This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1792 Bet on the last dance of the commentary career

Chapter 1792 Bet on the last dance of the commentary career

These days, the distribution of Chuanzi is too wide, and there are quite a few of them among Korean students studying abroad.

Lin Cheng's comments on WBG in the Korean stream commentary booth have been transferred to Weibo for the first time, and the fun people are clamoring for Lin Cheng to wait for Weibo's super talk to clear up.

Lin Cheng wasn't connoting anyone, he really felt that the WBG game was a bit abstract.

Based on the content of the two WBG games he has watched this season, top laners, mid laners, AD counselors, junglers and support players, I don’t know how this team ranks first in the LPL standings. .

Of course, it may be that Lin Cheng just watched the two most exciting games of WBG, and it does not rule out that the players performed normally at other times.

But Lin Cheng was really impressed.

CT: "Since Cheng is optimistic about TES, can you tell me why?"

Lin Cheng: "It's not that I'm so optimistic about TES, but I feel that their chances of going to MSI may be slightly higher. The overall strength of this team is not bad, and we have also played training games against each other."

CT: "When you mention TES, you can't do without their double Cs. What do you think of Knight?"

Lin Cheng smiled, "Before last year, Knight was known as 'the other Chovy in the world'. I recognize Chovy and Knight as well."

The Korea Net originally had a very high evaluation of Knight's strength, but there is no saying that he and Chaowei are right and left hands.

"Is there really such a meme in China?" Knight is another Chovy? "

"The world is different from me!Sure enough, the living space of human beings is almost KKKKK"

"Who would have thought that Chaowei would still be chased and bitten this year after winning the championship"

"Knight=left hand, Chovy=right hand"

"Hiss~~~ I really liked Chovy"

Not only Knight, but Brother Shuizi was also highly rated on, and CT took advantage of the situation and asked Lin Cheng to comment on Brother Shuizi.

Anyway, it's not about Faker, the host of the Korean Stream has no pressure to follow the rhythm.

Lin Cheng naturally had good things to say.

CT: "It seems that Cheng is very appreciative of Topsports' double C, but now the mainstream argument in China is that this top double C is not really suitable, even though the current TES record is not bad."

The issue of Topsports double C is not only in China, but also in the Korean Open, where audiences are discussing.

The similar stalks of the cowardly lizard and the deadly knight can be used on both sides.

One is particularly aggressive, and the other is very easy to mix. This pair of Cs really doesn't match.

"Cheng has partnered with two styles of double Cs, what do you think?"

The teammates Lin Cheng has experienced include both a violent kid like Aiming and a more stable mid laner like Kuro, which is indeed a bit similar to the situation of Taobo Double C.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "In my opinion, this is not a problem. If the team can communicate and coordinate well, the two styles of players can actually complement each other."

Bitdol came up with a stern sentence: "But TES, a double-C partner for two years, seems to be getting more and more crotch as they complement each other?"

Lin Cheng shrugged: "Then there's nothing we can do, since everyone has no skills, and each goes his own way..."

Having said this, Lin Cheng stopped suddenly.

These two people may be teammates of their own national team, too aggressive is not good.

So, he temporarily changed his rhetoric.

"Uh~~~I mean, maybe they need to make some style changes for their teammates."

"Knight is more stable, and Jackeylove can properly find a balance between aggressiveness and stability."

"Jackeylove is fast and easy to send, and Knight can also make himself more proactive. When all his teammates rush faster than Jack, he is an excellent and daring AD."

Barrage riots.

"? ? ? "

"Good guy! TES is faster than anyone in a group, right? "

"There is this saying: In TES, the front row is only faster than AD! "

"TES game is a racing game"

"In fact, it is really not easy to find four teammates who can rush faster than JKL"

"I can't tell his identity KKKKK for a while"

"It is recommended that Topball buy Cheng next year, he can perfectly balance the sudden death AD and the mixed mid laner"

"OK! T1's chance to stand up is coming"

The topic had already been discussed, and Lin Cheng talked about other teams under the impetus of CT.

RNG has a lot of topics, and has grievances with KT.

Last year, Xiaohu MSI was beaten all over the head by Lin Cheng in the top lane.

The jungler was double-killed.

Shake Yesuke was single-handedly killed in front of Yesuke.

Shaking three people up was still single-killed.

Lin Cheng even rushed in in front of the four teammates and single-handedly killed Xiaohu.

General Tiger's Iceland diary is a history of blood and tears when he was beaten by Lin Chengpang.

In addition, BLG was specifically mentioned by CT.

CT: "Uzi is a great player, but his comeback performance this year does not seem to fully meet the expectations of the audience, and even to some extent, because his presence seems to bring pressure to his teammates."

"I remember Doggo broke down and cried after a certain game because of his mistakes. Does this have something to do with his competition with Uzi?"

Lin Cheng shook his head: "I don't think so! Everyone is under pressure, tears can't make you strong, only enough determination is the motivation."

"Doggo should understand that his pressure does not come from Uzi...Of course, Uzi's fans should bear some responsibility for this, but the main thing is Doggo himself."

The barrage exploded.

"Ha ha! Uzi fans are responsible for this"

"Cheng said it very well, only enough determination can make you strong"

"Isn't he connoting Faker? Faker also shed tears when he lost"

"Doggo's Tears" was a hot search in China before, are Chinese audiences also playing Faker? "

"If you open that one, the planner will be shot. Don't you know that there are also stalls in China? "

"What are you afraid of driving Faker in China?Chinese netizens only talk about it"

"Do you think that if you live overseas, we won't be able to find you and kill you?" "

After chatting for a while, the topic of the commentary finally returned to today's game.

Seeing the appearance of the players on the scene, Lin Cheng silently cheered for his teammates.

Bearing in mind Kuro's pre-match explanation, he tried his best to pay attention to his speech, and was very gentle when commenting on BP.

Lin Cheng: "Both lineups are good at playing. T1 got the snowball lineup they are good at this season. KT is relatively balanced here. Rascal's Camille can put a lot of pressure in the late stage, but facing the Jess is more uncomfortable."

CT laughed and said, "If it was a replacement player who went up to get Camille, he should already be sure to win it, right?"

Lin Cheng shook his head: "You can't say that, the game is played out step by step, and it doesn't mean that whoever gets the signboard will definitely win."

CT was surprised: "Are you so humble? It's not like Cheng's style."

"It's okay to be humble!"

Lin Cheng teased: "Thinking of the tens of thousands of private messages from T1 fans on INS, I have subconsciously held back the flirty words that are about to be uttered."

"Ha ha!"

Both commentators didn't hold back.

CT: "Sure enough! Top players have to bear a lot of pressure."

Bitdol: "It is the ability to withstand such pressure to become a top player, right? Player Faker must be facing the same situation."

Lin Cheng shrugged: "I guess he never reads private messages."

Because of this topic, the Korean Net real-time forum has been fried.

Lin Cheng had never said before that his private messages were threatened. This time, Cheng Za, who knew the truth, began to fight back, and each of them expressed that they would fight back against Tan Za's behavior.

As for hitting the target...
It can only be you, Faker!

There is no way, the behavior of the fans is the responsibility of the players.

Originally, the two news agencies were mortal enemies. After Lin Cheng appeared, both sides had their own stars, and the fans' mutual criticism directly made the smell of gunpowder escalate to the apex.

(End of this chapter)

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