This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1701 I want to bring my talent to the wild

Chapter 1701 I want to bring my talent to the wild

No one expected that the BP of the two sides would have such a wonderful story around the BAN position of the first knife girl. The interaction between the two players made the audience on the scene and online laugh.

The second BAN position of the blue side KT is given to the card.

At present, in the new season, everyone attaches great importance to this hero. The change of TP makes the linkage of various lines in the early stage less intuitive, and the powerful support ability of the card is very prominent.

Cards are not very powerful in the middle lane. In the past, if you choose a mage who can press the line, you can usually save TP in the early stage. When the card is too big, you can use TP to support it. Now this situation is impossible. .

The red Fang GEN·G pushed Qinggang Ying back with his backhand.

Anyway, Daomei is banned, and GEN·G is not hesitant to pay BAN for Qinggangying.

KT banned the bright moon in the third hand.

The red side thought for a while, and pressed the crocodile.

After all, I have been in GEN·G for two years, so I still have to respect his best crocodile.

At the beginning of the selection, the blue side grabbed the blind monk.

Zeyuan: "The blind monk is fine. The priority of this version is very high. The main reason is that the blind monk played very well on the single. It should be relatively easy to use in the jungle."

Wanwan: "The blind monk can actually be used. Yesterday, the LCK had a top lane blind monk. I can also use the blind monk to play the top lane."

"When the blind monk was the strongest in single lane last year, Rascal was the player who impressed me the most in the lane besides Chengzi."

Zeyuan interjected: "What about Chaowei? Chaowei also used the blind monk, isn't it impressive to you?"

Wan Wan: "At first I was quite impressed, but after I figured it out, I still think brother's blind monk is stronger."

Zeyuan: "When did you figure it out?"

Wan Wan: "After he and Cheng Zi become teammates."

The barrage couldn't hold back anymore, Wan Wan's self-adaptive face was too real.

Seeing the blind monk being robbed, GEN·G took down the policewoman + Lacus backhanded.

Lock Aphelios + Thresh on the second and third floors of KT.

This choice made the commentator a little confused.

Aphelios + Thresh is indeed a classic combination, but it will be very uncomfortable to play the policewoman Lacus online. This year, the LCK teams basically use Karma to fight the policewoman Lacus.

Even if Aphelios is on the field, many teams will choose Karma as a support as long as the laning pressure is too high to ensure Aphelios' online development.

But KT also has its own considerations.

The hero Karma is indeed strong in laning suppression, but it also depends on the player's manipulation. The average team who changes Keria's Karma is afraid of being beaten in the bottom lane and dare not let it go easily, but Beryl's Karma is really not strong.

Brother Yuanshen is not good at manipulation, and choosing Karma will not give the opponent the pressure to breathe in the bottom lane. On the contrary, Karma's lack of initiative ability will weaken Beryl's roaming.

On the third floor of the red square, Xin Zhao was selected.

The second round of BANs begins.

GEN · G banned Syndra + Barrel, which are heroes that Rookie and Rascal are very good at.

KT's two BAN positions are given to the enchantress + clockwork.

One paired with Xin Zhao is very strong against the middle and wild, and one big move can form a team battle with Xin Zhao.

Start the second round of selection.

On the fourth floor of the red square, Jess goes out first.

Although Chaowei's Jess is also very proficient, after all, the jungler Xin Zhao has already been released, and this Jess can basically be used by Dolan on the top lane.

Mr. Dai showed the microgusi on the fourth floor of the blue square.

He was not in a hurry to lock in, leaving enough time for discussion on the last choice.

Lin Cheng: "What do you say brother? Do you want Li Qing? If not, I'll go jungle."

Regarding the branch of the blind monk, the KT team has not yet determined it. The first one to grab the blind monk is as a swinging existence. In the training match, Rascal's top lane blind monk is also very effective.

Rsacal: "Come on, it's okay for Li Qing to beat Jess."

Mr. Dai: "OK! Lin Cheng, what do you say?"

"Let me think about it..."

Lin Cheng's eyes suddenly brightened, "Rexai! Give me Rexai."

"Really? Will it be too hard?"

