Chapter 1762

It was already 10:30 in the morning after breakfast, Xiao Tong was basking in the sun on the balcony with a book in his arms, while Lin Cheng took Xiao Enxi to watch cartoons together.

Lin Cheng felt bored after watching it for a while.

"Enxi, just stay here and watch TV obediently, while uncle goes to bask in the sun."


The little girl was fascinated by watching cartoons, so she was no longer attached to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng ran to the balcony and sat down next to his little wife.

Xiao Tong glanced at him, then lowered her head and continued to read the book.

She was wearing plain home clothes, her slender legs were close together and her knees were bent, with an open book on her knees, she looked leisurely.

"Enxi is going to play with Xiaoying in the afternoon, what are we doing?"


Xiao Tong didn't raise her head, and responded perfunctorily.

Lin Cheng regained his spirits all of a sudden.


Then I'm welcome!Hey hey hey!
Admiring the young wife's lazy figure, Lin Cheng moved closer.

"Hey! Chat with me for a while."

"Don't make noise, let Sister Tong read carefully."

Lin Cheng pouted.

He originally wanted to have a frank exchange with his little wife, and make changes to the current situation of being isolated at home recently, but Xiao Tong's attitude gave him a little headache.

Forget it, leave her alone.

Taking out his mobile phone, Lin Cheng went online on his own.

Half an hour ago, KT official website issued an announcement.

Thank you Cheng!

After full communication, we regret to inform you that AD player Cheng Lincheng has decided to officially retire from today.

Everyone who saw the announcement was dumbfounded.

What are you teasing me?

Lin Cheng retired?
The comment area rioted wildly.

Questioning, asking for details, swearing, threatening management...
In just one minute after the announcement was issued, it quickly rushed to the trending searches.

Some people have already realized that AD player Cheng is wrong no matter what.

Some people are still in shock.

Some people also speculated that Lin Cheng decided to retire and continue his studies because the impact of the epidemic on his studies has eased?
The heat is full.

But only 5 minutes later, another announcement from KT came out.

AD player Cheng retired, and top laner Cheng officially came back!

The originally nervous KT fans breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a good job, don't do it next time.

Very disappointed.

No one expected KT to make such an announcement, but obviously KT is also announcing Mr. Dai's return from illness in disguise.

Mr. Dai's test result was negative yesterday, and he will definitely come back in the next round of competition, so there will be these two announcements from KT.

Lin Cheng was sweating for Chi Shengxi.

What if this group of irascible netizens get more and more angry, and turn to KT's operation department?
Sister Shengxi, I can't help you with this.

Fortunately, netizens didn't react too aggressively to this, and there was no need for Lin Cheng to come forward to launch an anti-internet violence.

But the DC forum is more active because of this.

In addition, a live broadcast by Lu Bu last night also attracted a lot of attention.

After losing to KT this week, T1 defeated DK in yesterday's game. Although Xiao Lu Bu was beaten very badly by Lin Cheng, he was like a god of war in the face of losing an egg.

In the evening, little Lu Bu confides his heart to fans live.

"I didn't play well against KT, I was really sad."

"If we win, we will be 10-0."

"This season, no matter who we face, we have the confidence to beat, but I am not satisfied with my performance in the game against KT."

"I don't want to just accept failure indifferently, I want to have the ability that no one can beat me."

"Next time I don't want to lose, even if it's just me, I can carry the game."

"In the second round, I must beat KT 2:0. If I meet in the spring finals, I will send them a 3:0. Say goodbye to the failed self in the past. I will cry a lot."

Little Lu Bu was completely crazy, and his emotions were very agitated in the live broadcast room.

Lin Cheng felt a little sympathetic.

This kid is really mentally ill.

Fans in the live broadcast room expressed their distress.

Everyone can see that the loss to KT is not his problem alone, but after the matchup was blown up this time, Xiao Lu Bu put too much pressure on himself.

With such a lot of pressure, what should I do next time I meet KT and get hammered again?
You know, thanks to Lin Cheng, several LCK top laners have been beaten up to see a psychiatrist, so little Lu Bu doesn't feel that far away.

Little Lu Bu himself is a player who likes to put pressure on himself.

Every time before the game against KT, he made various slanderous remarks, and then was repeatedly slapped in the face.

Every time he is slapped in the face, he admits his mistakes at the speed of light. Little Lu Bu always looks very confident. Fans may think that his mentality is very good.

Can you afford it?

Interstellar Lu Bu is notorious for his poor mentality. Didn't expect his brother to be the other way around?
However, no matter how good the mentality is, there is a limit.

Little Lu Bu is not the kind of player who casually swears and then plays badly. He is essentially a high-spirited person, and so many swear words are actually a reflection of his heart.

He really felt that he was the best in the world.

He really felt that he should ride and shit on his opponent.

Every time he was slapped in the face and admitted his mistake, he kept it in his heart, and wanted to use better performance to regain the lost face.

But the face slaps always come wave after wave, and the pressure accumulated in his heart is getting bigger and bigger.

Perhaps, only on the day when he beat KT head-on can he release the pressure.

There were already great hopes for this season.

The T1 team is in full swing, and with the help of the new crown, it seems that this is the most promising opportunity for T1 to beat KT.

Before the game, little Lu Bu even changed his ID and said that he would teach Lin Cheng a lesson.

As a result, the slap in the face came as scheduled again.

This time, he was directly crushed by Lin Cheng running to the bottom lane.

Little Lu Bu fell into autism when he returned to the base.

He also secretly read the comments on the Internet.

KT fans crazily ridiculed the pressure, and even Tanza was dissatisfied with Xiao Lu Bu's behavior of being slapped in the face every time he said trash.

The more so, the more dissatisfied he is.

Taking a throwing egg out of anger, little Lu Bu, who defeated DK, finally fell into madness in the live broadcast room.

Even this time he set the flag even harder.

Directly booked the Spring Finals 3:0KT.

"This guy is crazy!"

Lin Cheng still approves of Little Lu Bu's spirit, but he doesn't feel good about such an extreme attitude.

Little Lu Bu's strength is unquestionable, but if he utters a few nasty words and gets slapped in the face less, he won't be ridiculed by the whole network.

Unlike Lin Cheng, although he has never been slapped in the face, he has thought about how to pretend to be dead after being slapped countless times.

Playing is real.

To be honest, Lin Cheng really wanted to see what little Lu Bu would have to say next time he was beaten violently.

It's kind of weird, but it's fun to think about.

There should be a limit to being stubborn, right?
Tan Zaza, who lost the telecommunications war, has been facing a big headwind in the forum these two days, because of this live broadcast, there are many people mocking in the forum.

"Still dare to say nasty words?Getting slapped in the face isn't enough, is it? "

"Guma is already purely insane"

"Your face is swollen from beatings, so you have the nerve to come out and call?"So classic! "

"Master looks like this, no wonder Tanza dances so much. "

"Don't laugh, just won DK Tanza and there are signs of rising again"

"Various Classics: Shut Up!We can't beat KT or you group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp? "

"One-click inquiry of miscellaneous status"

 It is short and watery, and it writes a 78!

  I scolded for you!

(End of this chapter)

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