This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1815 Internal division?

Chapter 1815 Internal division?

Seeing Lin Cheng running to the GEN·G spring to ring the bell when his teammates were demolishing the front tooth tower, Wanwan's tone took off.

"The overall situation has been decided! Niutou is still ringing the bell at the spring water, which is the bell to send off the old teammates. Pinat, Chaowei, I will continue to win the championship with your legacy!"

Zeyuan reminded: "They were just eliminated, not dead. It is not appropriate to use the word 'last will'."

Wan Wan chuckled, "Okay! But brother Chengzi played really well! Bullhead frantically tortured the barbarian king in the early stage, and the mid-term team battle effect is more obvious."

Zeyuan: "He really understands the AP bullhead. In the mid-term, who can stand up to a stone man's big move in six or seven seconds? And the two C positions of GEN·G are not fat, so even the AP bullhead will be dealt with. Very slowly."

"Before the bull head's blood volume is suppressed, Brother Chengzi has already played two sets of control, and his two sets of skill damage are still extremely high. After the murder book was stacked up, Ruler was almost directly killed by the bull head WQ second company."

"Moreover, compared to the stone man's ultimate move, the bull's head's second combo will not be empty, at least it can force flashes, the CD is fast and the damage is high, and the only disadvantage is that it is fragile."

Wan Wan added: "But that's the shortcoming of others playing AP Niutou, not Brother Cheng Zi. Brother Cheng Zi didn't die this time."

Zeyuan smiled: "Indeed! The main reason is that GEN·G fell behind too much in the early stage of this round, and the problem of insufficient damage in the mid-term is obvious."

"I don't know if Little Peanut was knocked unconscious by Brother Chengzi's bell, and the last game went from beginning to end."

The voice fell, and amid the ringing of the bell shaking his head, GEN G's base exploded in the broadcast screen.

"In this way, congratulations to KT for advancing to the LCK Spring Finals 3-0 without bloodshed."

"A week later, they will compete for the championship with the winner between T1 and DK in Ulsan, and also compete for the only ticket to MSI in Busan."

The barrage is full of congratulations.

"This bull head is really happy! "

"Is there a big hand counting how many times Brother Cheng rang the bell in the whole round?Now my mind is full of Dangdang"

"Dolan is going to have nightmares tonight"

"Little Peanut is KT's undercover agent, right?"The game of life and death from the beginning to the end is too heaven-defying"

"You are allowed to detoxify other teams in T1, and I am not allowed to arrange some undercover agents for KT?" "

"Now the pressure is on T1's side"

"The last time I defeated KT without Brother Chengzi, it was messy, just wait for the backlash"

"I've said it countless times, KT deliberately tricked Tan Zaza to kill him, it's not that he can't beat him"

"T1 better not go to Ulsan, or Brother Chengzi will let Tanza know what cruelty is"

"Truck Ready!Give T1 a brace after the Spring Finals"

After winning the game, Lin Cheng took off his earphones while high-fiving Cuzz.

The cheers of KT fans flooded into the ears.

They shouted Lin Cheng's ID, congratulating him on his first victory back in the game.

Lin Cheng waved his hand in the direction of his sister-in-law, but Ju Li didn't respond, and pretended not to know him.

Lin Cheng smiled, and returned to the waiting room with his teammates.

Rascal looked very happy, waiting at the door to greet everyone.

"Thank you for your hard work! Everyone performed very well today."

"We've entered the finals, everyone, keep going!"

"Come on, come on! The champion is ours."

"Brothers, make good adjustments, this time the finals are a little bit stunned."

Although they are all old players, and even four of them have won LCK championships as starters, they still feel uneasy after being confirmed to enter the finals.

LCK champion!One step away.

For Lin Cheng, he attaches great importance to this final in Ulsan.

take seriously.

If the Asian Games are held smoothly, he is likely to miss the second half of the summer games.

No one can say for sure what will happen next year. Lin Cheng doesn't even know if this will be the last time he will participate in the LCK championship on behalf of KT.

Compared with last year's spring finals, Lin Cheng's determination to win is one step further.

In essence, Deft is as full of desire for honor as Faker. He has also been able to train hard for nine years and still maintain a very high level of competition.

But after all, his career was late, and he had a premonition that his last dance was approaching.

So even though Mr. Dai got soft after following the KT champion last year, it didn't make him slack off.

And Cuzz once won the LCK championship with Dragon Ball, but he was almost kicked out of the net in T1 last year. It was all thanks to KT this year, and he also wanted to prove himself with honor.

Rookie once won the OGN championship in S4, but he only won two championships in the seven years he played in LPL.

One is the S game champion in 18 years, but that year he also led IG to create a joke of 18 consecutive victories.

One was the champion of the S9 Spring Split, but he backhandedly led IG to be captured by the US military in Vietnam.

Since then, with the sinking of IG Incheon people after the disintegration, Rookie has gradually gone downhill.

Even if the champion of the first year gave Rookie a good reputation in the LPL, it is a pity that apart from doing his best, it seems that he has inevitably retired from IG.

But no one expected that he could not wait for the last contract from IG.

Rookie, who has returned to the LCK, still needs to prove himself again.

After half his life away, he wants to prove that he is still the OGN champion mid laner when he returns.

As for Beryl.

Although LOL is just a job for him, but the job also needs to be about performance.

I followed DK before and was sniped by KT several times in the finals. It's time for work to improve.

Join if you can't beat, how come you have to win the championship when you come to KT?
And Rascal is willing to come to KT this year to be Lin Cheng's substitute just for the championship. His nerves may even be more tense than the starting brothers.

Therefore, everyone has no shortage of fighting spirit.

In this final, there is no room for loss.

After a short break, Lin Cheng accepted the post-match interview with Cuzz and Rookie.

Lin Cheng was the POG who won the bull's head in the last round. In the first round, Cuzz relied on Lilia's wonderful start to win the best team. In the second round, Rookie's fox won the POG.

The host of the interview was Li Zhenxian, and the three of them stood in front of the stage and greeted the audience one by one.

Lee Jung Hyun: "Congratulations on winning today's game. In fact, we lost to GEN·G in the second round of the regular season. First of all, I would like to ask what part was done well this time so that we can win easily?"

Lin Cheng: "Of course it's because I'm back! The last time I was away, Han Wanghao and Zheng Zhixun stole the victory."

The fans cheered.

They just liked Lin Cheng's self-confidence.

As a result, Rookie turned to look at Lin Cheng: "You mean there is something wrong with Kim Kwang Hee?"

Lin Cheng: "???"

Depend on!Engage in internal division, right?
Seeing Lin Cheng's bewildered expression, the audience roared with laughter.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Cheng quickly denied, "I'm not saying there's something wrong with my brother. The last time I lost was because the lineup wasn't very good, so it became more and more difficult to play later."

Cuzz: "So you're saying the coach has a problem with BP?"

"That's right! It's the coach's problem."

Lin Cheng pointed at the camera, "Mr. Kang, come down and reflect on yourself."

The barrage exploded.

"LOL!The coach carried it all"

"Rookie will also be yin and yang, is it infected? "

"Brother Chengzi never hates Rascal, he is too gentle"

"But if the coach does something wrong, he always has to take the blame (funny)"

"The coach is already fainting in the background at this time"

(End of this chapter)

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