah! Are you disgusting? Don't do this."

"Uncle! Did Whitebeard find the treasure last time?"

Under the hip-wrapping skirt, the long legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings overlapped and raised.

But just when Han Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief, this guy came close to her ear again and whispered:

Lin Cheng shrugged, and whispered close to her ear, "Since Sister Shuyan won't let me...will you give me a taste of something new?"

Lin Cheng sat unsteadily on the sofa in the living room.

"But it's impossible to take out a condom and use it at a funeral. Does it matter what color it is?"


Listening to his ambiguous words, Han Shuyan raised her foot in embarrassment and stepped on Lin Cheng's foot hard.

The little girl explained, "It's just that the stories my mother told weren't touching. Enxi almost cried when my uncle told the story about Girl Camellia."

"Uncle, will you tell us Enxi a story in the past?"

Zheng Shiyan was puzzled, "What kind of emotion do you need to tell a story?"

"Do you have a black condom, please? Give me one."

While talking, Lin Cheng winked at Sister Shuyan.

Enxi was obviously exhausted just now, and she fell asleep soundly after only a few minutes of telling Lin Cheng's story.

"But I don't just want to see seems to taste delicious."

He knew that Enxi wanted to hear Whitebeard's bedtime story.

She just sat there, showing a touch of sexy laziness in her cool and elegant style, so it shouldn't be too foul.

Further down, there is another silhouette that climbs steeply.

The little boss's subordinates were puzzled, "Why did Big Brother buy black condoms? Doesn't black make you look thinner?"

He winked at Shiyan's wife.


"Then sister Shuyan said that she will drain me later, does it still count?"

"Sister Shiyan, what are you looking at?"

The little leader explained, "I'll take you to the funeral of the chief cadre brother later, black looks solemn."

"Ah! You are not allowed to read it."

What's so funny about Enxi being beaten?

Sister Shuyan looked so cute, Lin Cheng wanted to tease her.

"Sister Shiyan is angry? How did I offend you?"

"No, you blocked me from watching TV."

Lin Cheng: "..."

And you said you weren't angry?
It's obvious that they are petty tempered.

(End of this chapter)

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