This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1727 New Year's Eve Salute

Chapter 1727 New Year's Eve Salute
Regarding his psychological problems, Lin Cheng firmly refused to admit it.

Jiang Subin told him that fetishism is actually not uncommon, and if Lin Cheng simply likes to see beautiful black silk legs, it is not considered a fetish.

But Lin Cheng is not innocent!
He doesn't just like to watch it.

From his expression, Jiang Subin obviously understood something, and said that although general fetishism does not require treatment, she can help Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng refused.

I'm not sick!I don't want to take medicine!
If it is really cured, what's the point of life if you don't like long legs in stockings?
Jiang Subin's half-smile expression made Lin Cheng very uncomfortable.

He felt that Jiang Subin might be deliberately scaring himself by relying on his status as an expert.

Or maybe she really thinks I'm perverted?
In fact, Lin Cheng doesn't think he has a fetish, he just likes the stockings his wives wear on their beautiful legs, and he has no particular preference for the pure stockings themselves.

But he was embarrassed to consult Jiang Subin carefully.

Because he didn't know how far the other party would ask.

I heard that psychological counseling is very meticulous, what if Jiang Subin asks him if he has licked it?
Destruction is worse than death!

Anyway, he is on pins and needles.

So, after watching half an episode of the TV series with Han Zai's dog's head in his arms, Lin Cheng resolutely took Enxi away.

Xiaoying originally wanted to run with her, but was carried back by her mother.

After lunch, Lin Cheng took Enxi to the park in the afternoon.

The women in the family stay to clean up and prepare the New Year's Eve dinner.

The preparation of the New Year's Eve dinner is very labor-intensive. If you don't order takeaway, the chef may spend most of the day in the kitchen.

When I came back in the evening, the little girl Enxi was already very tired from playing wildly all day, but she couldn't help but praise her mother and sisters when she saw the table full of delicious food.

The New Year’s Eve dinner is very rich. There are Korean dishes such as spicy fried pork and octopus, as well as Chinese dishes such as chili fried pork, potato stewed chicken, and steamed plaice.

Anyway, with a wide variety of dishes, Lin Cheng felt that the benefits of having more than one wife were too great.

Even the New Year's Eve dinner is richer than ordinary people.

It just so happened that my mother called again, and the little girl kowtowed without saying a word.

"Happy New Year Grandma! Happy New Year Grandpa!"

Enxi's charm is invincible, not only Lin Cheng's mother was so teased that she kept yelling like a baby, but even Lin Cheng's father showed a kind smile.

Lin Cheng fell out of favor again.

The mother chatted with Enxi across the server over the phone, and then greeted her daughter-in-law.

Although there is no language at all except for Xiao Tong, my mother's enthusiasm remains undiminished.

"Oh! Mom, why don't you let us eat if you don't eat? If we continue talking, the New Year's Eve dinner will become a New Year's Eve dinner. Korean time is an hour earlier than China's."

Finally, under Lin Cheng's friendly communication, Lin's mother hung up the phone reluctantly.

"Come on! Cheers everyone, Happy New Year!"

Xiao Tong raised his beer glass.


"Cheers! Happy New Year!"

The little girl also held up the juice in a decent manner and toasted everyone one by one.

This year he didn't drink Tusu wine. Because it was beer, Lin Cheng drank two more glasses at the dinner table.

After the lively New Year's Eve dinner, the whole family was watching Baolulu's Chinese New Year special with Enxi.

Today's TV station has Bao Lulu to accompany the children to watch the New Year's Eve. The little girl Enxi made up her mind to stay up until twelve o'clock to celebrate the New Year with Bao Lulu.

She said she was watching TV with Enxi, but in fact, the little girl concentrated on herself.

The three women in the family chatted quietly, while Lin Cheng's cell phone kept ringing.

Zhiyan and her sisters are very lively in the group.

Jiyeon @everyone.

happy New Year to all!I love you! (fireworks)
Eun Jung: Happy New Year!Love you guys!
Hyomin: Happy New Year!Love you guys!
Julie: Happy New Year!Love you guys!
The three sisters were not very sincere, and directly acted as repeaters.

