Chapter 18

Seeing that the two were still laughing, Lin Cheng was not happy, "Hey! Stop laughing, just ask if you will go to the game tomorrow?"

Han Shuyan held back her laughter, but her curved eyebrows still revealed her emotions.

"Don't worry, Xiaotong and I will go to cheer you on tomorrow, you have to behave well."

Lin Cheng nodded, buried his head and prepared to continue eating, and looked at Xiao Tong a little uneasy, "Sister Shuyan, I can rest assured, don't betray tomorrow, I'm going to compete with your school team."

Xiao Tong smiled and handed a piece of orange, "Don't worry, what's the relationship between us? Classmates, it's not worth mentioning."

Lin Cheng was satisfied, took the orange and threw it into his mouth.

Immediately, he frowned again, and said slightly tangled: "Did you just spit on the orange while I wasn't paying attention? Why is the smell a bit wrong?"

Xiao Tong: "..."

The next day.

Exams for all subjects in the school have ended, Christmas is approaching, and there are many students who have nothing to do today.

"Hey! I'm a student of Yanda University. Wouldn't it be better to take the school bus with you?"

Xiao Tong looked at the uniquely shaped gate of Seoul National University in front of her and said a little nervously.

Lin Cheng patted Xiao Tong on the head, "Don't worry, you are from Brother Cheng, as long as you call me Oppa, you can walk sideways in the school."

"As soon as you speak, you want to take advantage of it, it's better for Sister Shuyan."

Xiao Tong patted Lin Cheng's hand away and reached out to hold Han Shuyan's arm, "I'd better seek protection from Sister Shuyan."

Lin Cheng hummed and was very upset, "What is taking advantage of it? What's the relationship between us? I'm still a little older than you, what's wrong with the shouting Oppa?"

Xiao Tong ignored him and whispered in Han Shuyan's ear.

"Senior, here."

The tall fat man saw Lin Cheng from a distance in the parking lot where the e-sports club staff gathered.

In addition to the members of the e-sports club that I saw yesterday, there are some people at the scene, who should have supported in the past.

Today's starting five are the main five in yesterday's match, and An Seung-yeon acted as the coach and team leader temporarily.

Lin Cheng brought the two of them close and introduced them casually, "Hey! My friend, come to cheer us on today."

"Wow! Welcome! The two sisters are so beautiful."

Cui Xiuxian is a ghost and a ghost. When he doesn't know his age, he opens his mouth and calls him Ernie. Anyway, he won't suffer if he calls it wrong.

Fatty also greeted politely and said excitedly: "There are two beautiful women, come on, I feel full of strength."

"Anyway, you can't play again, it's good to use your strength to cheer up." An Shengyan struck mercilessly.

Lin Cheng glanced at the bus behind him, "I originally thought I had to take a taxi by myself. Anyway, the school has some conscience."

An Shengyan snorted, "Although our e-sports club always goes out to shame, we still represent the school to participate in the competition. It is quite easy to apply for two school buses."

Lin Cheng didn't know why An Shengyan's words were so rude, but he always felt a little weird.

Kind of like what he once said to his dad: I've lost face outside, but I'm still your son, and you have to wipe my ass.

"Okay, let's get on the bus. Some classmates will spontaneously go to the scene to help. You must perform well and never lose face."

Lin Cheng knows that An Shengyan's bottom line is that at least she can't be beaten by others in the spring, and she doesn't know if this "bottom line" has been explained to the other team members?
Seoul National University is still relatively far from Korea University. After more than 40 minutes of driving, the bus bypassed the main entrance of Korea University, and after a certain distance, a boxy gymnasium could be seen.

It was the venue of this competition, the Hwajeong Gymnasium of Korea University.

Getting off the bus in the parking lot of the stadium, some people in red and blue jackets are slowly approaching the gate of the stadium.

Looking at the glittering glass exterior of the gymnasium in front of him in the winter sun, Lin Cheng sighed.

This is where the LCK finals were held three months ago.

The original SKT defended its dominance in the LCK here, but I wonder if Seoul University will be beaten by its younger brother here today?

Xiao Tong looked at the scene of a group of girls playing by the grass opposite, "I haven't been to Korea University, but the students here look so young."

Lin Cheng pouted and glanced at Xiao Tong's chest, "Have you ever seen such a female college student?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his arms, put his fingertips together in front of his forehead, and dropped his arms to the sides of his shoulders, making an A-line shape.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Cheng felt that it was not very impressive, so he put his elbows together in the middle, and the letter A became a letter 1.

"Hmm~ That's very vivid."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Tong didn't respond for a while.

Han Shuyan gave Lin Cheng a hygienic eye and explained, "These should be students from the girls' middle school opposite."

This is the case in Seoul. Schools are clustered in larger areas, and the schools are close to each other without walls. Opposite the gymnasium is Sungshin Girls' Middle School, and next to it is Sungshin Women's University.


Xiao Tong finally reacted, reaching out and punching Lin Cheng's shoulder, "What did you mean by that guy's eyes just now?"

Lin Cheng smiled, hugged the fat man next to him and ran forward, muttering as he ran, "Let's go, let's go in, get ready to chop the bird first and then beat the kitten."

Suddenly, there were just a few people in red jackets looking at him angrily.

The emblem of Korea University is a fierce tiger, and Lin Cheng used a kitten to describe it, which obviously attracted the hatred of Korea University students.

"At the home of the Tigers, Xiaoniao should worry about himself." A boy wearing glasses shouted at Lin Cheng.

Obviously, the other party did not hear Lin Cheng's muttering, but only heard the nickname 'kitten' by chance. These students of Korea University regarded Lin Cheng as a student of Yonsei University.

The symbol of Yonsei University is the eagle, which turns into a bird in the mouth of the enemy.

Every year during the Yangao War, if you hear someone calling Xiaoniao on the road, that person must be a tall student, and whoever calls a kitten must be a Yanda student.

Lin Cheng winked at the fat man, waving his fists and shouting, "Our eagles are destined to spread their wings, so let's just lie down and look for milk."

Suddenly, the boy with glasses shouted loudly:
"We must win today. Birdie should go back and prepare for the Gao Yan battle next year."

Before Lin Cheng spoke, a girl in a blue coat and ponytail rushed out: "We have already won the Yangao war this year, and we will win it today. It's you who should prepare for the Yangao war next year. "

As a result, many students wearing red and blue jackets also joined in, and both sides began to sneer.

"If the typhoon hadn't canceled football and baseball this year, Birdie would have lost this year."

"Kitty plays football like a bitch, so I can only console myself."

Lin Cheng didn't know when he had run out of sight, leaving only the two sides chatting with each other at the scene.

Ahn Seung Yeon and the other members looked at each other from behind.

They are not worried that the two sides will fight, everyone is a student, and this kind of scene is not uncommon, and it can be seen almost every year.

It's just a little weird that the reason for the two sides quarreling is a little too hasty.

Lin Cheng is not from Yonsei University at all.

Fatty sighed: "It's still Brother Cheng."

(End of this chapter)

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