This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1711 Lin Xiaocheng has all the bones

Chapter 1711 Lin Xiaocheng has all the bones

Lin Cheng leaned down without stopping.

Finally, the next line of soldiers entered the tower.

At this time, Lin Cheng's blind monk had already rushed to the side of the blue buff.

The blue team suddenly retreated.

Lin Cheng leaned towards the triangle grass and found that the exploding cones had been clicked off.

"There seems to be an eye here. They should have seen me, and they withdrew quickly."

Lin Cheng pinged the middle position between Toad and Blue BUFF.

He didn't scan, and could only wait for Thresh to scan.

The purpose of this wave was originally to cover Aphelios from eating the line and squatting back, but Lin Cheng didn't care much when he was found.

However, just as Lin Cheng's blind monk ran under the triangular grass to insert a hole in the river, a circle of light suddenly struck from the darkness.

Light Binding hits.

The policewoman stood in the river just in time to catch the trap.

Xin Zhao hit from the W of the river, and the E skill directly stabbed up.

The blind monk died suddenly.

Little Peanut made a Giggs grimace.

Lin Cheng pinged the signal, indicating that the other party also had eyes on the shore.

"Brother Chengzi's anti-squat came in a timely manner! GEN·G gave up the plan to climb the tower, and wanted to squat a person to do the vision... Brother Chengzi! It's you!"

Zeyuan's tone suddenly rose, "GEN·G is a bit spiritual. When you see the blind monk in your vision, you know that the risk of jumping the tower is too high. The duo ran directly to the river to squat with Xin Zhao, just in time for Brother Cheng to come over to be an eye."

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi was fooled. He saw that the pressure in the bottom lane was too high, and he was going to help out as an eye shot, but he didn't expect that this wave of GEN·G would come to help."

"It's mainly because of vision problems. Xin Zhao removed the nearby red square wards in the previous wave, and KT's side has no line Thresh in the bot lane and it's hard to grab the view, so the following is full of GEN·G's wards. Nearby The movement is clearly seen by GEN·G."

The blind monk was killed suddenly, and Rookie, who was leaning over to support him, could only turn around and return to the lane. If he didn't leave Syndra, he would also face double-teaming.

Lin Cheng found out that at this point in time, the opponent invested heavily in the field of vision in the lower half.

After returning to the spring, he immediately replenished his real eyes and replaced the yellow jewelry with scans.

Although the scanning was changed, and each wave of eye-touching operation had to pay 75 yuan for the real eye, Lin Cheng felt it was necessary.

Rookie in the middle lane has the right to line. If you want to put pressure on the bottom lane, you must suppress the opponent's lower half of the river vision as much as possible. The importance of vision is sometimes even more useful than equipment leadership.

Facts have proved that Lin Cheng's approach is very effective.

The blind monk and Thresh teamed up to clear the field of vision, and the blue side no longer dared to press indiscriminately.

Because Syndra has a lot of power in the middle lane, Rookie leans down after pushing the line, and the GEN·G duo dare not push the line across the river when there is no view of the river.

The opponent didn't dare to press down the lane, so Aphelios and Thresh Qing approached the river in a wave of lanes, and the middle lane had the lane right. Lin Cheng successfully controlled the first dragon at 8 minutes.

Hearing the reminder of Xiaolong's death, Xiao Peanut went up to activate the vanguard.

But KT did not accept the exchange of Pioneer and Xiaolong, and the three Xiaye brothers immediately joined together and leaned forward.

The blue side also called the duo up.

Due to KT's decisive command, Little Peanut Pioneer found out that the opponent was coming about halfway through the fight.

"Wait for them to fight! Pull it first."

Lin Cheng beat Xiaolong with less than two-thirds of his blood volume, commanding his teammates to put pressure on the vanguard, and was not in a hurry to start a team.

The wine barrel was watching Kenan's position above the river, the vanguard was pulled to the entrance of the wild area by Xin Zhao, and the front personnel of KT stood down the river, both sides were testing each other.

"This vanguard KT doesn't want to let go! The two sides are going to fight head-on!"

Zeyuan quickly explained the situation, "The Thresh hook forced a clockwork flash! Syndra's QE is empty, and the blind monk Tianyinbo hits... What do you say about this wave? There is a chance for a roundabout kick!"