Lin Cheng came out to disrupt the formation.

Lin Cheng: Really?Do sisters love me? My charm is really great (rubbing hands)

Jiyeon: I don't care about them, I love my younger brother the most! (kimbo)

Enjing: (compassion)

Hyomin: (compare heart)

Seeing the news about his sisters, Lin Cheng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Zhiyan is so naive, as always, likable.

The last time she was generous and willing to borrow money on the show, En Jing's attitude towards Lin Cheng seems to have become a little closer recently.

Although they were very close, Lin Cheng always felt that this older sister treated him better.

As for Hyomin, this alcoholic sister has always been more enthusiastic.

But why is my sister-in-law pretending to be dead again?
Probably because I was too busy during the Chinese New Year and didn't see the news.

I chatted with my sisters and made an appointment to get together in two days.

Then Lin Cheng sent a message to Chi Shengxi again.

Lin Cheng: Sister Sheng Xi, happy new year.

Chi Shengxi: OK!Have you had New Year's Eve dinner yet?Eat well.

Lin Cheng: Fortunately, it’s a pity that there is one thing that I didn’t eat. It’s really a pity (poor)
Ji Shengxi: I guess it's dumplings!Do you have the habit of eating dumplings during Chinese New Year? (bare teeth)

Lin Cheng: No!It's abalone!
Chi Shengxi:·····
Lin Cheng: Sister Sheng Xi will treat me to abalone next time, okay?I heard that stuff is good.

Chi Shengxi: Forget it if you eat it to death! (Pull the shit out of the mouth)

Lin Cheng: Do you want to poison the abalone? (horrified)
Chi Shengxi: Ah!Do you want to be beaten?

Lin Cheng: (slips away)

Lin Cheng was replying to the New Year's greeting messages one by one, when he suddenly felt that the little girl next to him was too quiet.

Turn around.

Well, the little girl has already fallen asleep.

Just now I vowed to celebrate the new year with Baolulu.

After all, I played too crazy in the park this afternoon, and the children's energy actually comes and goes quickly.

"I'll take Enxi to sleep, lest I wake her up later."

Lin Cheng left with Enxi in his arms.

The three girls were still waiting for Lin Cheng to come back to play poker, but they couldn't wait for a long time.

Xiao Tong ran over and took a look.

"Lin Cheng fell asleep with Enxi, I didn't call him."

"Let him sleep for a while, he drank too much today, just wake him up when Sister Shiyan is resting."

Lin Cheng slept for more than two hours, until Zheng Shiyan pushed him awake.

"Sister Shiyan, did you come to ask me to play cards? Why did I fall asleep?"

Zheng Shiyan gave him a funny look, "What cards are you still playing? It's time to rest in the past."

After finishing speaking, she ignored Lin Cheng and left the room on her own.

Lin Cheng was still a little confused, until he looked at his phone and realized that it was past eleven o'clock.

Lin Cheng got out of bed cautiously after leaving the little girl who was sleeping soundly next to him.

Zheng Shiyan sat on the sofa with her legs crossed and watched TV. Even though she was wearing ordinary home clothes, Lin Cheng was still shocked by her domineering figure.

The 36D big sister is really attractive.

hateful!Don't I like beautiful legs in stockings?
How come this woman can make Brother Cheng not calm when she wears home clothes and trousers?
Lin Cheng felt that he might have found evidence that he was not a fetishist.

Seeing Lin Cheng coming out, Zheng Shiyan stood up.

"I'm going to wash up too, you go to bed early, tomorrow... umm!!!"

Before she finished speaking, her lips were blocked by Lin Cheng.

Just in time, the sound of gun salutes came to mind outside.

Although domestic fireworks and firecrackers have been banned in major cities, South Korea does not have such regulations, and fireworks can be set off even in Seoul.

Lin Cheng looked straight at Zheng Shiyan.

"Wife Shiyan, let's have a New Year's Eve!"

"I want to walk with you until next year!"

(End of this chapter)

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