Chapter 1697

On the second day after defeating the sandbox, the whole KT team had a training match in the afternoon as usual, and in the evening everyone broadcast live or ranked in the training room.

Lin Cheng was playing ranking live, when the mobile phone on the table received a message.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of being arrested and waiting in the spring, Lin Cheng glanced at his phone.

Lin Cheng, is Song Yijin at the base?I've arrived at the gate of your base, but I haven't responded to my calls or messages. Can you call him out for me?

This tone... is it Xiaoyu?

She came to Korea?

It's not a prank, is it?

The last time I got Xiaoyu's number through Wanwan to contact Rookie, but Lin Cheng didn't save the number, so he was a little unsure.

Turned his head and glanced.

Rookie is singing to the audience in the live broadcast room, singing Jay Chou's "The Cowboy Is Busy".

He sang very devotedly, and he seemed very busy indeed.

"Old Song! Song Yijin!"

Lin Cheng yelled twice, but Rookie was still immersed in his singing.

"Several of you are ready to serve together."

"Justice calls me, beauty needs me."

"Cowboys are busy."

Lin Cheng covered the number and turned on the screen of the mobile phone, "Brothers, it seems that Xiaoyu said that she arrived at the gate of our base. Do you think it is credible? Could it be a prank?"

The barrage masters expressed their opinions one after another.

"Fake!How could Xiaoyu go to Korea at this time? "

"Deliberately playing tricks, otherwise the broiler will definitely know in advance"

"Will Truth or Dare lose? "

"LPL has not seen Xiaoyu host live for several days, she seems to have said that she is going to Korea for the Spring Festival"

"it is true!Xiaoyu’s microblog is already located in South Korea, let the broiler go out to pick up his girlfriend”

"It is recommended to pretend not to see, a pair can be dismantled"

Realizing that it wasn't a prank, Lin Cheng was about to take off his earphones and get up to notify Rookie to pick up his sister-in-law, but it happened that his Nuo hand was about to be revived.

He quickly sat down again, and while operating Nuo Shou to run towards the line, he explained to the audience.

"I'm sorry to ask Xiaoyu to wait for a while, I can't move, my teammates need me."

It happened that Rookie was singing the phrase 'justice calls me and beauty needs me'.

The barrage exploded.

"Laugh!The two fit together perfectly"

"I don't know what Xiaoyu will think when she sees the live broadcast"

"Xiaoyu: Song Yijin!Beauty needs you, right? (angry)》

"Brother Cheng, stop playing games, my sister-in-law needs you!" "

"Brother Chengzi, move, my sister-in-law needs you!" "

"Anti-Datian! "

Lin Cheng concentrated on continuing the laning, playing games with his opponent's top laner, completely forgetting about Xiao Yu.

At this time, it was the water friends in Lin Cheng's live broadcast room who started to worry.

They ran to the Rookie live broadcast room to post barrage.

"Stop singing Rookie, Xiaoyu is outside the gate of the base"

But it was useless, Lao Song's live broadcast room was full of praises for his singing, which quickly drowned out the barrage of water friends.

Recognized by the audience, Rookie became more involved in singing.

Unlike KT's other death chanters, Rookie's singing is both emotional and skillful, and he is extremely focused, and he doesn't pay too much attention to the barrage.

"Bros!I went to the Rookie live broadcast room to notify, but he didn't notice"

"I went too, it's the same as holding a concert over there, it's all for him to debut and hold a concert"

"Rookie lost his girlfriend amidst praise"

"It's Like This, What You Get, You Lose"

"Happiness is gained, troubles are lost"

"Of course!If there were no women, Rookie might be in a better state"

"Last year Rookie was not doing well in IG, and Xiaoyu was scolded every day for juicer 23333 in the live broadcast room"

"Xiao Yu is too miserable!I ran all the way to South Korea to visit my boyfriend, but no one cared about me"

"Tang Xiao Humor Silently Likes"

At this time, Xiao Yu outside the base was still standing on the side of the road, expecting her boyfriend to come and pick her up.