After all, Lin Cheng was playing wild for the first time, and his teammates felt that he should be a little more stable.

Rek'Sai is too extreme a hero. Although the early gank ability is good, but in the later stage of the team battle, basically he can only choose to go in and find the opponent's back row for a one-for-one exchange.

The fault tolerance rate is too low, everyone pays attention to the protection of the C position, and it is easy for Rexai to enter the field without finding a good time.

Lin Cheng was very confident, "Lexai is the only one! I want to awaken the world's fear of Rexai. I, Lin Cheng, will dig the canyon that Wen Youzan can't dig."

When he first transferred to T1 the year before last, Cuzz dug through Hanbok with a 97% win rate with a single-handed excavator, which once made all opponents afraid to play his Rek'Sai.

His excavator was banned for half a season, and finally a team suddenly released it to test the waters. As a result, Grapefruit Thief's excavator was taken out, and his reputation was ruined. He completely lost his RANK style.

The biggest C78 in the LCK was born.

Everyone ridiculed that Cuzz's biggest role in T1 is to cheat the BAN position.

Today, as a rookie jungler, Lin Cheng is going to clear the name of the excavator for the grapefruit thief.

Mr. Dai was still a little worried, "It's been a long time since you played Rexai, why don't you choose the prince with one hand? Bobby is fine too."

Lin Cheng waved his hand confidently.

"Don't worry! It's fine."

"I'm going to take my talents to the jungle."


Therefore, the fifth floor of the blue square finally locked Rek'Sai.

Zeyuan: "Ha! Excavator? The blind monk was really shaken to the road, but what does Brother Cheng mean by this excavator? You want to torture Cuzz, right?"

Wanwan chuckled: "Brother Chengzi wants to see it today, is the excavator so difficult?"

"Ha ha!classic!Are excavators that difficult? "

"Is it really an excavator?This thing RANK is rare"

"Brother Chengzi, if the excavator is carried, the grapefruit thief probably won't be able to sleep well"

"Cuzz, are you watching the live broadcast?"Say something! "

Seeing that the formation of the KT lineup was completed, the red team finally locked Victor in the middle to fight against Vugus.

Weigusi is very good at playing short-handed heroes in the middle, but he has no advantage when facing long-handed mages. The W skill basically can't touch anyone.

Both teams are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Rascal (Blind Monk, Li Qing)

Jungler: Cheng (Void Dungeon, Rek'Sai)

Mid lane: Rookie
Bot Lane: Deft (The Suffering of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Beryl (Soul Lock Warden, Thresh)
Red Square GEN·G:

Top Road: Doran (Future Guardian, Jace)

Jungle: Peanut (Director of Germany, Xin Zhao)
Mid Lane: Chovy (Mechanical Herald, Victor)
Bot Lane: Ruler (Piltown Cop, Caitlyn)
Support: Lehends (Shining Girl, Lux)
Taking advantage of the time before stepping down, Kang Dongxun patted Rascal on the shoulder to encourage him: "Everyone, work hard! We will try to win the last show before the Spring Festival.

"come on! Come on!"

The team members encouraged each other, and Lin Cheng joked while adjusting the runes: "Girlfriend is below, Song Yijin is going to start the massacre today."

Rookie smiled, "Don't put pressure on me, I'll try my best to fight."

Listening to the jokes of his teammates, the brother who represented KT for the first time was a little nervous.

After all, this position belonged to Lin Cheng before, and anyone who came would be under great pressure.

Turning his head to look at Lin Cheng next to him, he found that he was frowning with a dignified expression.

Brother is even more nervous.

At this time, Lin Cheng turned his head and looked at him.

"Jin Guangxi, how do I bring Rek'Sai's jungle rune?"

Rascal: "???"

you ask me?I am not a jungler.

Seeing that he was a little confused, Lin Cheng turned around and asked the others:
"Who knows what Rek'Sai's sub-system is about?"

Rookie: "The red one, the first one in the first row, the first one in the third row."

Lin Cheng: "OK!"

The S8 champion jungler Rek'Sai Rune has been equipped.

Get ready to kill!

(End of this chapter)

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