This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1717 The Yin-Yang Contract

As the interview came to an end, Lin Cheng and Rookie said goodbye to the audience.

Before leaving the stage, Lin Cheng suddenly remembered something.

He ran to the camera again, stared at the dead fish, and kicked it out.

Eat me a jio!

Impressively, it is Qijiang's classic seven poses with ghost feet.

As an LPL veteran for many years, Rookie is also familiar with all kinds of stalks of the factory manager, and made a muay thai warning sign beside him.

As a result, he couldn't help but laugh first.

The Chinese stream has filled the screen with 777.

"Ha ha!These two B's are too messed up! "

"? ? ?What happened to these two people? "

"Little Heizi!Your numbers are gone! "

"Where's the piglet?Rush them for me!Weibo collection! "

"It doesn't matter, Qijiang has already lived in seclusion, and pigs also choose to lie flat"

"Old pigs are not as powerful as water ghost zombies now, they can't move anymore"

"Seven Sauce Come Back!Take the brothers to rush again (crying)"

Unaware of the piggies' riot, the two left amidst the cheers and laughter of the fans.

Today's event is not over yet.

Since it is the last game before the Spring Festival, the club has informed fans in advance that they will hold a fan meeting in the activity area of ​​LOL PARK to give back to the fans for their long-standing support.

Said to give back to the fans, it is nothing more than signing a group photo and giving some small souvenirs of the club.

Conversely, every time this kind of fan meeting, the contestants will also receive many gifts from fans.

Except for snacks and other gifts that had been dazzled long ago, the handmade souvenirs that Lin Cheng received even filled a room.

In addition, fans often send some strange gifts.

For example, a figure of a black silk hot girl with a fat buttocks.

Open it and sing the music box of Lin Cheng's Bible repeatedly.

A scale model of Lin Cheng made with Lego.

There are even electronics.

Even local tycoon fans gave Lin Cheng a figure of Sword Girl made of pure gold. Lin Cheng was shocked when he went back to unwrap the gift.

Because the gift was packed in a box, everyone didn't know what was inside at first, and they didn't know which fan gave it to them.

The whole figure is about 20 centimeters high, and it is only a few hundred grams because it is not solid, but the light material is also worth nearly [-].

And the engraving details are lifelike, obviously this kind of custom-made workmanship is not cheap.

This kind of thing is too precious. At that time, Lin Cheng even asked the club to publish missing person information on the official website.

He couldn't refuse a fan's wishes, but Lin Cheng didn't want to take advantage of things that were too expensive, so he was going to contact the fan and spend money to buy the figure himself.

Later, this fan did show up in the comment area, but unfortunately he refused to leave a payment method.

The people who eat melons are praising the boss for his grandeur.

until he said:
I just used half a day's pocket money to carefully prepare a gift for the player I like, don't make too much fuss.

The comment area fell silent for a moment.

Lin Cheng also realized that he really has such super rich fans?

Netizens began to joke: If the KT club cannot continue to operate in the future, just ask Lin Cheng to hold fan meetings every day to generate income.

The activity area of ​​LOL PARK is a reserved spacious hall. Before 2020, teams will often hold small fan meetings here after the game.

However, this kind of post-match meeting has never been held after the epidemic began. It was not until this year that the LCK organizers relaxed the policy that teams began to apply for venues to hold meetings.

When everyone arrived at the event area together, there were already many fans queuing up.

"KT! KT! Fighting!"

"Cheng! I love you!"

"We KT are invincible!"

"Come on Depot! I will always support you."

"Riska! Great job today!"

The scene was full of excited cheers from fans, and everyone enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by stars.

The autograph session went on very quickly, and Lin Cheng once again saw the enthusiasm of the fans.

"Are you sure you want me to sign my name on it?"

Looking at the big brother with a sexy mustache in front of him, Lin Cheng was quite speechless.

What he handed over was a corrected Chinese test paper.

The test paper only got 16 points, and the handwriting on it was crooked, obviously it was a child's notes, and the content of the test paper was probably at the level of the first or second grade.

Some elementary schools in Seoul will offer Chinese courses, mainly teaching children to recognize Chinese characters, but Lin Cheng can't figure out what it means for this guy to take his son's test paper for him to sign?
"My little boy can score up to 20 points in each Chinese test. I hope Lin Cheng can bless him to improve next time. You are God!"

Lin Cheng sighed.

I'm the canyon god, but I don't work part-time to make wishes.

But it's okay!

At least it wasn't for brother Cheng to bless his wife's pregnancy.

Lin Cheng still signed for him, and then he was dragged by the bearded brother who was full of joy to take a group photo.

Brother Beard left with the test paper, followed by a girl wearing a peaked cap and a mask.

The brim of her hat was pulled down very low. At first glance, Lin Cheng felt a little familiar, but he didn't care.

She put a palm-sized white paper on the table.

"Do you want to sign it?"

She nodded, didn't speak, and didn't look into Lin Cheng's eyes.

This was the first time Lin Cheng met such fans.

I saw that I didn't fluctuate at all.

Lin Cheng reached out to take the paper, but she pressed the white paper tightly.

"Just sign on the table."

The Korean accent is a little weird.

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

"Xiao Yu, why are you dressed like this?"

"You recognize all of this?"

Seeing that she was exposed, Xiao Yu was about to take back the white paper.

Lin Cheng quickly snatched the paper away.

"Such a strange Korean accent, you exposed it as soon as you opened your mouth."

Rookie was seriously signing autographs for fans beside him, but he was also confused by his girlfriend's actions.

Lin Cheng carefully looked at the paper in his hand.


This A4 paper has actually been folded in half.

What Lin Cheng saw just now was a blank page, and the content that was folded and pressed on the other side almost blinded Lin Cheng's eyes.


I promise that I will not have disputes with Song Yijin in the club life, and I will respect and love Song Yijin as a big brother.

Guaranteed not to bully Song Yijin, nor to blackmail Song Yijin, let alone let fans follow his rhythm.

Date: 2022 Year 1 Month 29 Day

The underside of the promiser's signature column was just folded up, just waiting for Lin Cheng's signature.

"Song Yijin!"

Lin Cheng handed over the paper: "Look at what your family is doing? It's outrageous! Do I look like someone who would bully teammates? Do I look like someone who would blackmail teammates? You actually tricked me into signing a contract?" A yin-yang contract."

Lin Cheng made a loud noise, and the surrounding teammates all looked over.

The fans at the scene burst into laughter.

Who is the leader of the KT teammate's black fan talking about, you don't really know, do you?

"What do you mean?"

"What kind of eyes are they?"

"Are you questioning me?"

Lin Cheng slapped the table loudly.

"Damn! It's too much! Apologize to me!"

Sorry for the late update

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