He should be very surprised, right?

As a result, after waiting for a few minutes, no one came down, and her boyfriend couldn't get through the phone, and Xiao Yu kept staring at the phone, feeling numb.

It was still a bit cold outside Seoul at night at this time, and Xiao Yu's hand holding the phone was getting tighter and tighter.

Although she had already discussed with Song Yijin to come to Korea for the Spring Festival, she deliberately did not inform her boyfriend of her exact arrival time, just to surprise him.

As a result, the surprise seemed a bit cold.

It's not that she didn't try to communicate with the doorman, but the doorman asked her to contact Rookie herself.

Because it is impossible for anyone who comes to the gate of the base to contact the players through the guards, otherwise fans would come here to pretend to be friends or classmates of the players.

It's fine if the guard doesn't contact you, Xiao Yu can understand this.

But what was even more exaggerated was that the doorman uncle actually asked her if she was from Gyeongsang-do after a long communication, why her accent was so strange?
Xiao Yu almost broke the defense.

She had presided over a Korean interview, but an uncle guard told her that she had a strange accent.

It's a multiple hit!

Song Yijin!Where are you?
I came all the way to surprise you, but I ended up blowing cold wind outside your base.

If you don't call me back, I'm going to break up!
On the other side, Lin Cheng's Nuo Shou never died again after being caught and killed once, and he successfully killed the Quartet to win the game.

After the game was over, seeing that Rookie was still asking fans to order songs, Lin Cheng took off Rookie's earphones.

"Song Yijin stop singing, I have a surprise for you."


"Your girlfriend is here, just under the base."

Rookie looked disbelieving.

When he found five or six missed calls on his mobile phone, and the news from his girlfriend became shorter and shorter with time, Rookie had a bad feeling.

At first she said to surprise herself.

Then I asked him why he didn't answer the phone.

Then there was a little angry expression.

Then there was the angry expression.

Then my girlfriend said she was so cold.

The last message is from 3 minutes ago, and the content is only one point.

"How? Surprise?"

Seeing Rookie's expression changing towards the phone, Lin Cheng patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't make sister-in-law wait too long, go down and pick her up."

"When did she send you a message? Why do I feel that she is a little angry. "

Lin Cheng thought about it, and was a little uncertain.

"Probably a few minutes ago? 10 minutes... Anyway, it should be less than 10 minutes."

Rookie got up and ran out, "You didn't say it earlier!"

A normal person would be irritable after waiting 10 to [-] minutes, not to mention that Xiaoyu traveled thousands of kilometers to prepare to surprise her boyfriend with joy, but the weather was cold and windy on the side of the road for a long time.

The original enthusiasm should have cooled down.

I don't know how Rookie coaxed his girlfriend well, but Xiaoyu looked quite happy when they came in, and greeted everyone warmly.

She also specifically asked Lin Cheng if he hadn't seen the message she sent.

"I couldn't get away from the game just now, and I didn't mean to leave you alone."

"It's okay, it's okay! I don't blame you, the worst thing is Song Yijin, I didn't blame him, how could I blame you?"

Xiao Yu smiled very friendly, but Lin Cheng always felt that something was wrong.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was very lively.

"Ha ha!Xiaoyu has already figured out how to blackmail Brother Chengzi in the future.》

"When a woman smiles more harmlessly, she often cuts you into eighteen sections in her heart"

"Brother Chengzi will soon know what happens when he offends a woman"

"In the future, Xiaoyu's live broadcast room will be the base camp of orange and black"

"Cold Knowledge, #WinkState# was the most frequent barrage in Xiaoyu's live broadcast room last year"

"Sit and wait for Xiaoyu to cry in rhythm in the live broadcast room: Lin Cheng is really not a human being!" "

"You guys know the rhythm (funny)"

(End of this chapter)

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