This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1827 Catch you Gumayusi to kill!what can you do

Chapter 1827 Catch you Gumayusi to kill!what can you do
On March 3st, the day I planned to leave for Ulsan.

At nine o'clock in the morning, all the idiots in KT got up.

Lin Cheng was the last to get up, and when he came out, Mr. Dai and Rookie were teasing the cat.

The two cubs are at the stage of exuberant energy, and they have a great time playing with them.

The orange cat mother stayed on the side as usual. If Amy hadn't come to ask Lin Cheng for help when Ju Ya was sick, he really suspected that the two cubs were picked up.

Chi Shengxi sat on the sofa in the hall with his legs crossed and had breakfast. Seeing Lin Cheng's listless look, she was a little curious.

"Why did you go last night? Didn't you say that it will be broadcast back to the dormitory at ten o'clock?"

"Go back and play games with Zhiyan... Serious games, what kind of eyes do you have?"

Chi Shengxi had an innocent look on his face, "I didn't say it was indecent, are you guilty?"


Lin Cheng rubbed his eyes, grabbed the sandwich that Chi Shengxi took a bite of and ate it, "Have you fed all the cats?"

"I've already fed it... don't grab my breakfast."

"Oh! Then I won't feed... This sandwich is delicious."

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes, "Hurry up and finish eating and change your clothes, we'll be ready to go later."

"it is good."

Hearing movement downstairs, Lin Cheng gnawed on a sandwich and stood at the stairs to look down.

Brother Yuanshen and Grapefruit Thief got two remote control cars from nowhere, and held an obstacle course below.


Talking about it, Lin Cheng was very excited to paw and pull on the gap in the railing of the stairs.

At this time, the congressman was being played around by Mr. Dai for a long time, and he was unwilling to continue to be a plaything, so he rushed towards Lin Cheng meowing.

The little cat ran up and down, but it was quite imposing.

This guy always likes to pounce, Lin Cheng took advantage of the situation and made a step to get out of the way.

The wooden floor was relatively smooth, and the councilor couldn't stop the car even after all he could do, so he rushed straight down the stairs.


The kitten's legs were too short, and the first few steps were barely enough to go down, but the rear turned into a forward roll with inertia, rolling all the way down incarnation of the invincible Hot Wheels.

Little Lihua screamed while rolling, and even made a vibrato.

"Wow! It's spectacular."

Lin Cheng took another bite of the sandwich and just watched.

Xiaojuya also hurried to the stairs, curiously watching her beloved relatives and friends performing acrobatics.


The congressman rolled to the corner of the stairs and collapsed on the ground in a large shape.

The little guy turned over and got up while screaming, and began to climb up the stairs with great difficulty.

"Lin Cheng, you're still watching the fun, what if you get hurt?"

Chi Shengxi didn't have time to eat breakfast, and ran quickly with two teammates to check on the situation of the congressman.

"It's okay, it's just going down the stairs, how can a cat fall so easily?"

Lin Cheng stuffed the rest of the sandwich into his mouth nonchalantly, "Well~~~~ Let me tell you, with such a small number of stairs, I would rather believe that the coach will fall into a concussion if he drinks too much, and the kitten will be fine."

It just so happened that Mr. Kang Dongxun came up from downstairs and heard Lin Cheng's unfriendly remarks towards him.

Looking up, Death Gaze activates.

Lin Cheng turned around and slipped away, "I'm going to change clothes, and Sister Sheng Xi will help me get a box of milk, thank you."

After everyone was ready and asked the club staff to feed the kitten on time, Lin Cheng boarded the team bus with his teammates.

In fact, it only takes 45 minutes to fly from Seoul to Ulsan, but after all, the preparation process for flying is cumbersome.

After getting in the car, the teammates were discussing with great interest what fun things to do in Ulsan, but Lin Cheng was a little absent-minded.

He only cares about one question: what kind of person is grandma?What if it's a grumpy old lady?
Although in Sister Shuyan's mouth, grandma is easy to get along with, but the problem is that according to Sister Shuyan's temperament, as long as she is not really very bad, she probably won't have negative comments.

Hmm~~~ It shouldn't be too bad to be able to cultivate such a gentle person like Sister Shuyan, right?

But it seems hard to say.

Probably because he cared too much about Sister Shuyan, Lin Cheng rehearsed various situations in his mind before the bus left Seoul, and Chi Shengxi next to him felt baffled by his insane appearance.

Mr. Dai from behind poked Lin Cheng's arm.

"Lin Cheng, I have a question for you."


Lin Cheng turned around.

Old Dai showed him the screen of his mobile phone.

It is the teaser video for the pre-show of the LCK finals.

Lin Cheng just finished recording the program yesterday morning, and today the program team released the trailer.

One of the scenes is an interview with Lu Bu after he advanced to the semi-finals.

"Last time, Brother Cheng switched to the bottom lane and suppressed me. In the past, he was always the first to target me in team battles. I hope he can be a little more friendly to me in this final."

Little Lu Bu has been beaten so many times by Lin Cheng, and finally he no longer speaks harshly without thinking. It is rare to be a little humble in the semi-final promotion interview.

But being humble doesn't necessarily translate to being polite.

Lin Cheng had a positive response segment in the program recorded yesterday.

In the camera, Lin Cheng was eating with grilled steak on a plate in front of him. He smashed the fork on the table with one hand, and pointed at the camera with the other hand, his face full of arrogance.

"I'll catch you Gumayusi and kill you! How can you~~what~?"

The breath of lawlessness can be felt across the screen.

"Lin Cheng, how did you perform this cheap and arrogant temperament to the fullest? Or do you not need to act at all?"


Lin Cheng suspected that Lao Dai was deliberately teasing him, and looked at him angrily.

Chi Shengxi snickered beside him.

Talk and laugh along the way.

After more than four hours of driving, they finally arrived in Ulsan.

As the headquarters of Hyundai Heavy Industries, Ulsan is the largest industrial city in South Korea, but its unique natural conditions have created a beautiful natural scenery here, which is a bit different from the industrial city that can't see green in Lin Cheng's impression.

When the bus drove into the urban area, Lin Cheng's first impression was that it was clean and less crowded.

The clean and tidy streets are slightly spacious, and the flow of people is much smaller than that of Seoul.

The area of ​​Ulsan is 1.7 times that of Seoul, but its population is only 110 million, which is less than one tenth of that of Seoul. It is normal for the streets of Ulsan to look cold.

The bus arrived at the city hotel in the South District, which is only 4 kilometers away from the final venue Dongchuan Stadium.

After checking in, Lin Cheng put his luggage in his room.

The room was not big, but the decoration was exquisite. Lin Cheng stood in front of the half-floor windows, looking at the huge Ferris wheel outside with great interest.

Rookie stuck his head in, "Lin Cheng, don't be in a daze! You're so stupid, hurry up and eat."

Lin Cheng pointed to the Ferris wheel outside, "Someone is having sex on it."

"Really? Where?"

Rookie rushed over quickly, his eyes widened, "Where is Lin Cheng? Let me see too."

Lin Cheng turned his head, looked at Rookie and suddenly smiled evilly.

"Old Song, you are so coquettish."

(End of this chapter)

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