The moment he hung Tianyinbo on Lux's head, Lin Cheng realized the opportunity.

Since Xin Zhao was pulling wild on the top, and the barrel watched Kenan's position, the other three brothers of GEN·G were a little out of touch with the rest.

"Cheat it! Lie Lux Q away."

Brother Yuanshen's special skill is to lie to the opponent's key skills and ensure that he is not dead. Thresh was pressing forward straight when Lin Cheng signaled.

Lux backhanded Q to Thresh.

"I'll kick him back, one second first."

Lin Cheng decisively activated the second Q.

The blind monk kicked into the arena.

Lux's Q skill has been handed over. At this time, the three brothers on the blue side have no way to restrict the blind monk from entering the field.

Of course, Lin Cheng wouldn't make an own goal with a second-stage Q stepping on the clip. When he kicked up, he deliberately chose an angle to get out of the policewoman's clip.

The blind monk entered the field, and seeing the three opponents standing relatively close together, Lin Cheng immediately prepared to touch his eyes and spin kicks.

However, Lin Cheng suddenly realized something was wrong when he pressed the accessory eye.

Fuck!I seem to have replaced the jewelry with a scan.

When the blind monk was in the air, a red halo appeared above his head, and when he landed, he hit Lacus with an old fist.

Everyone's attention was on the blind monk. Lin Cheng's scan was so programmatic that everyone froze for a moment.

Lehends flickered out of shock.

Lin Cheng reacted quickly, and immediately switched targets if he couldn't kick Lux.

The blind monk flicked the tail of the raptor and flashed to adjust the position.

The policewoman next to him was still putting clips on the feet of the blind monk, and was kicked back unexpectedly, taking the spring behind him flying.

Syndra RE shot.

Aphelios and output.

Ruler died suddenly, and he couldn't hand over anything with the double summons.

And Chaowei's clockwork was also charged to death, and the blind monk's knock-up + Syndra RE + Thresh's hook couldn't be operated at all.

Little Peanut had already given up on the vanguard and wanted to support his teammates at the first time, but this wave was very brave. The wine barrel directly flashed E + ult to block Xin Zhao and Kenan above, allowing the front teammate to drop the opponent's double C in seconds.

Kenan and Xin Zhao couldn't deal with the barrel immediately, and found that the situation was wrong and had to retreat.

Although Little Peanut punished and removed the pioneer, he didn't dare to pick it up in this situation.

"Brother Chengzi needs to roundabout kick when he enters the arena... Hey! Scan? Haha! A tribute to Fu Ruiju, right?"

The blind monk who had seen Lin Cheng scan and enter the arena, Zeyuan didn't hold back at first, but the subsequent development still made him unable to laugh.

"Hey! You're all dumbfounded, right? Ruler, the policewoman, stood there and let the blind monk R flash kick her out. It's over now!"

"This wave of big rhythm! Brother Chengzi used a seemingly dull operation to achieve unexpected results."

The audience could feel the helplessness in Dao Zeyuan's tone across the screen.

The footage is given to playback.

The whole process of Lin Cheng's roundabout kick was savored frame by frame.

Even though I have seen it once, the bullet screen is still full of question marks.

Zeyuan: "To be honest, I didn't expect Brother Chengzi to have such a complete set of bones. I thought only Furuiju could do the scanning roundhouse kick."

Wan Wan was confident: "You just said that the kick didn't come back?"

Ze Yuan: "...that's too! And this wave of Chengzi brothers first forced Lux ​​to flash, and backhanded R flash to lift the double C. In fact, the effect is much better than kicking Lacus."

The barrage exploded.

"Laugh!This reversal is too dramatic"

"Just say it's a roundhouse kick, right? (Akimbo)》

"There is a saying that brother Chengzi reacted really fast, and he immediately picked up R when he landed on A, and he made up for it"

"The blind monk in Furuiju scans the floor level A+ in a daze, the program effect is better"

"If this wave of Chengzi brothers didn't flash, it would be called bursting (eating melons)"

"If this is the case, I would like to hear how to wash it at night (funny)"

"do not worry!Brother Chengzi doesn’t have an operation that can’t be washed at night”

(End of this chapter)

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